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Agricultura Técnica
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA
ISSN: 0365-2807
EISSN: 0365-2807
Vol. 65, No. 1, 2005, pp. 20-25
Bioline Code: at05002
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Agricultura Técnica, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2005, pp. 20-25

 es Comparación del cariotipo de Eucalyptus globulus check for this species in other resources y Eucalyptus cladocalyx check for this species in other resources (Myrtaceae)
Mora, Freddy; Palma-Rojas, Claudio & Jara-Seguel, Pedro


Se analizaron placas metafásicas mitóticas de Eucalyptus globulus check for this species in other resources Labill. y Eucalyptus cladocalyx check for this species in other resources F. Muell. Los cromosomas se observaron mediante aplastado de meristemas radiculares, previamente tratados con 8-Hidroxiquinolina y teñidos con la reacción de Feulgen. Las dos especies mostraron un cariotipo 2n = 22, con un nivel de simetría 1A y con tamaños cromosómicos que variaron entre 0,68 y 2,03 μ. El tamaño cromosómico promedio difirió significativamente al comparar entre E. globulus (1,42 μ) y E. cladocalyx (1,02 μ) (P < 0,01). El mayor tamaño cromosómico de E. globulus sugiere una mayor cantidad de ADN, originado probablemente por alteraciones cromosómicas estucturales. Este patrón de evolución del cariotipo estaría asociado, además, con un alto nivel de conservación en la morfología cromosómica.

cromosoma, citogenética vegetal, Eucalyptus

 en Comparison of karyotype of Eucalyptus globulus check for this species in other resources and Eucalyptus cladocalyx check for this species in other resources (Myrtaceae)
Mora, Freddy; Palma-Rojas, Claudio & Jara-Seguel, Pedro


Mitotic metaphase plates were analyzed in Eucalyptus globulus check for this species in other resources Labill. and Eucalyptus cladocalyx check for this species in other resources F. Muell. The chromosomes were observed by squashing root tips, pre-treated with 8-Hydroxyquinoline and stained with the Feulgen reaction. Both, E. globulus and E. cladocalyx had a karyotype of 2n = 22, with 1A symmetry level, and chromosome sizes varying between 0.68 and 2.03 μ. Mean chromosome size differed significantly between E. cladocalyx (1.42 μ) and E. globulus (1.02 μ) (P < 0.01). The greater chromosomal size of E. globulus suggests a greater amount of DNA, probably originated by structural alterations. This evolutionary pattern of karyotype morphology might be associated, as well, with a high level of conservation in chromosome morphology.

chromosome, plants cytogenetics, Eucalyptus

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