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Indian Journal of Medical Sciences
Medknow Publications on behalf of Indian Journal of Medical Sciences Trust
ISSN: 0019-5359
EISSN: 0019-5359
Vol. 60, No. 1, 2006, pp. 19-23
Bioline Code: ms06003
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 60, No. 1, 2006, pp. 19-23

 en Case Report - Scorpion sting envenomation presenting with pulmonary edema in adults: A report of seven cases from Nepal
Bhadani UmeshKumar, Tripathi Mukesh, Sharma Sanjib, Pandey Rajesh


Scorpion sting is a common problem in villages of Eastern Nepal. The life-threatening complications of myocarditis and pulmonary edema is known in red scorpion in India but not reported in Nepal. This condition requires urgent attention and ICU care from few hours to days. Delay in recognition and the hypoxemia increase the morbidity and mortality. Illiteracy, ignorance, poverty, traditional faith healers trying treatment in remote areas, lack of transport in difficult terrains and the non availability of ventilation facility in nearby hospital, add to delay in appropriate treatment. Seven young adult patients admitted in a span of two years with history of scorpion sting presenting with pulmonary edema required ICU care. They were successfully managed with the positive pressure ventilation with PEEP, cardiac support with inotropes and fluid balance. Magnitude of problem, clinical presentation and management done is emphasized.

Scorpion sting, pulmonary edema, positive pressure ventilation, inotropes

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