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Zoological Research
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ISSN: 2095-8137
Vol. 27, No. 6, 2006, pp. 626-630
Bioline Code: zr06093
Full paper language: Chinese
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zoological Research, Vol. 27, No. 6, 2006, pp. 626-630

 en Changes of Myosin ATPase Activities and Their Visceral Indices in Spermophilus dauricus check for this species in other resources Muscle During Postnatal Development
DANG Kai, WANG Qi, ZHANG Hai-xiang, GAO Yun-fang


Spermophilus dauricus check for this species in other resources dauricus were divided according to age into the young group, the sub-adult group and the adult group. The activities of myosin ATPase (mATPase) of the soleus muscle were detected using the mATPase method. The percentages of Type I and II fibres were then determined. The viscera weight and viscera index were measured and calculated. The results revealed: (1) The proportion of Type II fibres in the soleus muscle were notably lower in the adult and the sub-adult than in the young of S. dauricus; and compared with the sub-adult, the adult showed a significant decrease; (2) the thymus index in young S. dauricus was markedly higher than those of the sub-adult and the adult, the splenic index (SI) in young S. dauricus was markedly higher than that of the sub-adult, whereas the hepatic index (HI) was distinctly lower than those of the sub-adult and the adult. When compared with the sub-adult, the hepatic index of the adult was sharply higher, whereas the other indices showed no significant variation between the two groups. In summary, the proportion of Type II fibres gradually decreased with age, both the thymus and the splenic index also decreased with age, whereas the hepatic index gradually increased. These results suggest that the activities of mATPase decline during postnatal development in S. dauricus.

Spermophilus dauricus; Myosine ATPase; Soleus; Visceral index

© Copyright 2006 Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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