African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730 EISSN: 2072-6589
Vol. 4, Num. 4, 1996, pp. 433-440
African Crop Science Journal,
Vol. 4. No. 4, pp. 433-440, 1996
Effects of furrow diking and tillage on water storage, plant water use
efficiency and yield of sorghum
Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER), B.P. 258 Bamako, Mali
^1 Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College
Station, Texas 77843
^2 USDA-ARS, P.O. Drawer 10, Bushland, Texas 79012
^3 Dryland Agriculture Institute, West Texas A&M University, P.O. Box 278,
Canyon, Texas 79016-0001
(Received 25 March, 1996; accepted 28 August, 1996)
Code Number: CS96084
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Text: 30.3K
Graphics: No associated graphics files
In water deficit areas, like the Texas Northern High Plains, cultural
practices are needed to reduce runoff and capture rain water. Studies were
conducted at Bushland, Texas, on Pullman clay loam (fine, mixed, thermic
Torrertic Paleustoll) to improve water storage, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor
(L.) Moench) water use efficiency, and grain yield. Treatments were
conventional tillage plus furrow diking (FD), conventional tillage (CT),
no-tillage with wheat Triticum aestivum residue maintained on the
plots (NT+) and no-tillage with wheat residue removed (NT-). The FD and NT+
treatments were more effective than CT and NT treatments for improving
precipitation storage by reducing and even preventing runoff and increasing
infiltration. The more efficient use of soil water with the FD and NT+
treatments were reflected in greater sorghum grain yield. Average grain
yield with the FD treatment was 4840 kg ha^-1, which was about 800 kg ha^-1
more than with the CT and NT-treatments. Grain yield with the NT+ treatment
was 15 % greater than with the CT and 17% greater than with the
Key Words: Furrow diking, conventional tillage, no-tillage, water
use efficiency
Dans les zones deficitaires en eau do sol comme les Hautes Plaines du Nord
du Texas, les pratiques culturales sont necessaires pour reduire le
ruissellement et retenir les eaux de pluie. Des etudes ont ete conduites a
Bushland, Texas, sur un sol Pullman argileux-limoneux (fine, mixed, thermic
Torrertic Paleustoll) pour ameliorer la teneur en eau du sol, l'utilisation
efficace en eau du sorgho [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] et les
rendements. Les traitements etaient le labour conventionel plus les
billions cloisonnes (FD), le labour conventionel (CT), sans labour avec le
maintien des residus du ble (Triticum aestivum) sur les parcelles
(NT+), et sans labour et sans residus de ble (NT-). Les traitements FD et
NT+ se sont montres plus efficaces que les traitements CT et NT pour
l'amelioration du stockage des pluies en dimuant et meme en controlant le
ruissellement et en ameliorant I 'infiltration. L 'utilisation la plus
efficace en eau du sol avec les traitements FD et NT+ sest traduite par des
rendements plus eleves du sorgho. Le rendement moyen en grain avec le
traitement FD etait de 4840 kg par hectare, qui etait de 800 kg par hectare
plus que le rendement des traitements CT et NT-. Le rendement grain du
traitement NT+ etait 15 % superieur a celui du CT et 17% superieur acelui
du traitement NT-.
Mots Cles: Billions cloisonnes, culture conventionelle, sans
culture, utilisation efficace d'eau.
Limited and erratic rainfall in the Texas Northern High Plains often
results in low crop yields and sometimes in total crop failures. Practices
that conserve water received as rainfall can greatly improve the potential
for success in many dryland cropping systems.
Management of crop residues to retain them on the soil surface has
generally increased water conservation. Unger and Stewart (1983) reported
that cultural practices such as water harvesting, fallowing, ploughing or
mulching many increase the amount of water that is available to a crop.
Furrow dikes, which are small dikes in furrows at about 3-m intervals
throughout the length of the field, can increase crop yields and control
erosion (Clark and Jones, 1980). Such dikes retain and distribute potential
runoff water on the surface, thus allowing it to infiltrate. For a 2 year
study with continuous sorghum at Etter, Texas, conservation of runoff with
furrow diking resulted in a yield increase (Stewart et al., 1985).
Gerard et al. (1984) found that placing a dike every 16.5 m in the
furrow increased sorghum yields by 11 to 17% in 1979 in the Texas Rolling
Plains. Furrow diking increased cotton yields by about 35% in 1981 (Clark,
Unger and Wiese (1979) obtained greater water storage and sorghum yields in
their study with no-tillage compared to other tillage treatments on the
Pullman soil at Bushland, Texas. The no-tillage system can provide not only
protection against short duration drought by contributing to more efficient
water use, but also help control erosion during severe storms. In another
study at Bushland (Unger, 1984), both water storage and average sorghum
yields were greatest with the no-tillage treatment. Also, Gerik and
Morrison (1984) obtained similar soil water storage and grain yield of
sorghum by using no-tillage and conventional tillage treatments on a
Mollisol (Austin series) at Temple, Texas.
