The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
ISSN: 1606-0997 EISSN: 1606-0997
Vol. 25, No. 3, 2007, pp. 336-343
Bioline Code: hn07044
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2007, pp. 336-343
en |
Nutritional Status, Breastfeeding, and Evolution of Infants with Acute Viral Bronchiolitis
Dornelles, Cristina T.L.; Piva, Jefferson P. & Marostica, Paulo J.C.
Acute viral bronchiolitis is a common respiratory infectious disease of infancy. A prospective study was carried out with 175 infants aged up to six months to evaluate their nutritional and breastfeeding status as possible risk factors for unfavourable evolution of previously-healthy infants from a care hospital. Immunofluorescence test for virus and anthropometric assessment were performed. Outcomes were length of oxygen-use, length of hospital stay, and type of hospital unit needed. Seventy-three percent of the infants were well-nourished, 6% undernourished, 8.6% at a nutritional risk, 10.9% overweight, and 1.7% obese. Eighty-one percent of the undernourished and nutritionally at-risk infants and 72% of the well-nourished, overweight, and obese infants did not receive exclusive breastfeeding. The median length of hospital stay was four days and of oxygen-use was 60 hours. The nutritional status did not affect the clinical course of previously-healthy infants with acute viral brochiolitis. The duration of exclusive breastfeeding, but not type of breastfeeding, was inversely related to the length of oxygen-use and the length of hospital stay. Shorter exclusive breastfeeding was observed in infants who were assigned to a paediatric ward or to an intensive care unit. In conclusion, longer duration of breastfeeding was associated with better clinical outcomes.
Breastfeeding; Bronchiolitis; Infant; Infant nutritional status; Prospective studies; Risk factors; Brazil
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