The diversity of night migratory birds was studied in Fenghuang Mountains, Nanjian County, Yunnan Province from 16th September to 28th November 2002, from 6th to 26th April and from 9th September to 26th November 2003. 6677 of 176 species, which belong to 29 families, 13 orders, were caught and banded. The quantity of passerines, such as
Ficedula parva
Luscinia calliope
Luscinia cyane
etc., is predominance and more than 59.14%, which showed that the medium or small birds such as passerines were main species in the migration spot. Shannon-Wienner diversity index, Pielou evenness index and
G-F index is 3.89, 4.13 and 25.56, respectively, which suggested that the diversity of migratory birds species, genus and family was in a high level. T-test results indicated that birds numbers and varieties observed were significantly different in different months during autumn of the year 2002 and 2003, i.e., the dynamic change of migratory birds in Fenghuang Mountains was obvious.