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Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz
ISSN: 1678-8060
EISSN: 1678-8060
Vol. 108, No. 4, 2013, pp. 523-528
Bioline Code: oc13090
Full paper language: English
Document type: Short Communication
Document available free of charge

Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Vol. 108, No. 4, 2013, pp. 523-528

 en Genetic polymorphisms in the glutamate-rich protein of Plasmodium falciparum check for this species in other resources field isolates from a malaria-endemic area of Brazil
Pratt-Riccio, Lilian Rose; Perce-da-Silva, Daiana de Souza; Lima-Junior, Josué da Costa; Theisen, Michael; Santos, Fátima; Daniel-Ribeiro, Cláudio Tadeu; de Oliveira-Ferreira, Joseli & Banic, Dalma Maria


The genetic diversity displayed by Plasmodium falciparum check for this species in other resources , the most deadly Plasmodium species, is a significant obstacle for effective malaria vaccine development. In this study, we identified genetic polymorphisms in P. falciparum glutamate-rich protein (GLURP), which is currently being tested in clinical trials as a malaria vaccine candidate, from isolates found circulating in the Brazilian Amazon at variable transmission levels. The study was performed using samples collected in 1993 and 2008 from rural villages situated near Porto Velho, in the state of Rondônia. DNA was extracted from 126 P. falciparum-positive thick blood smears using the phenol-chloroform method and subjected to a nested polymerase chain reaction protocol with specific primers against two immunodominant regions of GLURP, R0 and R2. Only one R0 fragment and four variants of the R2 fragment were detected. No differences were observed between the two time points with regard to the frequencies of the fragment variants. Mixed infections were uncommon. Our results demonstrate conservation of GLURP-R0 and limited polymorphic variation of GLURP-R2 in P. falciparum isolates from individuals living in Porto Velho. This is an important finding, as genetic polymorphisms in B and T-cell epitopes could have implications for the immunological properties of the antigen.

Plasmodium falciparum; GLURP; polymorphism

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