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Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA
ISSN: 0718-5820
EISSN: 0718-5820
Vol. 71, No. 2, 2011, pp. 231-239
Bioline Code: cj11028
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 71, No. 2, 2011, pp. 231-239

 es Actividad antifúngica de extractos de plantas medicinales contra el hongo fitopatógeno Alternaria check for this species in other resources spp.
Dellavalle, Paola Díaz; Cabrera, Andrea; Alem, Diego; Larrañaga, Patricia; Ferreira, Fernando & Rizza, Marco Dalla


El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la actividad antifúngica de extractos vegetales de 10 especies utilizadas en la medicina tradicional uruguaya contra el hongo fitopatógeno Alternaria check for this species in other resources spp. Las plantasfueron seleccionadas en base a usos etnobotánicos reportados. Se evaluó in vitro la actividad antifúngica de tres tipos de extractos, acuoso, tampón salino deextracción y ácido, de las diferentes especies vegetales. Para la evaluación de la actividad antifúngica se usó un ensayo microespectrofotométrico. Para los extractos se determinaron los parámetros de mínima concentración inhibitoria (MIC) y mínima concentración fungicida (MFC). Los tres solventes utilizados fueron ensayados en diferentes órganos vegetales; de los 29 extractos evaluados, el 31% presentó una inhibición del crecimiento en Alternaria spp. similar a la de un fungicida químico. Los extractos ácidos fueron los más efectivos. Los valores de MIC obtenidos variaron entre 1,25 y 25,0 µg mL-1. Para MFC se observaron valores en el rango de 1,25 µg mL-1 ( Rosmarinus officinalis check for this species in other resources L.) y 10,0 µg mL-1 ( Cynara scolymus check for this species in other resources L.). Los valores de MIC y MFC de extractosobtenidos de hojas ( Salvia officinalis check for this species in other resources L. y R. officinalis)y semillas ( Salvia sclarea check for this species in other resources L.) fueron comparables a los valores obtenidos con el fungicida convencional captan (2,5 µg mL-1). Los extractos de S. sclarea, S. officinalis y R. officinalis pueden ser fuentes potenciales de compuestos antifúngicos para el tratamiento de enfermedades en plantas. Estos extractos mostraron máxima actividad inhibitoria a bajas concentraciones, teniendo un comportamiento similar a la del fungicida químico. Estos resultados permiten concluir que estos extractos presentan sorprendentes propiedades fungicidas, fundamentando su uso tradicional como antisépticos.

propiedades fungicidas, usos etnobotánicos, Uruguay

 en Antifungal Activity of Medicinal Plant Extracts Against Phytopathogenic Fungus Alternaria check for this species in other resources Spp.
Dellavalle, Paola Díaz; Cabrera, Andrea; Alem, Diego; Larrañaga, Patricia; Ferreira, Fernando & Rizza, Marco Dalla


The aim of the study was to evaluate the antifungal activity of extracts of 10 plant species used in traditional Uruguayan medicine against the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria check for this species in other resources spp. The plants were selected on the basis of their reported ethnobotanical uses. Aqueous, saline buffer and acid extracts of different plant species were screened in vitro for their antifungal activity against Alternaria spp. For the antifungal evaluation we used a microspectrophotometric assay. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of the extracts were determined. Three solvents were assayed on different tissues of the plants and among the 29 evaluated extracts, 31% of the extracts inhibited growth, similar to the effects of a chemical fungicide. Acid extracts of the plants were more effective than the aqueous or buffer extracts against Alternaria spp. The MIC values of the extracts were determined ranging between 1.25 and 25 µg mL-1. The MFC values of the extracts ranged between 1.25 µg mL-1 ( Rosmarinus officinalis check for this species in other resources L.) and 10 µg mL-1 ( Cynara scolymus check for this species in other resources L.). MICs and MFCs values obtained from leaves ( Salvia officinalis check for this species in other resources L. and R. officinalis) and seeds extracts ( Salvia sclarea check for this species in other resources L.) were quite comparable to values obtained with the conventional fungicide captan (2.5 µg mL-1). The extracts of Salvia sclarea, S. officinalis and R. officinalis could be considered as potential sources of antifungal compounds for treating diseases in plants. These extracts showed maximum activity, even at very low concentrations, and the same fungicide effects as chemical fungicide. We conclude from this that these extracts exhibit amazing fungicidal properties that support their traditional use as antiseptics.

Fungicidal properties, ethnobotanical uses, Uruguay

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