Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
ISSN: 1119-8362
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2017, pp. 137-153
Bioline Code: ja17015
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2017, pp. 137-153
en |
Lithofacies, Palynology and Paleoenvironmental Study of Campanian to Late Maastrichtian Deposits of Ogbabu-1 well Anambra Basin, South Eastern Nigeria
Lithofacies, Palynology and Paleoenvironmental Study of Campanian to Late
Maastrichtian Deposits of Ogbabu-1 well Anambra Basin was carried out using ninety (90)
ditch cutting samples ranging in depths 1000ft - 6830ft (305m - 2080m), with the aim of giving
a detailed palynological analysis of the formations penetrated by Ogbabu-1 Well in Anambra
Basin using sedimentology and palynology as geologic tools. This was achieved by identifying
the different species of palynomorphs present as well as their range, the lithologic unit, age,
different biozones and paleoenvironment of deposition. The sedimentological analysis was used
to define Lithofacies zones and identify minerals. The main lithologies encountered in the well
consist of shaly sands; sandy shales, shales and sand. Fourteen (14) Lithofacies zones were
established. Minerals identified include feldspar, iron oxide and mica. Six hundred and sixty one
(661) palynomorphs species were recovered. Five hundred and eighty five (585) were Miospore
(pollen and spore) and seventy six (76) Dinocysts. The identified minerals obtained from the
sedimentological analysis was used to argument data from palynological analysis to establish
paleoenvironmental events. The absence of Danian diagnostic dinocysts especially Damasadinium californicum
and Carpatella cornatus respectively suggest a Maastrichtian age
for the well section between 1000ft-6600ft. The age of the well penetrated was inferred to range
from Campanian to Late Maastrichtian. Late Maastrichtian age (1000-3550ft), top of this zone is
undefined because of absence of data but the base of the zone is defined by the last appearance
datum of Cingulatisporites ornatus (3550ft). Middle Maastrichtian age (4050ft-5080ft)
established based on top of the zone is marked by the base of preceding zone. The zone is also
marked by last appearance datum of Classopollis spp. (4930ft). Early Maastrichtian age (5240ft-
6600ft) established based on the last appearance datum of Ctenolophonidites costatus (6600ft)
and the base is defined by the first appearance datum of Constructipollenites ineffectus (6600ft).
Campanian age (6700-6830ft) established based on the last appearance datum of
Triorites africaensis (6700ft). The formations likely penetrated by the well section are the Nkporo shale
(Campanian) and the Ajali Sandstone (Maastrichtian age). The well section (1000ft – 6380ft)
was delineated to be shallow marine environment.
Lithozones; Campanian-Late Maastrichtian; Anambra Basin; Palynomorphs; Formation
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