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Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
ISSN: 1119-8362
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2017, pp. 59-74
Bioline Code: ja17007
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2017, pp. 59-74

 en Statistical Optimization and Kinetic Studies of Enhanced Bioremediation of Crude Oil - Contaminated Marine Water Using Combined Adsorption-Biostimulation Strategy


The objectives of this study were to investigate and evaluate through Taguchi orthogonal experimental design the effects of amendment agents as well as the optimization and kinetics of enhanced bioremediation of crude oil-contaminated marine water using combined adsorption-biostimulation strategy. The amendment agents are organic fertilizer, slow release inorganic NPK fertilizer, commercial activated carbon and Tween 80. Bioremediation of weathered Escravos crude oil (WECO)-contaminated marine water was studied for four weeks in ten plastic buckets open system. The oil-contaminated marine water in nine of the buckets was each amended with the amendment agents according to Taguchi’s (L9) orthogonal array of four factors and three levels and the tenth un-amended bucket served as control (natural bioattenuation). Results showed that the amendment agents had relative significant influence on the enhancement of WECO-marine water bioremediation. The optimum amendment agent conditions were determined as follows: organic fertilizer 30 g, inorganic slow release NPK fertilizer 4 g, activated carbon 30 g, and Tween 80, 1.5 g. Under these optimum conditions, the optimum percentage of crude oil biodegradation achieved was 98.25%. Bioremediation kinetic data of WECO fitted well to the first-order kinetic model. The combined adsorptionbiostimulation strategy (using the amendment agents) resulted in higher biodegradation rate constant, k (0.0443 - 0.1183 day-1) and lower biodegradation half-life, t1/2 (5.86 – 15.6 days) of the WECO biodegradation than the natural bioattenuation with lower k (0.0144 day-1) and higher t1/2 (48.8 days). Therefore, the amendment agents have effective potential application as a tool for combined adsorption-biostimulation strategy in the remediation of crude oilcontaminated aquatic environment.

Biodegradation; Bioremediation; Amendment agents; Crude oil; Kinetics; Optimization

© Copyright 2017 - Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management

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