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Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
ISSN: 1119-8362
Vol. 20, No. 1, 2016, pp. 141-147
Bioline Code: ja16017
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2016, pp. 141-147

 en Screening of Polyalthia longifolia check for this species in other resources and Aloe vera check for this species in other resources for their phytoextractability of heavy metals in tropical soil of the Niger Delta


The work focuses on the screening of Polyalthia longifolia check for this species in other resources and Aloe vera check for this species in other resources for their phytoextractability of heavy metal in soil of the Niger Delta. 5kg of soil was polluted with 100 mg of Zn, Fe and Pb each replicated 9 times. Each set was separated into 3 subgroups. The subgroups were phytoextracted with Polyalthia longifolia and Aloe vera alongside a control (no phytoextraction) respectively. After 12 weeks, the concentration of Lead, Iron and Zinc in soils, roots and shoots was determined. Results showed that the two plants have phytoextraction ability with reductions in Zn, Fe, and Pb in the phytoextraction soil . Metal transfer factor was PB: Aloe vera (0.881) > P. longifolia (0.315); Zn: P. longifolia (0.614) > Aloe vera (0.606); Fe: Aloe vera (0.812) > P. longifolia (0.774). Translocation factors for the two plants were in the order: Zn: P. longifolia (0.79) > Aloe vera (0.36); Fe: P. longifolia (0.63) > Aloe vera (0.05); Pb: P. longifolia (0.57) > Aloe vera (0.23). Since the translocation factors were < 1, the plants can be classified as non- hyperaccumulators for these metals.

Heavy metal; Polyalthia longifolia; phytoextraction; transfer factor; Aloe vera; contamination; translocation factor

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