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African Journal of Biomedical Research
Ibadan Biomedical Communications Group
ISSN: 1119-5096
Vol. 14, No. 1, 2011, pp. 1-7
Bioline Code: md11001
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Journal of Biomedical Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2011, pp. 1-7

 en Patient Satisfaction and Factor of Importance in Primary Health Care Services in Botswana
Bamidele, Abdullahi R.; Hoque, Muhammad E. & Van der Heever, Hendry


Primary health care involves a sustained partnership between patients and providers that addresses the majority of a population's health needs over time. Lengthy waiting time, poor access, lack of information and healthy relationship with healthcare workers in outpatient clinics remain a challenge to quality care. The objective of the study is to assess patient satisfaction and factor of importance on the service they receive at the primary health care facility in Botswana. The study was a cross sectional study in which 360 systematically selected participants completed 5 point likert scale self-administered questionnaire to rate their satisfaction level as well as factors of importance where best service was provided. Results showed that pharmacy received the highest satisfaction level with a mean rating of 4.1 while the nurse got the least level of satisfaction with a mean rating of 3.4 in terms of services rendered. 14.4% of participants still think time is not important to them as factor for as long as they got what they wanted. Majority (63.9%) were most displeased with the time spent at the facility. Participants mentioned that increase in manpower (36%) and staff training (15%) stood out as areas that need to be significantly considered for improvement. Time spent in the facility is a great source of dissatisfaction to participants. There is a need for interventions in terms of increased manpower, training of staffs with regard the areas which participants indicated as displeased with.

Patient, Satisfaction, Factor, Importance, Primary Health Care, Botswana

© Copyright 2011 - African Journal of Biomedical Research

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