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Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research
Surgical Sciences Research Society, Zaria and Association of Surgeons of Nigeria
ISSN: 1595-1103
Vol. 6, No. 1-2, 2004, pp. 56-58
Bioline Code: sr04016
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, 2004, pp. 56-58

 en Case Report - Term quadruplet pregnancy: a case report
T. Ogunnowo, O. Oluwole, C.O Aimakhu, A.O Ilesanmi and A.O. Omigbodun


Higher order multiple pregnancies are rare and often associated with complications. Term delivery is uncommon. This is a report of a 22 years old G3 p2 + 0 (1 alive) teacher who had quadruplet pregnancy following ovulation induction is presented. She had elective caesarean section at term with the delivery of two live male and two live female infants with birth weights ranging between 1750gram and 2850grams. Term delivery in quadruplet pregnancy is possible as demonstrated in this case, and has the advantage of improved perinatal outcome. Bed rest early detection and management of antenatal complications, and planned elective delivery are probably the keys to a successful outcome.

Ovulation induction, quadruplets, term pregnancy

© Copyright 2004 - Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research

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