Rwanda Medical Journal
Rwanda Health Communication Center - Rwanda Biomedical Center (RHCC - RBC)
ISSN: 2079-097X EISSN: 2079-097X
Vol. 76, No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-3
Bioline Code: rw19001
Full paper language: English
Document type: Case Report
Document available free of charge
Rwanda Medical Journal, Vol. 76, No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-3
en |
Proximal femoral focal deficiency associated with fibular hemimelia: an uncommon experience, case report and review of literature
Kubwimana, O.; Gashegu, J. & Uwineza, A.
Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD) and Fibular Hemimelia are rare congenital disorders which are among the most common congenital lower limb disorders. PFFD is the absence or shortening of the proximal femur, whereas Fibular Hemimelia is the aplasia or hypoplasia of the fibula. Here we report on a 3-year-old male with clinical and radiological features of PFFD and Fibular Hemimelia. Although this is a rare condition, its occurrence should be considered in daily clinical activities.
Proximal femoral focal deficiency; Fibular Hemimelia; Congenital lower extremity abnormalities; proximal femoral dysplasia
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