In this study, six fish species of five families are reported for the first time from Yunnan Province, China. The nemacheilid
Schistura amplizona
Kottelat, 2000 is reported from the Luosuojiang River and Nanlahe River subbasins, Mekong basin; the prochilodontid
Prochilodus lineatus
(Valenciennes, 1837), the balitorid
Vanmanenia serrilineata
Kottelat, 2000, and the tetraodontid
Monotrete turgidus
Kottelat, 2000, from Nanlahe River subbasin, Mekong basin; the balitorid
Beaufortia daon
(Mai, 1978), and the belonid
Xenentodon canciloides
(Bleeker, 1854), both, from Black River subbasin, Red River basin. The freshwater puffer
M. turgidus and the needlefish
X. canciloides have been previously misidentified as
Tetraodon leiurus
(Bleeker, 1950) and
Tylosurus strongylurus
(van Hasselt, 1823), respectively.