African Health Sciences
Makerere University Medical School
ISSN: 1680-6905 EISSN: 1680-6905
Vol. 19, No. 4, 2019, pp. 3160-3171
Bioline Code: hs19185
Full paper language: English
Document type: Study
Document available free of charge
African Health Sciences, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2019, pp. 3160-3171
en |
Stigmatization and discrimination as predictors of self-esteem of people living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria
Adimora, Dorothy Ebere; Aye, Eucharia Nchedo; Akaneme, Immaculata Nwakaego; Nwokenna, Edith Nwakaego & Akubuilo, Francis Ekenechukwu
Background: Self-esteem is a major psychological health issue. People living with HIV and AIDS have been found to be victims of discrimination and stigmatization which affect their self-esteem.
Objectives: The study investigated the influence of stigma and discrimination on self-esteem of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV).
Methods: The design was a cross-sectional study carried out in four teaching hospitals in south-eastern Nigeria between 13th July 2016 - 11th May 2017. Four hundred and eighty-four (174 males and 310 females) PLHIV participated in the study. Quantitative study supplemented by qualitative in-depth interviews were used to collect data regarding discrimination, stigma and self-esteem of PLHIV whilst a structured questionnaire was used to elicit information about the socio-demographic variables.
Results: Stigmatization and discrimination were found to have significant influence on self-esteem of PLHIV. The results indicate that stigmatization and discrimination, together with income, work status, AIDS diagnosis status, and medication use status significantly influence self-esteem of PLHIV. These results imply that stigmatization and discrimination influences on self-esteem among PLHIV.
Conclusion: Conclusively, intervention programmes should evolve enlightenment through television, movies, and educational programs that incorporate the ill effects of discrimination and stigma so as to boost self-esteem of PLHIV.
Intervention; psychological health; poverty; pocial isolation.
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