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African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730
EISSN: 1021-9730
Vol. 4, No. 3, 1996, pp. 339-343
Bioline Code: cs96073
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1996, pp. 339-343

Tadesse, Abraham


Les etudes sur les especes d'artropodes etablies sur le mas
en stock en Ethiopie de l' Ouest ont ete effectuees.
Differentes especes d'arthropodes etaient enregistrees. Parmi 
elles, les Coleoptera Sitophilus spp., Tribolium spp.,
Carpophilus spp. et Cryptolestes spp. et Lepidoptera Sitotroga
cerealella (Olivier), Ephestia cautella (Walker) et Plodia
interpunctuella (Hubner) etaient largement repandus et
communs. Differentes especes d'ennemies naturles des insectes
associes avec les produits en stocks etaient egalement
enregistrees. Ce qui  montre qu'il pouvait etre important
d'entreprendre des etudes au niveau national pour determiner
les especes de ravageurs impliquees et les quantites de pertes
provoquees par eux dans les differents produits en stocks en
generale et le mais en particulier.

Mots Clés
Insectes, mais, pseudoscorpions

 en Insects and other arthropods recorded from stored maize in western Ethiopia
Tadesse, Abraham


Surveys of species of arthropods on stored maize in western
Ethiopia were conducted. Several species of arthropods were
recorded. Among these, the Coleoptera Sitophilus spp.,
Tribolium spp., Carpophilus spp. and Cryptolestes spp., and
Lepidoptera Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), Ephestia cautella
(Walker) and Plodia interpunctella (Hubner) were widespread
and common.  Several species of natural enemies of insect
pests associated with stored produce were also recorded.  It
is necessary, therefore,  that a nationwide survey be
undertaken to determine the species of pests involved and the
amount of losses inflicted by them in the various stored
products in general and in stored maize in particular.

Insects, maize, pseudoscorpions

© Copyright 1996 - African Crop Science Society

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