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Medical Journal of The Islamic Republic of Iran
National Research Centre of Medical Sciences of I.R. IRAN
ISSN: 1016-1430
Vol. 18, No. 2, 2004, pp. 135-139
Bioline Code: mr04026
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Medical Journal of The Islamic Republic of Iran, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2004, pp. 135-139



Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy or EIEE (Ohtahara syndrome; OS) is a kind of intractable seizure that begins in neonatal age with sudden onset of tonic spasms in series or single suppression-burst S-B in EEG.1 Imaging shows anatomic defects such as migration disorders and generalized atrophy2 with essentially normal metabolic tests. The seizures often change to West’s syndrome (WS) or Lennox Gaustaut syndrome (LGS) pattern.3 Ohtahara et al. first described this syndrome in 1976.3 We observed ten cases of this syndrome during a period of 12 months. 70% of the patients were male. The mean age at the time of onset of seizures was 8 days; the mean age at the time of admission was 6.8 months. In 20% of cases the first seizures were generalized, in 80% tonic. EEG at the time of referring showed suppression-burst S-B in 50%, hypsarrhythmia in another and in 60% of them there were scattered sharp, spike or spike and wave in one or both sides. The drugs that have been u! sed in multiple therapy were clonazepam 50%, prednisone 60%, sodium valproate 30%, nitrazepam 20%, vigabatrin 30% and acetazolamide in 10%. Response to treatment was good in 70% and moderate in 30%. At the end of the course all patients showed severe mental and motor retardation. Prognosis was shown to be poor in these patients.

Early infantile epilepsy with suppression-bursts; EIEE; Intractable infantile seizure; Ohtahara syndrome; OS; Early myoclonic encephalopathy.

© Copyright 2004 -Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran
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