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Zootecnia Tropical
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela
ISSN: 0798-7269
Vol. 24, No. 3, 2006, pp. 379-391
Bioline Code: zt06030
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zootecnia Tropical, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2006, pp. 379-391

 en Effect of supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae check for this species in other resources on reproductive performance on dairy herds in the mountain area of Mérida state
José Rivas, Pedro Bastidas, Thais Díaz, Martín Hahn y Alexis Moya


The aim of this study was to determine the strategic use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae check for this species in other resources (SC) from onset of lactation until 105 days postpartum and its effect on reproductive performance, on Holstein (H) and Carora (C) cows located in the mountain area of Merida state, Venezuela. Forty one H and 15 C cows were assigned to two treatments 1) experimental group (EG) fed with 10 g/day of SC, and 2) Control group (CG) that did not receive SC. C cows grazed pastures of Panicum maximum while H cows had access to pastures of Pennisetum clandestinum check for this species in other resources . All of the cows were fed at milking with a concentrate mixture (20% CP and 58% NDT) at a ratio of 1 kg:3 kg of milk. Reproductive traits such as interval calving-first corpus luteum (IP1CL), interval calving to first estrus (IP1E) and interval calving to conception (IPC) were evaluated. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and mean comparisons tested for significance using Tukey's procedures. There were not statistical differences (P>0.05) among the reproductive variables between treatments and for the C cows. However, H cows of EG had shorter IP1CL compared to CG cows (28.2 vs 33.7 d). Moreover, 100% of the cows of the EG had their first CL prior to 70 days post calving. Similarly, 59.1% and 75% of the treated H and C cows, respectively, did show behavioral estrus before 70 days after parturition. Results from this study indicated that the strategic use of SC during the first 105 days post calving improved reproductive performance in dairy cows, perhaps by stimulating the action of SC in the rumen and the availability of nutrients in the mammary gland.

dairy cows, yeast culture, performance reproductive, corpus luteum.

 es Efecto de la suplementación con Saccharomyces cerevisiae check for this species in other resources sobre el comportamiento reproductivo en rebaños lecheros de la zona alta del estado Mérida
José Rivas, Pedro Bastidas, Thais Díaz, Martín Hahn y Alexis Moya


El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto de la administración del Saccharomyces cerevisiae check for this species in other resources (SC), al inicio de la lactancia sobre el comportamiento reproductivo de vacas Holstein (H) y Carora (C) en la zona alta del estado Mérida, Venezuela. Cuarenta y un vacas H y 15 vacas C se dividieron en dos tratamientos: 1) grupo experimental (GE) 10 g/día de SC y 2) grupo control (GC) que no recibió SC, durante 105 días postparto (DPP). La alimentación basal era el pastoreo, más concentrado al momento del ordeño. Se evaluó el intervalo parto-primer cuerpo lúteo (IP1CL), intervalo parto-primer estro (IP1E) e intervalo parto-concepción (IPC). Los datos fueron analizados a través del análisis de varianza con la prueba de Tukey para la comparación de medias. No hubo diferencias estadísticas (P>0,05) entre tratamientos en las variables reproductivas en las vacas C. Sin embargo, en las vacas H del GE, el IP1CL fue menor (P<0,05) que en el GC (28,2 vs. 33,7 días). No obstante, el 100% de las vacas H y C del GE tuvieron su primer cuerpo lúteo antes de los 70 DPP. Igualmente, el 59,1% y el 75% de las vacas H y C tratadas expresaron su primer estro postparto antes de los 70 DPP. Los resultados indican que el uso estratégico del SC al inicio de la lactancia mejora el comportamiento reproductivo, posiblemente por la acción del SC en el rumen, incrementando la tasa de degradación de la fibra y la proporción de propionato.

vacas lecheras postparto, levaduras, comportamiento reproductivo, cuerpo lúteo.

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