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Health Policy and Development
Department of Health Sciences of Uganda Martyrs University
ISSN: 1728-6107
EISSN: 1728-6107

Instructions for Authors

Potential authors are encouraged to submit contributions of six main types:

  1. Papers based on methodologically sound primary research challenging or supporting one or more policy measures.
  2. Critical analysis of current or proposed policy measures based on national and international experiences.
  3. Case studies, real life situations and experiences relevant for health policy and management in Uganda in particular and in Africa in general.
  4. Review of relevant books in the field of Health and Development (400 to 800 words)
  5. Letters to the editors expressing opinions, concerns, views and suggestions on fields of potential interest to the Journal readership (400 to 800 words).
  6. Short communications on forthcoming or other events relevant to the Journal readership.

The approach should be practical and “real-life oriented” rather than academic or purely speculative.

Below, we give an indicative, non exhaustive, list of issues of relevance and interest for the Journal readers:

  1. Health Sector Policy, its relevance and implementation
  2. Health Sector Strategic Plan implementation and progress
  3. Public Sector Reform and Health Sector Reform
  4. Decentralization and Health
  5. The role and effectiveness of the Ministry of Health
  6. The role and effectiveness of Professional Councils
  7. The role and effectiveness of civil society in policy making and analysis
  8. Accountability to the people of the National Health System at all levels
  9. Upholding Professional Ethics
  10. Public Private Partnership for Health
  11. Health Services Financing Options: theory, practice, access and equity implications
  12. Gender and Health
  13. Globalization and Health
  14. International and national priority setting for health and social development
  15. Development and Health
  16. Politics and Health
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