African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730 EISSN: 1021-9730
Vol. 4, No. 4, 1996, pp. 393-397
Bioline Code: cs96080
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1996, pp. 393-397
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Bello, L.L.; Ojo, A.A.; Adeyemo, M.O. & Omojor, Y.M.
Une etude sur le terrain a ete menee pendant deux saisons de croissance
dans la savane Guineenne au Nigeria, pour evaluer l'effet de planter tot
sur trois cultures de soja (Glycine max (L.) merrill). On a plante
dans une periode de deux semaines en avance, et deux et quatre semaines
plustard apres la periode recommandee pour planter. La date x d'interaction
pour planter emit considerable pour la production de semence et les
composants de semence. Il y a eu de differences considerables en moyenne de
production de semence avec retard de planter apres les dates recommandees
pendant les deux annees. Les gousses par plante et les branches par plante,
pendant la periode de planter tot, ont plus pousse en comparaison avec
celles durant les periodes recommandees. Cependant, ii y avait une
reduction dans ces parametres par rapport a la periode de planter tot. I1
n' y avait pas de differences significatives dans la viabilite de semence
apres huit a dix mois de stockage de cultures. Ainsi, le flexibilite de
planter certaines grains de soja avant la periode recommandee dans la
savance au sud de la Guinee est faisable sans effet detrimental sur la
qualite et la quantite de produit de semence.
Mots Clés
Glycine max, la performance du rendement
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Effects of planting date on yield components and seed viability in soybean in Southern Guinea Savanna, Nigeria
Bello, L.L.; Ojo, A.A.; Adeyemo, M.O. & Omojor, Y.M.
A field study was conducted during two growing seasons in the Southern
Guinea Savanna of Nigeria, to assess the effect of early and late plantings
on three soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) cultivars. Planting was
done two weeks before, at, and two and four weeks after the recommended
planting time. Seed yield and yield components (pods per plant and branches
per plant) were measured. Planting date x cultivar interaction was
significant for seed yield and yield components. There were significant
differences in average seed yield among planting dates and a progressive
decline in average seed yield with delay in planting after the recommended
date in both years. Pods per plant and branches per plant, in early
planting, were more than or comparable with those planted within the
recommended periods. However, there was reduction in these parameters with
late plantings. There were no significant differences in seed viability
after eight to ten months of ambient storage of the cultivars. Thus,
flexibility of planting certain soybean cultivars earlier than the
recommended planting period in the Southern Guinea Savanna is feasible
without detrimental effect on quality and quantity of the seeds
Glycine max, yield performance
© Copyright 1996 - African Crop Science Society