In the Texas Northern High Plains the water use efficiency, which
represents the units of grain produced per unit of water used by the crop,
is low. Unger (1978) reported that water use efficiency in a dryland
cropping system can be doubled or even tripled if producers adopt dryland
conservation technologies. Efficient use of rainfall requires that 1) a
maximal amount of water be available to the crop, and 2) the crop uses the
available water as efficiently as possible to produce desirable biomass.
In a semiarid environment, efficient management and more effective use of
precipitation are necessary for intensifying crop production. The purpose
of this study was to investigate management systems which can decrease
runoff, improve soil water storage, plant water use efficiency and increase
grain yield.
The experiment was conducted at the USDAARS Conservation and Production
Research Laboratory, Bushland, Texas. Bushland is in the semiarid portion
of the Texas High Plains (35" 11' N, 102" 5' W). Annual precipitation
average 470 mm. Conservation tillage and crop residue management systems
have been used for the last 10 to 35 years. The study was conducted on
fields in a wheat-sorghum-fallow (WSF) rotation. The soil was Pullman clay
loam (fine, mixed, thermic Torrertic Paleustoll), which is moderately deep
and well drained with 1% slope. Selected surface soil physical and chemical
properties are shown in Table 1. Four treatments were involved in the
study: (1) Furrow diking (FD): disked twice, sweep ploughed once and diked
between every row. Dikes were 0.15 to 0.20 m high and were installed in
each furrow at a spacing of 3-m with a six row commercial diker; (2)
Conventional tillage (CT): disked twice, sweep ploughed once; (3)
No-tillage with wheat residue (NT+) maintained in the fields; and (4)
No-tillage with wheat residue removed from the field (NT-) prior to
seeding. Wheat residues were incorporated during tillage operation.
Treatments were imposed 2 weeks prior to seeding of grain sorghum (Dekalb
'DK-46'). Treatments were replicated three times in a randomised complete
block. Each plot was 40-m long and 5-m wide (6 rows of grain sorghum).
TABLE 1. Selected physical and chemical properties in the surface 0.15 m
of Pullman clay loam at Bushland, TX
Property Value
Sand 13.7%
Silt 39.9%
Clay 46.4%
pH H2O (1:2) 7.2
pH-KCl 6.7
Organic matter 20.6 g kg^-1
CEC^a 39.5 cmol kg^-1
^a CEC = Cation Exchange Capacity
The weed control programme for the WSF system was as follows: (i) 3.36 kg
ha^-1 atrazine [2 chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isoprophlamino) triazine] and
0.84 kg ha^-1 2,4-D [(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid] applied immediately
after wheat harvest; (ii) terbutryn [2-tert-butylamino)-
4-(ethylamino)-6-(methylthio)-s-triazine] was applied at a rate of 3.40 kg
ha^-1 to all plots before planting sorghum for additional weed control
during the growing season. The herbicide was incorporated during tillage
operations on FD and CT plots, but was not incorporated on NT+ and NT-
plots. No fertilizer was applied because dryland crops on Pullman clay loam
at Bushland have not responded to applied fertilizers (Eck and Jones,
1992). On no-tillage plots, the only soil disturbance was that involved in
seeding the sorghum. Each plot was bordered on all sides by earthen ridges.
Soil water content was monitored by the neutron scattering technique at
three random locations per plot to a 1.8-m depth at 30-cm depth increments
starting at the 30-cm depth. The measurements were performed at about 2
weeks intervals during the sorghum growing season. Measurements were made
using 32-s count integration with a neutron probe and scaler rate meter.
Runoff was measured with H-flumes and water stage recorders.
Grain sorghum plants on 3 linear m of the four central rows were cut at
ground level in each plot. Wet bundle weights were adjusted to dry matter
production from representative subsamples taken from the bundle and dried 3
days at 60 C in forced air ovens. Grain yields were determined on ten
meters of the four central rows by hand harvesting. The panicles were
oven-dried at 60 C for 3 days, then weighed and threshed in a stationary
sample thresher. Grain was weighed and adjusted to 135 % moisture to obtain
net grain weight.
Ten plants were harvested flush with the ground surface in each plot.
