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African Health Sciences
Makerere University Medical School
ISSN: 1680-6905
EISSN: 1680-6905
Vol. 16, No. 4, 2016, pp. 986-999
Bioline Code: hs16129
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Health Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2016, pp. 986-999

 en Child marriage and maternal health risks among young mothers in Gombi, Adamawa State, Nigeria: implications for mortality, entitlements and freedoms.
Adedokun, Olaide; Adeyemi, Oluwagbemiga & Dauda, Cholli


Background: Efforts toward liberation of the girl-child from the shackles of early marriage have continued to be resisted through tradition, culture and religion in some parts of Nigeria.
Objective: This study therefore examines the maternal health implications of early marriage on young mothers in the study area.
Methods: Multistage sampling technique was employed to obtained data from 200 young mothers aged 15-24 years who married before aged 16 years.
Findings: The study reveals that more than 60% had only primary education while more than 70% had experienced complications before or after childbirth. Age at first marriage, current age, level of education and household decision-making significantly influence (P<0.005) maternal health risks in the study area. The study establishes that respondents in age group 15-19 years are 1.234 times more likely to experience complications when compared with the reference category 20-24 years. Entitlements and freedom that are highly relevant to reduction of maternal mortality, provided by international treaties are inaccessible to young women in the study area.
Conclusion: Strategies to end child marriage in the study area should include mass and compulsory education of girls, provision of other options to early marriage and childbearing and involvement of fathers in preventing and ending the practice.

Child marriage; maternal health risks; Nigeria; mortality; entitlements and freedoms.

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