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Zoological Research
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ISSN: 2095-8137
Vol. 38, No. 3, 2017, pp. 138-145
Bioline Code: zr17018
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zoological Research, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2017, pp. 138-145

 zh 四川高海拔地区湍蛙属一新种及康定湍蛙分类地位讨论
Fei, Liang; Ye, Chang-Yuan; Wang, Yu-Fan & Jiang, Ke

本文描述了采自四川省康定县新都桥的湍蛙属一个新种,该新种曾被鉴定为康定湍蛙,但本研究认为康定湍蛙是四川湍蛙的同物异名。该新种被订名为新都桥湍蛙,与同属其它物种的形态差异可由以下鉴别特征相区别:(1)体型中等,雄性体长41.2~47.5 mm(平均43.9 mm,n=15),雌性体长48.5~56.6 mm(平均52.5 mm,n=15);(2)头长与头宽相等,或头宽稍大于头长;(3)鼓膜小而清晰;(4)犁骨齿列2行,之间相隔1行犁骨齿列的距离;(5)下颌前端无骨质突起;(6)通常无背侧褶;(7)跗部无跗褶或腺体;(8)第一指吸盘末端无边缘沟;(9)后肢前伸贴体时胫跗关节达鼻孔或超过;(10)第四趾两侧的蹼达远端关节下瘤,其余各趾蹼达吸盘;(11)雄性无声囊。

新种; 四川; 分类; 新都桥湍蛙; 康定湍蛙

 en A new species of the genus Amolops check for this species in other resources (Anura: Ranidae) from high-altitude Sichuan, southwestern China, with a discussion on the taxonomic status of Amolops kangtingensis check for this species in other resources
Fei, Liang; Ye, Chang-Yuan; Wang, Yu-Fan & Jiang, Ke


A new species of the genus Amolops Cope, 1865 is described from Xinduqiao, Kangding, Sichuan. It was previously identified as Amolops kangtingensis;, which is synonymized to Amolops mantzorum check for this species in other resources in this study. The new species, Amolops xinduqiao sp. nov., is distinguished from all other congeners by the following combination of characters: (1) medium body size, adult males SVL 41.2–47.5 mm (n=15, average 43.9 mm), adult females SVL 48.5–56.6 mm (n=15, average 52.5 mm); (2) head length equal to width or slightly wider than long; (3) tympanum small, but distinct; (4) vomerine teeth in two tiny rows, separated by a space about one vomerine teeth row; (5) bony projections on lower jaw absent; (6) dorsolateral folds usually absent; (7) tarsal folds or glands on tarsus absent; (8) circummarginal groove on disc of finger I absent; (9) tibiotarsal articulation reaching nostril or beyond; (10) webs of toe IV reaching to distal articulation, other toes fully webbed to disc; and (11) vocal sac absent in males.

New species; Sichuan; Taxonomy; Amolops xinduqiao sp. nov.; Amolops kangtingensis

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