Panicles were harvested at the base of the lowest grain branch. Each plant
was dried separately at 60 C for 3 to 4 days and dry matter yields and
grain yields of individual plants were determined for computing HI (harvest
index defined as the ratio of grain to total dry matter). The HI values
were computed as the ratio of the grain yield to dry matter yield per plant
in the respective treatments.
Data were analysed to determine significant statistical differences using
the analysis of variance procedure. Duncan Multiple Range Test was used to
test mean differences at the 0.05 probability level.
Total rainfall from 1 June to 10 October was near the long-term average in
1991, and above the long-term average In 1992 (Table 2). In each growing
season, however, there were periods of below and above average rainfall.
Rainfall in 1991 was below average early in the season (May), considerably
above average during June and July, and below average during August,
September and October. Rainfall in 1992 was above average from May until
August, below average during September, and near average during October.
TABLE 2. Long-term average and growing season rainfall (mm)in 1991 and 1992
at Bushland, Texas
Month Precipation
1991 1992 20-yr avg 50-yr avg
May^+ 64 76 69 69
June 90 182 69 75
July 83 73 56 63
August 60 96 81 71
September 28 15 61 49
October 27 41 37 42
Total 352 483 373 369
^+ Planting dates were 10 June in 1991 and 1992.
Total growing season rainfall was 259 mm in 1991 and 325 mm in 1992.
Available soil water at sorghum planting (Table 3) consisted of water in
the soil at wheat harvest and that stored during fallow (330 days from
wheat harvest to planting of grain sorghum). The FD and NT+ treatments had
significantly increased available water contents at sorghum planting in
1992 and the amounts approached field capacity (230 mm) for the 1.8m depth.
These water contents show that these two treatments resulted in almost
complete filling of the storage reservoir of Pullman clay loam to the 1.8 m
depth (Unger and Pringle, 1981). Furrow diking resulted in about 30 mm more
available water than CT and NT- treatments in 1991, while the NT+ resulted
in 35 mm more water than CT and NT- treatments. Similar results were
reported by Gerard et al. (1984) and Unger (1990) on the
effectiveness of diking and no-till with residue maintained in the field in
increasing water storage.
TABLE 3. Plant available soil water content (mm) to the 1.8 m depth at
planting and harvest, and net soil water use under different management
systems in 1991 and 1992 at Bushland,Texas
YEARS Management systems*
Water at planting
1991 169 a 140 b 174 a 138 b
1992 222 a 164 b 214 a 165 b
Average 195 a 152 b 194 a 152 b
Water at harvest
1991 44 a 29 b 41 a 26 b
1992 74 a 51 b 70 a 49 b
Average 59 a 40 b 55 a 38 b
Net soil water use
1991 125 a 111 b 132 a 112 b
1992 148 a 113 b 145 a 116 b
Average 136 a 112 b 139 a 114 b
* Management systems were: Furrow diking (FD); Conventional tillage (CT);
No-tillage with standing wheat residue (NT+); and No tillage without
residue (NT-).
Means within each row followed by different letters are significantly
different at the 0.05 level according to the Duncan Multiple Range
Trends in available soil water at sorghum harvest, based on water retained
in soil above a matric potential of -1.5 MPa, followed available soil water
at sorghum planting (Table 3). Plant available soil water at sorghum
harvest was greater with the FD and NT+ treatments than with the CT and NT-
treatments. This indicated that sufficient plant available water was left
in FD and NT+ treatments and grain sorghum did not utilise all the soil
profile water.
Net soil water use (measured as the difference in soil water at planting
and at harvest) differed significantly among management systems (Table 3).
The difference between FD and NT+ treatments was small in both years. This
small difference in net soil water use resulted from the effectiveness of
these two management systems in capturing rainstorm and allowing it to
infiltrate into the soil. Thus, greater infiltration of water occurred in
these plots during the growing seasons. The difference between CT and NT-
treatments also was small.
Furrow diking and NT+ effectively captured rainfall and reduced runoff
volume in both years (Table 4). Average runoff with the FD and NT+
treatments during the two crop seasons was 4 and 9 mm, respectively. Runoff
was 18 mm from CT plot and 31 mm from NT- plot. Total growing season
precipitation was 292 mm. The FD and NT+ treatments prevented most runoff
and resulted in greater infiltration. Water infiltration in 1991 in the FD
and NT+ plots was 6 and 5% greater than in the CT plot; and 11 and 9%
greater than in the NT- plot. Water infiltration in 1992 in the FD and NT+
plots was 4 and 2% greater than in the CT plot; and 10 and 8% greater than
in the NT plot (Table 4). The dikes in the FD treatment trapped runoff and
allowed it to inflitrate into the soil. Residue from the previous wheat
crop in the NT+ treatment reduced runoff. Early in the season, when plots
were not covered by a complete canopy, runoff from the bare soil surface
caused much lower soil water contents in the CT and NT treatments when
compared with the FD and NT+ treatments. Similar results were reported by
Stewart et al. (1985), who stated that furrow dikes conserved 68 and
88 mm of potential runoff in 1980 and 1981, respectively.
