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Zoological Research
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ISSN: 2095-8137
Vol. 27, No. 6, 2006, pp. 595-600
Bioline Code: zr06087
Full paper language: Chinese
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zoological Research, Vol. 27, No. 6, 2006, pp. 595-600

 en Evolutionary Analyses of DNA Topoisomerases II and IA
REN Yong-ming, TANG Su-ni, HUANG Jing-fei


DNA strand scission and topology changes are catalyzed by DNA topoisomerases. Previous studies suggest that Type IIB topoisomerase evolved from Type IIA by gene duplication, recombination and absence. However, this study shows that the evolutionary relationship between Type IA and IIB is closer than that between Type IIA and IIB. Thus, Type IIB is possibly from Type IA, or Type IIB is a special form of IA in archaebacteria; Type IIB is probably evolved from IIA via IA rather than from IIA directly. During the evolution of IIA to IIB via IA, the catalytic mechanisms of DNA topoisomerases have also been changed; that is, metal ions are necessary in the catalyses for both IA and IIA, but no ion is needed for IIB.

DNA topoisomerase; CAP-like domain; Toprim domain; Molecular evolution; Catalytic mechanism

© Copyright 2006 Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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