African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
Rural Outreach Program
ISSN: 1684-5358 EISSN: 1684-5358
Vol. 21, No. 3, 2021, pp. 17696-17710
Bioline Code: nd21033
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2021, pp. 17696-17710
en |
Riyadi, H; Rosidi, A; Margawati, A; Dewi, RK & Khomsan, A
Undernutrition is still a problem in the world. In Indonesia, the problem of
undernutrition is high especially underweight, stunting and wasting among children
under five years old. Some indigenous people usually have lower economical levels,
educational levels and health status compared to the rest of the population and as a
result indigenous people are usually prone to malnutrition. Samin is one example of
indigenous people in Indonesia. The main objective of this study was to compare
nutrient intakes and nutritional status of children under five years in Closed and
Opened Samin indigenous people in Indonesia. Closed Samin people tend to hold on to
their culture firmly and are less receptive to some government programs, while Opened
Samin tend to be more receptive to government programs. This was a cross-sectional
study design. Participants were selected by snowball sampling technique; 120
households with children under five years were selected. Food consumption of the
children was collected through direct interviews using 1x24 hours recall procedure.
Nutritional status was assessed by weighing the children’s body weights. Children’s
anthropometric data were analyzed using the WHO Anthro Plus software. T-test and
Mann-Whitney were used to analyze the difference between groups. The study showed
that nutrient intakes (energy, protein, vitamin A, iron and calcium) of children in
Closed Samin were significantly lower than those in Opened Samin (p<0.05). The
vitamin C intake of both groups was not significantly different (p>0.05). The mean of
energy, vitamin C and calcium intake in both groups did not meet Indonesian
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). Based on the RDA reference, protein and
vitamin A adequacy of children in Closed Samin and Opened Samin were sufficient.
Iron adequacy was different in Closed Samin classified as inadequate, whereas Opened
Samin was normal. The prevalence of underweight in Closed Samin was 49%, while in
Opened Samin it was 21%. The weight-for-age Z-score (WAZ) of children in both
groups showed significant differences (p=0.006) with mean z-score -1.8±1.4 for Closed
Samin and -1.1±1.4 for Opened Samin. In conclusion, the mean of nutrient intakes and
nutritional status of children in Opened Samin was higher than Closed Samin. That was
due to the household economic levels and maternal nutritional knowledge, which was
also higher in Opened Samin. The local government must find the best approach in
resolving problems related to child nutrition of Closed Samin indigenous people and be
more active to encourage participation in government programs.
Children; Indigenous People; Nutrient Adequacy; Socio-Economic; Underweight
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