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Indian Journal of Pharmacology
Medknow Publications on behalf of Indian Pharmacological Society
ISSN: 0253-7613
EISSN: 0253-7613
Vol. 37, No. 1, 2005, pp. 30-32
Bioline Code: ph05007
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2005, pp. 30-32

 en Effect of the aqueous extract of dry fruits of Piper guineense   check for this species in other resources on the reproductive function of adult male rats
Mbongue FGY, Kamtchouing P, Essame OJL, Yewah PM, Dimo T, Lontsi D


OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of the aqueous extract of Piper guineense   check for this species in other resources (Piperaceae) on male reproductive function in Wistar rats.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male rats, 3 months old, weighing 180-210 g were administered (by gastric intubation) the aqueous extract of dry fruits of Piper guineense at two doses, 122.5 and 245 mg/kg for 8 days and 122.5 mg/kg for 55 days. The control group received distilled water for the same duration. Animals were sacrificed and the blood, testes, epididymis, seminal vesicles and prostate were collected for biochemical analyses.
RESULTS: There was a significant increase in the level of testosterone in the serum and testes, cholesterol in the testes, α-glucosidase in the epididymis and fructose in the seminal vesicles after 8 days of treatment, while with 55 days of treatment, the levels of cholesterol in the testes increased by 75%, while the levels of α-glucosidase in the epididymis and the seminal vesicle fructose decreased by 24 and 21% respectively. On the other hand, there was a 20% reduction of fertility in the P. guineense-treated rats after 55 days of treatment.
CONCLUSION: The aqueous extract of P. guineense at both doses (122.5 and 245 mg/kg) had a positive impact on the male reproductive function since it stimulated the secretions of the testes, epididymis and seminal vesicles. The use of P. guineense could negatively influence male fertility.

α-glucosidase, cholesterol, guinea pepper, male fertility, testosterone

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