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Neurology India
Medknow Publications on behalf of the Neurological Society of India
ISSN: 0028-3886
EISSN: 0028-3886
Vol. 55, No. 4, 2007, pp. 393-395
Bioline Code: ni07115
Full paper language: English
Document type: Case Report
Document available free of charge

Neurology India, Vol. 55, No. 4, 2007, pp. 393-395

 en Case Report - Postural tremor induced by paint sniffing
Gautschi, OliverP; Cadosch, Dieter & Zellweger, René


Volatile substance abuse is the intentional inhalation of volatile solvents, aerosols, gases or nitrates for the purpose of intoxication. This practice is more common among young people, due, in part, to the low cost and ready availability of these inhalants. In this report, we present the case of a 22-year-old male with a seven-year history of chronic paint sniffing. The patient presented with vigorous postural and kinetic tremor in both hands. A neurological examination revealed a bilateral, non-fatiguing geotropic positional nystagmus and a mild ataxia together with dysdiadochokinesis. He also had a mild chronic encephalopathy. Following treatment with clonazepam, the tremors subsided, but were not completely controlled.

Chroming, inhalant abuse, paint sniffing, postural tremor, sniffing, toluene

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