Rwanda Medical Journal
Rwanda Health Communication Center - Rwanda Biomedical Center (RHCC - RBC)
ISSN: 2079-097X EISSN: 2079-097X
Vol. 77, No. 4, 2020, pp. 5-7
Bioline Code: rw20033
Full paper language: English
Document type: Review Article
Document available free of charge
Rwanda Medical Journal, Vol. 77, No. 4, 2020, pp. 5-7
en |
A Proposed New Mnemonic (ABCDE-FFFF) for the Management of Critically Ill Patients in a Low-Resource Setting
Umuhire, O. F. & Cattermole, G. N.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world’s attention to the difficulty of suddenly being confronted with a large number
of critically ill patients such that the health care system is overwhelmed. There is tension between doing what is best for the
individual patient and doing what is best for the community at large [1-5]. High-Income Countries (HIC) are rarely faced with
such dilemmas. On the other hand, Low-and-Middle Income Countries (LMICs) face chronic shortages of health care workers,
supplies, and other resources. Whether natural or man-made, including the current coronavirus pandemic, disasters make it
imperative that LMICs develop strategies to deal with such situations since they will likely be left to fend for themselves with
little or no outside help.
Ethics; Health Resources; Resuscitation; Pandemics
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