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African Journal of Biomedical Research
Ibadan Biomedical Communications Group
ISSN: 1119-5096
Vol. 15, No. 2, 2012, pp. 117-121
Bioline Code: md12018
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Journal of Biomedical Research, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2012, pp. 117-121

 en Effects of Dietary Protein-Energy Malnutrition on the Testes of Japanese Quails ( Coturnix coturnix japonica check for this species in other resources ) Exposed To Carbendazim
Ozegbe, P. C. & Aina, O. O.


This study was aimed at observing the effects of protein-energy malnutrition on the morphometrical, histological and hormonal changes associated with the testicular toxicity of Carbendazim (methyl 2-benzimidazole carbamate) in the adult male Japanese quail. Carbendazim was administered at a single dose of 400 mg/kg by gastric lavage to quails fed either normal protein-energy or low protein-energy diets. The birds were monitored for eight days post-administration. Significant decreases in the relative weight of the testis (p<0.05) were observed in the Carbendazim-treated groups, irrespective of their dietary protein-energy status, compared to the Normal Protein-energy diet-Oil-treated (control) group. There were similarly significant decreases in the plasma testosterone levels (p<0.05) of Normal Protein-energy diet-Carbendazim- and Low Protein-energy diet-Carbendazim- treated groups compared to the Normal Protein-energy diet-Oil-treated (control) group. Histopathology of the testes of the Carbendazim-treated groups revealed germinal epithelial sloughing and occlusion of tubular lumen by immature germinal cells, the severity of the lesions were relatively higher in the Low Protein-energy diet-Carbendazim-treated group. Protein-energy malnutrition aggravated the reproductive toxicity of the male Japanese quail exposed to Carbendazim.

Carbendazim Effects, Protein-energy Malnutrition, Testis Structure, Testosterone, Quails

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