Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
ISSN: 1119-8362
Vol. 23, No. 2, 2019, pp. 371-376
Bioline Code: ja19055
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2019, pp. 371-376
en |
Intrasound Therapy: An Effective Alternative to Sodium Diclofenac Phonophoresis in the Management of Mechanical Chronic Cervical Spine Pain
The efficacy of Sodium Diclofenac Phonophoresis (SDP) as an effective adjunct in the management of
inflammation and pain has been established though its application entails complicated choices of treatment parameters.
Intrasound Therapy (IST), acclaimed for its simplicity of operation has been reported to promote healing though no studies
have been done on its effect in Chronic cervical spine pain (CCSP). The aim of this study was to determine if IST could
be an effective therapeutic option to SDP as an adjunct in the management of CCSP. Forty seven (47) participants with
CCSP that had definite diagnoses were randomly assigned into 3 groups. All participants had exercises and massage while
in addition, group 1 had SDP and group 2 IST for 10 minutes each. Participants were treated for 40 minutes twice a week
for 4 weeks and were evaluated for pain, Quality of life (QoL), disability and range of motion (ROM) of the cervical spine.
Paired sample t-test was used to compare the outcome parameters in each group and data presented as Mean ± SEM with
significance at p<0.05. IST and SDP significantly (p˂0.05) improved the clinical parametres compared with the control
group and there were no significant (p ˃0.05) differences in clinical outcome between the IST and SDP groups. IST was
as effective as SDP and considering its relative simplicity of operation could be an alternative therapeutic adjunct in the
management of chronic cervical pain.
Sodium Diclofenac Phonophoresis; Intrasound therapy; Chronic Neck pain; Neck Disability
© Copyright 2019 - Aiyegbusi et al.