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Zootecnia Tropical
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela
ISSN: 0798-7269
Vol. 26, No. 2, 2008, pp. 151-156
Bioline Code: zt08019
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zootecnia Tropical, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2008, pp. 151-156

 en Melia azedarach check for this species in other resources extract and essential oils of Cinnamomun zeylanycum check for this species in other resources , Mentha piperita check for this species in other resources and Lavandula officinalis check for this species in other resources as a control of Paenibacillus larvae
Gende, Liesel B.; Principal, Judith; Maggi, Matías D.; Palacios, Sara M.; Fritz, Rosalía & Eguaras, Martín J.


In honey bees ( Apis mellifera check for this species in other resources L.), American foulbrood is caused by the infection of the larvae and pupae with the bacteria Paenibacillus larvae. The antimicrobial activities in vitro of Chinaberry extract ( Melia azedarach check for this species in other resources ) and the essential oils of cinnamon ( Cinnamomun zeylanicum check for this species in other resources ), mint ( Mentha piperita check for this species in other resources ), and lavender ( Lavandula officinalis check for this species in other resources ) were evaluated against this bacteria. Immature fruits of crushed Chinaberry were treated with ethanol as a solvent with a Soxhlet extractor, being obtained a viscous solution which was posteriorly diluted with sterile water. The essential oils were extracted using a distillation with steam method and the distillated fluids were preserved at 50C. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated using the serial dilution methods to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). To do this, it was used increasing concentrations from 200 to 10 000 ppm of Chinaberry extract and from 12.5 to 2 000 ppm of essential oils. The obtained results demonstrated that the essential oil of cinnamon exhibited the greatest antimicrobial activity against the pathogen, with a MIC values from 25 to 50 g/mL, while the Chinaberry extract had low antimicrobial activity with a MIC value of 5 000 g/mL. The essential oils of mint and lavender presented intermediate values of MIC. This work constitutes one of the first reports where the comparative use of natural substances is investigated as essential oils and vegetable extracts as Chinaberry for the treatment of P. larvae to be used as natural and innocuous alternative for the treatment of American foulbrood in affected beehives.

Melia azedarach, antimicrobial activity, Paenibacillus larvae, essential oils.

 es Extracto de Melia azedarach check for this species in other resources y Aceites Esenciales de Cinnamomun zeylanicum check for this species in other resources , Mentha piperita check for this species in other resources y Lavandula officinalis check for this species in other resources Como Control de Paenibacillus larvae
Gende, Liesel B.; Principal, Judith; Maggi, Matías D.; Palacios, Sara M.; Fritz, Rosalía & Eguaras, Martín J.


Loque americana es una enfermedad que afecta a larvas y pupas de abejas melíferas ( Apis mellifera check for this species in other resources L.) y es causada por la bacteria Paenibacillus larvae check for this species in other resources . La actividad antimicrobiana in vitro del extracto de paraíso ( Melia azedarach check for this species in other resources ) y de los aceites esenciales de canela ( Cinnamomun zeylanicum check for this species in other resources ), menta ( Mentha piperita check for this species in other resources ) y lavanda ( Lavandula officinalis check for this species in other resources ) fue evaluada contra dicha bacteria. Frutos inmaduros de paraíso triturados fueron tratados mediante extractor Soxhlet, usando etanol como solvente, obteniéndose una solución viscosa, la cual fue diluida posteriormente en agua estéril. Los aceites esenciales fueron extraídos mediante el método de destilación por arrastre con vapor y los destilados fueron conservados a 5ºC. La actividad antimicrobiana fue evaluada mediante el método de dilución seriada, determinándose la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM). Para ello, se utilizaron concentraciones crecientes desde 200 hasta 10.000 ppm para el extracto de paraíso y desde 12,5 hasta 2.000 ppm para los aceites esenciales. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que el aceite esencial de canela exhibió mayor actividad antimicrobiana contra el patógeno con un valor de CIM entre 25 y 50 μg/mL, mientras que, el extracto de paraíso tuvo la menor actividad antimicrobiana con una CIM de 5.000 μg/mL. Los aceites de menta y lavanda presentaron valores intermedios de concentraciones inhibitorias mínimas. Este trabajo constituye uno de los primeros reportes en donde se investiga el uso comparativo de sustancias naturales como aceites esenciales y extractos vegetales como el de paraíso para el tratamiento de P. larvae para ser utilizados como alternativas naturales e inocuas para el tratamiento de colmenas afectadas por Loque Americana.

Melia azedarach, actividad antimicrobiana, Paenibacillus larvae, aceites esenciales

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