TABLE 4. Runoff (mm) and infiltration (mm) under different management
systems in 1991 and 1992 at Bushland, Texas
Years Rainfall events Growing Management system*
producing season -----------------------------------------
runoff rainfall FD CT NT+ NT-
1991 6 259 1 c 16 b 5 c 27 a
1992 10 325 7 d 21 b 13 c 36 a
Average 8 292 4 d 18 b 9 c 31 a
1991 258 a 243 b 254 a 232 c
1992 318 a 304 c 312 b 289 d
Average 288 a 274 c 283 b 261 d
* Management systems were: Furrow diking (FD); Conventional tillage (CT);
No-tillage with standing wheat residue (NT+); and No-tillage without
residue (NT-).
Means within each row followed by different letters are significantly
different at the 0.05 level according to the Duncan Multiple Range
# Based on difference between growing season precipation and runoff.
Rainfall during the growing season was 259 and 325 mm in 1991 and 1992,
Greater than average rainfall from May through August in 1992 (Table 2) was
responsible for grain yield that varied from 4160-5000 kg ha^-1. The
increases in grain yield due to furrow diking were 20 and 18% in 1991 and
1992 compared to the CT treatment; and 21 and 20% in 1991 and 1992 compared
to the NT- treatment. The NT+ produced 720 kg ha^-1 more grain in 1991 and
600 kg ha^-1 more grain in 1992 than the NT- treatment. The additional
water stored in soil due to NT+ treatment over the CT and NT- treatments
was responsible for the increased sorghum grain yield. Similar results were
reported by Unger and Wiese (1979).
Stover production was not influenced by the four contrasting management
methods (Table 5). A plausible explanation for differences in grain
production when compared to stover production is related to differences in
plant available water. Sorghum plants on CT and NT- plots suffered from
water stress during the late part of the growing season, which
significantly reduced panicle development and grain filling. The increased
available water stored for use by FD and NT+ treatments resulted in greater
total dry matter production (Table 5). Averages across 2 years showed that
FD increased total sorghum biomass yields by 700, 190, and 710 kg ha^-1
over those with CT, NT+, and NT-treatments.
TABLE 5. Effect of different management systems on grain sorghum yields
(kg ha^-1) and harvest index in 1991 and 1992 at Bushland, Texas
Year Management systems*
Grain yield
1991 4680 a 3900 b 4620 a 3880 b
1992 5000 a 4240 c 4760 b 4160 d
Average 4840 a 4070 c 4690 b 4020 c
Stover yield
1991 5070 a 5170 a 5180 a 5200 a
1992 5190 a 5230 a 5000 a 5270 a
Average 5130 a 5200 a 5090 a 5240 a
Total dry matter
1991 9750 a 9070 b 9800 a 9080 b
1992 10180 a 9470 b 9750 ab 9430 b
Average 9970 a 9270 b 9780 a 9260 b
Harvest index (HI)#
1991 0.48 a 0.43 b 0.47 a 0.43 b
1992 0.49 a 0.45 b 0.49 a 0.44 b
Average 0.49 0.44 0.48 0.43
* Management systems were: Furrow diking (FD); Conventional tillage (CT);
No-tillage with standing wheat residue (NT+); and No-tillage without
residue (NT-).
Means within each row followed by different letters are significantly
different at the 0.05 level according to the Duncan Multiple Range
# Ratio of grain to total dry matter yields.
The greater soil water content in FD and NT+ plots resulted in greater
harvest index (HI) when compared to the CT and NT- treatments (Table 5).
Lower plant available water due to runoff enhanced early season depletion
of soil water in the CT and NT- plots and resulted in reduced soil water
content by midseason. This increased the probability of water stress
occurring late in the season, which reduced HI and decreased grain yield of
these treatments compared to the FD and NT+ treatments.
Differences in seasonal water use were determined by the difference in soil
water contents at planting and at harvest, and to changes in soil water
content during the growing seasons (Table 6). Furrow diking and NT+
treatments resulted in similar total water use in both years. Even though
water use was greater from FD and NT+ plots, water content in these plots
remained higher throughout most of the season. Because of this, sorghum in
FD and NT+ plots experienced less water stress, responded more to limited
rainfall and yielded more than sorghum in CT and NT plots.
