Purpose: To isolate and identify the chemical components of
Paraoncidium reevesii
Methods: Silica gel column chromatography was used to isolate the components from petroleum ether
and ethyl acetate fractions of the acetone extract, and the structures of the compounds were derived
1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (
13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (
13C-NMR) and mass
spectrometry (MS) analyses and also with the aid of literature data for authenticated samples.
Results: Cholesterol (1), baconipyrone D (2), chimyl alcohol (3), batyl alcohol (4), α-monpalmitin (5),
stearic acid (6), 3-indolecarboxylic acid (7), uracil (8), thymine (9), uridine (10), thymidine (11) were
isolated from the marine slug (
Paraoncidium reevesii).
Conclusion: All the isolated compounds are being reported here for
Paraoncidium reevesii for the first
time. The results provide base data for further study of the
Onchidiidae as a Chinese traditional remedy
for asthma and athlete’s foot.