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African Health Sciences
Makerere University Medical School
ISSN: 1680-6905
EISSN: 1680-6905
Vol. 20, No. 4, 2020, pp. 1770-1776
Bioline Code: hs20132
Full paper language: English
Document type: Study
Document available free of charge

African Health Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2020, pp. 1770-1776

 en Association of FADS2 rs174575 gene polymorphism and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Shetty, Shilpa S; Kumari, Suchetha N; Devi, Harshini; KP, Sharmila & Rai, Srinidhi


Background: Many risk factors contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetes. Gene and lifestyle factors are considered to be the major contributors. A dietary pattern is attributed to be one of the lifestyle risk factors favoring diabetes. The present study aims to find an association between fatty acid desaturase (FADS) gene polymorphism and glycemic profile in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Methodology: A total of 429 subjects were included in the study on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria, of which 213 and 216 subjects were diabetic and control, respectively. Body mass index was calculated. Fasting plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and insulin were measured using commercially available kits. rs174575 of FADS2 was selected based on previous publications and identified using the dbSNP database. To compare the biochemical parameters with the genotype, the following three models were used: additive model (CC vs CG vs GG), dominant model (CC + CG vs GG), and recessive model (CC vs CG + GG).
Results and Discussion: FBS, HbA1c, insulin, HOMA-IR, and HOMA-B exhibited a high and statistically significant difference between subjects and controls. The three models exhibited a statistically significant difference between FBS, HOMA-IR, and HOMA- B (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The distribution of rs174575 genotype differed significantly between the subjects and controls in the present study. The study revealed that genetic variation in FADS2 is an additional facet to consider while studying the risk factors of T2DM.

Fatty acid desaturase; gene polymorphism; type 2 diabetes mellitus.

© Copyright 2020 - Shetty SS et al.

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