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African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730
EISSN: 1021-9730
Vol. 29, No. 4, 2021, pp. 459-470
Bioline Code: cs21029
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2021, pp. 459-470

Zananirina, A.J.; Iacomi, B.M.; Rakoto-Ranoromalala, D.A.D.; Ratsizafy, I.; Razakatiana, A.T.E.; Andrianandrasana, M.D.; Baohanta, R.H.; Rakotoarimanga, N.; Randriambanona, H. & Ramanankierana, H.


Les Mascarocoffea sont des caféiers sauvages endémiques de Madagascar. Ces plantes produisent des biomolécules diversifiées, souvent spécifiques et inexistantes chez les caféiers cultivés. La production de ces composés pourrait être due aux interactions des microorganismes endophytes et la plante hôte. Peu d’étude a été réalisée sur la richesse et la diversité des microorganismes associés à ces caféiers. L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier les champignons endophytes isolés à partir des feuilles de quatre espèces de Mascarocoffea par la méthode morphologique et moléculaire. Quinze taxons ont pu être identifiés morphologiquement parmi les 30 isolés. Ce sont : Phyllosticta check for this species in other resources sp., Colletotrichum check for this species in other resources sp., Daldinia check for this species in other resources sp., Diaporthe check for this species in other resources sp., Cladosporium check for this species in other resources sp., Fusarium check for this species in other resources sp.01, Fusarium sp.02, Fusarium sp. 03, Monilinia check for this species in other resources sp., Trichoderma check for this species in other resources sp., Alternaria check for this species in other resources sp., Penicillium check for this species in other resources sp., Aspergillus niger check for this species in other resources , Rhizopus check for this species in other resources sp. et Nigrospora check for this species in other resources sp. Le phylum des Ascomycota est le mieux représenté avec 14 taxons et 1 taxon (Rhizopus sp.) appartient au phylum de Zygomycota. La caractérisation moléculaire a permis de confirmer l’identité de ces 15 taxons et celles des mycotaxons morphologiquement Non Identifiées (NI) dont Colletotrichum karstii check for this species in other resources , Colletotrichum siamense check for this species in other resources , Neofusicoccum parvum check for this species in other resources , Colletotrichum siamense, Punctularia strigosozonata check for this species in other resources , Stemphylium solani check for this species in other resources , Phoma multirostrata check for this species in other resources , Calophoma complonata, Daldinia vanderguchtiae check for this species in other resources , Phoma exigua check for this species in other resources et Boremia exigua check for this species in other resources . Cette étude nous a permis d’identifier les champignons endophytes des feuilles de Mascarocoffea de Madagascar.

Mots Clés
Diversité; champignons endophytes; Madagascar; Mascarocoffea

 en Endophytic fungi associated with four endemic wild coffee species (Mascarocoffea) in Madagascar
Zananirina, A.J.; Iacomi, B.M.; Rakoto-Ranoromalala, D.A.D.; Ratsizafy, I.; Razakatiana, A.T.E.; Andrianandrasana, M.D.; Baohanta, R.H.; Rakotoarimanga, N.; Randriambanona, H. & Ramanankierana, H.


Mascarocoffea are wild coffee plants endemic to Madagascar. These plants produce diverse, often specific biomolecules that are not found in cultivated coffee plants. Production of these compounds could be due to interactions between the endophytes and the host plant. Few studies have been carried out on the richness and diversity of microorganisms associated with these coffee plants. The objective of this study was to identify endophytic fungi isolated from the leaves of species of Mascarocoffea by morphological and molecular methods. Fifteen taxa were morphologically identified among the 30 isolated. These included Phyllosticta check for this species in other resources sp., Colletotrichum check for this species in other resources sp., Daldinia check for this species in other resources sp., Diaporthe check for this species in other resources sp., Cladosporium check for this species in other resources sp., Fusarium check for this species in other resources sp.01, Fusarium sp. 02, Fusarium sp. 03, Monilinia check for this species in other resources sp., Trichoderma check for this species in other resources sp., Alternaria check for this species in other resources sp, Penicillium check for this species in other resources sp., Aspergillus niger check for this species in other resources , Rhizopus check for this species in other resources sp. and Nigrospora check for this species in other resources sp. The phylum Ascomycota was the most represented, with 14 taxa and 1 taxon (Rhizopus sp.) belonging to the phylum of Zygomycota. Molecular characterisation confirmed of the identity of these 15 taxa and those of the morphologically Unidentified (NI) mycotaxa including Colletotrichum karstii check for this species in other resources , Colletotrichum siamense check for this species in other resources , Neofusicoccum parvum check for this species in other resources , Colletotrichum siamense, Punctularia strigosozonata check for this species in other resources , Stemphylium solani check for this species in other resources , Phoma multirostrata check for this species in other resources , Calophoma complonata, Daldinia vanderguchtiae check for this species in other resources , Phoma exigua check for this species in other resources and Boremia exigua check for this species in other resources . This study allowed us to identify the endophytic fungi isolated from Mascarocoffea leaves from Madagascar.

Diversity; endophytic fungi; Madagascar; Mascarocoffea

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