Archivos Latinoamericanos de Produccion Animal
Asociacion Latinoamericana de Produccion Animal
ISSN: 1022-1301 EISSN: 1022-1301
Vol. 15, No. S1, 2007, pp. 110-112
Bioline Code: la07040
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
Archivos Latinoamericanos de Produccion Animal, Vol. 15, No. S1, 2007, pp. 110-112
en |
Alvarez, R. & Hocking, P.M.
The objective of this study was to develop a
stochastic model to allow prediction of individual
biological responses of yellow follicle numbers (YF)
and egg production rates (EGGs) of broiler breeders
to changes in body weight (BW) on the basis of
existing experimental data. The model was based on
commercial modelling software. The first step was to
model the relationship between YF with BW. A linear
regression between BW and YF at all ages was assumed
using relationships derived by Hocking (1993, 2004).
Therefore, at any age, the model’s predicted value of
YF is: YFexp = YFr + (YFal-YFr)*PrBW, where PrBW =
(BWexp-BWr)/(BWal-BWr), YFr and BWr are theoretical
YF and BW in restricted fed hens respectively and
YFal, BWal are YF, BW in ad libitum fed birds. BWexp
is experimental BW from data on restricted hens. An
equation of sequence length was constructed and
included as a variable affecting YFexp and allowing
a pause during the cycle of production. EGGs was
determined by two equations based on the YFexp
present in the hen: if YFexp≤6 the relation used was:
YFexp/6; if YFexp>6 the equation used was: 1-((YFexp-
6)*0.5)/6, where 6 is the number of positions in the
hierarchy of yellow follicles and 0.5 is the rate of egg
production (number/hen d-1) from a multiple ovulation.
The estimates obtained by simulation for YF, BW and
EGGs show a similar behaviour to that observed in
several published experiments. In conclusion the
model simulates the production of broiler breeder
eggs with acceptable and high precision.
stochastic model, broiler breeders, yellow follicles, body weight, egg production
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Modelo estocástico para estimar producción de huevo en reproductoras pesadas
Alvarez, R. & Hocking, P.M.
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