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Zoological Research
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ISSN: 2095-8137
Vol. 32, No. 5, 2011, pp. 556-560
Bioline Code: zr11079
Full paper language: Chinese
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zoological Research, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2011, pp. 556-560

 en Winter feeding sites selection of White-browed Hill Partridge
YANG, Gang; PAN, Hong-Ping; XU, Liang; ZHOU, Fang & HUANG, Jia-Xi


The winter feeding sites of White-browed Hill Partridge ( Arborophila gingica check for this species in other resources ) was investigated in Jiuwanshan National Nature Reserve in Guangxi from November to December 2010. With the 34 found feeding sites, the used sites (n=25) were compared with the control sites (n=25), and 19 parameters were measured at each site. The results showed that White-browed Hill Partridge randomly use broadleaved forest, mixed coniferous-broadleaved forest, mixed broadleaved-bai bamboo ( Indosasa shibataeoides check for this species in other resources ) forest and bai bamboo forest, while they rarely occurred in mao bamboo ( Phyllostachys edulis check for this species in other resources ) forest and China fir ( Cunninghamia lanceolata check for this species in other resources ) forest. The birds prefer to select the southeast-facing slops of 20 − 44 degrees, with smaller bai bamboo-shrub and grass density, lower bai bamboo-shrub and grass coverage, and greater shatter coverage. We found that the main selection factors at the used and control feeding sites, using the Step DA, were the shatter coverage, slope, and bai bamboo-shrub coverage. The veracity to distinguish was 86.0%. The feeding sites selection of White-browed Hill Partridge is associate with food resources and safety index, thus, we suggest that the protection should focus on these two aspects.

White-browed Hill Partridge (Arborophila gingica), Feeding-site selection, Step discriminant analysis

© Copyright 2011 Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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