TABLE 6. Total water use by sorghum (mm) and water use efficiency (WUE)
(kg ha^-1 mm^-1) for grain, stover, and total dry matter production under
different management systems in 1991 and 1992 at Bushland, Texas
Year Management system*
Total growing season water use
1991 383 a 354 b 388 a 356 b
1992 465 a 417 c 456 a 405. b
Average 424 a 386 b 422 a 375 b
WUE for grain production
1991 12.2 a 11.0 b 11.9 ab 11.3 b
1992 10.7 a 10.2 b 10.4 ab 10.3 ab
Average 11.5 a 10.6 c 11.2 b 10.8 c
WUE for stover production
1991 13.3 c 14.6 ab 13.4 bc 15.1 a
1992 11.2 bc 12.6 ab 10.9 c 13.0 a
Average 12.3 b 13.6 a 12.2 b 14.1 a
WUE for total dry matter production
1991 25.3 a 25.6 a 25.5 a 26.4 a
1992 21.9 a 22.7 a 21.4 a 23.4 a
Average 23.6 a 24.2 a 23.5 a 24.8 a
* Management systems were: Furrow diking (FD) Conventional tillage (CT);
No-tillage with standing wheat residue (NT+); and No-tillage without
residue (NT-).
# Total water use includes net soil water use and total rainfall from
planting to harvest. Rainfall was 259 and 325 mm in 1991 and 1992,
Means within each row followed by different letters are significantly
different at the 0.05 level according to the Duncan Multiple Range test.
Based on grain yield and total water use.
Trends in water use efficiency (WUE), based on kg of grain or stover
produced per ha mm^-1 of water used, generally followed grain or stover
yield trends (Table 6). Average WUE values for grain production increased
from 10.6 kg ha^-1 mm^-1 with CT to 11.5 kg ha^-1 mm^-1 with FD treatment.
Average WUE values increased from 10.8 kg ha^-1 mm^-1 with NT- to 11.0 kg
with NT+ treatment. The different responses in WUE for grain production due
to the four treatments suggested that some additional growth occurred on
the FD and NT+ plots. Additional plant available water on FD and NT+ plots
reduced plant water stress and permitted greater precipitation use during
critical booting, flowering and grain filling stages, which improved grain
yields. The FD and NT+ treatments were very effective in reducing runoff
and increasing water infiltration into the soil, thus, resulting in greater
grain yields. Consequently, these two systems resulted in greater WUE
Treatment values for WUE were larger for stover than for grain (Table 6).
The much higher WUE for stover than for grain indicated that grain filling
was hindered for CT and NT- compared with the FD and NT+ treatments. This
was indicated by the low grain yield with CT and NT treatments (Table 5).
Water use efficiency for total dry matter production was higher in 1991
than in 1992 for all treatments. The difference among treatments were not
significant within a given year.
The decrease in runoff and the greater ability to store water under the FD
and NT+ treatment conditions produced a greater water reserve. This water
reserve carried grain sorghum through periods of short-term drought and
avoided the development of detrimental plant water stress. The FD and NT+
production systems resulted in an average increase in grain yield of about
750 and 650 kg ha^-1 over the CT and NT- through conservation of soil
water. The study shows that FD and NT+ management systems increase the
growth and yield of grain sorghum compared to the CT and NT- management
systems. The Texas Agriculture Statistics Service (1993) reported that
233,000 ha of sorghum were produced in the Texas Northern High Plains
(19.2% of the total harvested sorghum in Texas). An additional 750 or 650
kg ha^-1 due to FD or NT+ systems would increase annual sorghum grain
production by approximately 162 million kg compared to the CT system. In
water deficit areas, like the Texas Northern High Plains, the water
conserved with FD and NT+ systems can result in greater crop yields; thus
increasing financial returns for the region without additional costs for
seed, fertilizer, or water. This sizable increase in the region's economy
can occur simply by more efficient use of existing climatic resources.
The work reported in this paper was supported by Texas A & M University
(Soil & Crop Sciences Department), USDA-ARS Conservation and Production
Research Laboratory, Bushland, Texas and the Soil Management Collaborative
Research Support Program (USAID No. DAN-1311-GSS-6018-00). These
institutions are greatly acknowledged.
(The mention of trade or manufacturer names is made for information only
and does not imply an endorsement, recommendation, or exclusion by USDA-
Agricultural Research Service. Mention of a pesticide does not constitute a
recommendation for use nor does it imply registrion under FIFRA as
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Copyright 1996 The African Crop Science Society