The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
ISSN: 1606-0997 EISSN: 1606-0997
Vol. 32, No. 2, 2014, pp. 287-300
Bioline Code: hn14032
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2014, pp. 287-300
en |
Nutritional Quality and Price of Food Hampers Distributed by a Campus Food Bank: A Canadian Experience
Jessri, Mahsa; Abedi, Arvin; Wong, Alexander & Eslamian, Ghazaleh
Food insecurity is a mounting concern among Canadian post-secondary students. This study was conducted
to evaluate the content of food hampers distributed by University of Alberta Campus Food Bank
(CFB) and to assess the cost savings to students, using these hampers. Contents of hampers distributed
among 1,857 students and their dependants since 2006 were evaluated against Canada’s Food Guide (CFG)
recommendations and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI). Hampers were aimed at serving university students
and one to five members of their households located in Edmonton, Western Canada. One thousand eight
hundred fifty-seven clients in Alberta, Canada, were included in the study. Although all hampers provided
adequate energy, their fat and animal protein contents were low. Compared to the CFG recommendations,
the requirements of milk and alternatives and meat and alternatives were not sufficiently met for clients
using ≥3-person hampers. None of food hampers (i.e. one- to five-person hampers) met the DRI recommendations
for vitamin A and zinc. Clients of CFB received Canadian dollar (CN$) 14.88 to 64.3 worth of
non-perishable food items in one- to five-person hampers respectively. Hampers provided from the CFB
need improvement. Nutrients missing from the food hampers could be provided from fresh fruits, vegetables,
dairy, and meat products; however, these foods are more expensive than processed food items. The
CFB provides a significant amount of savings to its clients even without considering the additional perishable
donations that are provided to clients. Interpretation of our data required the assumption that all
clients were consuming all of their hampers, which may not always be the case. Clients that do not fully
consume their hampers may benefit less from the food bank.
Food bank; Food insecurity; Nutrient adequacy; University; Canada
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