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African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730
EISSN: 1021-9730
Vol. 5, No. 1, 1997, pp. 15-22
Bioline Code: cs97003
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1997, pp. 15-22

Fininsa, Chemeda


La performance de cinq genotypes de haricot eleves en culture mixte et en rangs avec le mais et en monoculture etaient evaluee sur le plateau d' Haraghe en ethiopie. Les recoltes de haricot et du mais variaient significativement selon le systeme de culture. En culture mixte, la recolte de haricot et du mais etait reduite par 67% et 24% respectivement. Les effets de cinq dates relatives de semis de deux plantes et trois distances entre les rangs sur la performance de haricot et la recolte du mais en culture mixte etaient aussi evalues. Un semis tardif du mais et un semis des haricots et du mais simultane augmentent la recolte de haricot. En utilisant la plantation simultanee, la recolte augmentait de 48.5%. Contrairement, un semis tardif de haricot et un espacement au sein des rangs de 0.10 m avec de haricot augmentent la recolte du mais et diminuent la recolte de haricot. La productivite de la culture mixte haricot/mais determinee par le rapport l'equivalent-terre etait superieure dans toutes les combinaisons. Un avantage en recolte relative de 28% au maximum etait obtenu avec la culture mixte.

Mots Clés
culture mixte, espacement entre les rangs, rapport equivalent-terre, date de plantation

 en Effects of planting pattern, relative planting date and intra-row spacing on a haricot bean/maize intercrop
Fininsa, Chemeda


Performance of five bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes grown in mixed and row intercropping pattern with maize (Zea mays L.) or sole cropping, were evaluated in the Hararghe highlands of Ethiopia. Under intercropping, bean and maize grain yields were reduced on the average by 67% and 24%, respectively. The effects of five relative planting dates of the two crops and three intra-row spacings on bean performance and maize grain yield in mixed intercropping were also evaluated. Delayed maize planting and simultaneous bean and maize planting improved bean seed yield. With simultaneous planting, bean yield was increased by 48.5%. In contrast, delayed bean planting and a 0.10 m bean intra-row spacing increased maize grain yield and reduced bean seed yield. The productivity of the bean/maize intercrop as determined by Land Equivalent Ratio was superior, in all combinations, compared to sole cropping. A maximum of 28% relative yield advantage was obtained with intercropping.

Phaseolus vulgaris L., Zea mays, Land Equivalent Ratio

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