Background: Persistent antigenic stimulation due to repeated exposure to nickel may lead to chronic inflammation resulting in
allergic contact dermatitis (ACD).
Objectives: This study was performed to assess nickel induced immune activation among patients sensitized against nickel.
Patients and Methods: A total of 35 patients (29 females and 6 males; mean age 36±9 years) with nickel contact dermatitis and
20 patch test negative healthy individuals (14 females and 6 males; mean age 29±7 years) were included in this study. Peripheral
blood of patients and controls was incubated with nickel sulfate for 24 hours. Immune activation was assessed by CD69 up-regulation on T lymphocyte sub-sets by flow cytometry.
Results: Base line expression of CD69 on CD8
+ lymphocytes was higher among patients compared to controls
(4.1±1.3%vs2.8±1.1%;p<0.009). There was no difference in proportions of CD±CD69
+ cells between patients and controls
(3.2±0.9%vs2.3±0.8%). Exposure to nickel induced expression of CD69 on a significantly higher proportion of CD4
+ lymphocytes (22.1±6.2%) of the ACD patients compared to controls (2.8±2.5%;p<0.0001). Similarly nickel induced CD69 expression
on a higher proportion of CD8
+ lymphocytes (18.2±5.3%) from ACD patients compared to the controls (1.9±1.8%;p<0.0006).
Conclusion: CD69 molecule appears to be an important regulator of immune response in nickel contact dermatitis.
Cite as: Zahid S, Mustafa A, Dina A, Sawsan B, Felwa A, Mohammed G, et al. Nickel challenge up regulates CD69 expression on T lymphocyte sub-sets from patients with nickel induced contact dermatitis. Afri Health Sci. 2019;19(1). 1460-1466. https://dx.doi. org/10.4314/ahs.v19i1.19