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Zootecnia Tropical
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela
ISSN: 0798-7269
Vol. 21, No. 2, 2002, pp. 149-165
Bioline Code: zt03013
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zootecnia Tropical, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2002, pp. 149-165

 es Composición química y degradabilidad ruminal de los frutos de algunas especies forrajeras leñosas de un bosque seco tropical
Gerardo Cecconello C, Miguel Benezra S. y Nestor E. Obispo


En condiciones de bosque seco tropical, en el sur del estado Aragua y durante la época seca, se evaluaron los frutos de las leguminosas forrajeras leñosas Chloroleucon manguense check for this species in other resources , Pithecellobium saman check for this species in other resources , Enterolobium cyclocarpum check for this species in other resources , Acacia macracantha check for this species in other resources , Senna atomaria check for this species in other resources , Caesalpinia granadillo check for this species in other resources y Caesalpinia coriaria check for this species in other resources , comúnmente consumidos por los rumiantes. Con el fin de conocer la composición química, estructural y contenido de minerales, estos frutos fueron separados en fruto completo, semilla y fruto sin semilla. Igualmente, se evaluó la degradabilidad ruminal de la materia seca de las distintas fracciones del fruto mediante la técnica de la bolsa de nylon. Se encontró en los frutos completos variaciones en los contenidos de PC y ELN entre las especies. C. manguense mostró el mayor valor de PC (21%), mientras que C. coriaria y C granadillo mostraron los valores más bajos (4%). Los contenidos de PC de la semilla, se ubicaron en un rango entre 16 y 29 %, con el mayor valor para C. manguense. Los valores de FDN, estuvieron comprendidos entre 18 y 62%, mientras que los de FDA fueron de 13 a 41%, correspondiéndole en ambos casos el menor valor a C. coriaria y el mayor a S. atomaria. Los frutos completos mostraron una mayor degradabilidad que los frutos sin semilla, con los mayores valores para el P. saman (62%) y E. cyclocarpum (81%). En cuanto al contenido mineral (Ca, P, Mg, Cu, S) los frutos mostraron cantidades importantes de estos elementos.

Bosque seco tropical, leguminosas, forrajeras leñosas, composición química, degradabilidad.

 en Chemical composition and ruminal degradability of some woody legumes fruits of the tropical dry forest
Gerardo Cecconello C, Miguel Benezra S. y Nestor E. Obispo


In a tropical dry forest, in the south area of the Aragua state in Venezuela and during the dry season, the native woody leguminous fruits, Chloroleucon manguense check for this species in other resources , Pithecellobium saman check for this species in other resources , Enterolobium cyclocarpum check for this species in other resources , Acacia macracantha check for this species in other resources , Senna atomaria check for this species in other resources , Caesalpinia granadillo check for this species in other resources and Caesalpinia coriaria check for this species in other resources , commodnly consumed by the ruminants were evaluated. To know their chemical and structural composition, and mineral contents, these fruits were divided up in entire fruit, seed and fruit without seed. Furthermore, ruminal degradability of the dry matter of different fractions was evaluated by means of the nylon bag technique. There was observed a great variation among species for PC and ELN contents in the entire fruits. C. manguense showed the higher PC (21%) value, while C. coriaria and C. granadillo the lowest (4%). PC contents of the seeds were located in a range between 16 and 29%, with the higher value for C. manguense. Similarly, values for FDN and FDA ranged from18 to 62%, and 13 to 41%, respectively. In both cases, the lowest values of these fractions were observed for C. coriaria fruit and the highest to S. atomaria. In all cases, the entire fruits showed higher degradabilidad than the fruits without seed, with the higher values for P. saman (62%) and E. cyclocarpum (81%) fruits. Ca. P Mg, Cu, and S contents on these fruits seem to be important to complement ruminant diets.

tropical dry forest, legumes, woody forages, chemical composition, degradability

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