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African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730 EISSN: 2072-6589
Vol. 4, Num. 4, 1996, pp. 471-475
African Crop Science Journal,
Vol. 4. No.4, pp. 471-475, 1996

Greenhouse assessment of maize growth and yield response to nematode control with aldicarb


Grain Crops Institute, Private Bag X1251 Potchefstroom 2520, Republic of South Africa

(Received 10 August, 1996; accepted 30 October, 1996)

Code Number: CS96088
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Aldicarb provided effective nematode control on maize planted in pots of nematode infested soil in the greenhouse. An average grain yield increase of 50.7 g per plant was recorded. No significant growth response to aldicarb was observed for the following criteria: plant length, number of internodes, length of internodes 1 - 5 and circumference of the fourth internode. No yield increase or growth response was obtained in soil with low levels of nematode infestation.

Key Words: Aldicarb, growth response, maize, nematicidal effect, yield


Nons avons montre que aldicarb peut etre utilise effectivement comme controle contre terre infeste par nematodes. L'experimence a ete finalisee en mais plante dans une serre. La moyenne de rendement de grain du mays a augmente a 50.7 g par plante. La reaction de croissance n'etait pas considerable. En ce qui concerne: la longeur des plantes, le nombre d' internodes longeur d 'internodes 1 - 5 et la circumference du quatrieme internode. Nous n'avons pas trouve une augmentation de rendement en terre avec peu d'infestation.

Mots Cles: Aldicarb, reaction de croissance, mais, effet de nematodes, rendement


Crop growth enhancements associated with the use of nematicides have been observed by numerous investigators. Norton et al. (1978) stated that increased maize (Zea mays L.) yield with nematicide applications could be the result of nematode control, insect control or growth enhancement by the nematicides. The latter possibility has not received much attention in South Africa and is mainly covered in literature reviews (McDonald and De Waele, 1987). Scholte and s'Jacob (1983) obtained effective nematode control with oxamyl applied to maize. They observed growth enhancement in the early growth stages of plants but it had only a slight effect on yield.

Crop growth enhancement associated with the use of aldicarb has also been reported on many other crops but has not always been associated with yield increases (McEwen et al., 1979; Barker et al., 1988). Aldicarb generally increased the number of branches and flowers of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.), the number of cotton flowers (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (McEwen et al. 1979) and growth of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) (Barker et al. 1988). Aldicarb treatment in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) resulted in increased growth which resulted in increased harvestable foliage (Barker and Powell, 1988).

The nematode control - yield increase relationship may further be complicated by as yet unknown effects of nematicides on non-target soil microflora and -fauna, which may affect crop performance. Aldicarb enhanced growth of Rhizobium spp. associated with cowpea (Vigna sinensis L.) at 2 ppm but inhibited growth at 5 and 10 ppm in a laboratory test. Soil application of aldicarb to cowpea reduced the number of nodules but enhanced dry matter production of the plants (Sekar and Balasubramanian, 1979).

Environmental conditions may also play a role in growth regulating effects of aldicarb. This is due to the varying rate of degradation of aldicarb with variation in soil type, pH, temperature, moisture and organic matter (Barker et al. 1988).

The aim of this study was to determine whether yield increases observed in maize plots treated with aldicarb during recent field studies could be attributed to nematode control or plant growth enhancement by aldicarb.


The maize hybrid PAN6528 was planted in pots in a greenhouse using two soils. The main difference between the soils were the different natural nematode infestation levels. Soil A was collected from a field near Viljoenskroon with a high natural nematode infestation (more than 500 + 200 plant parasitic nematodes in 200 ml soil). The important plant-parasitic nematodes present were Pratylenchus zeae, P. brachyurus (9:1 ratio), Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita (9:1 ratio). The clay content was 4.8% and pH 5.09. Soil B, sold as common gardening soil, had a low natural nematode infestation (less than 10 plant parasitic nematodes in 200 ml soil) with a species composition similar to soil A, a clay content of 10.9% and a pH of 4.61. Soil B was included as an upper control as no yield increase was expected due to low nematode infestation levels unless aldicarb resulted in growth or yield enhancement. Since only data between different treatments within either soil A or B were compared, the difference in clay content did not affect results and interpretation.

Half of both soils was steam pasteurised for eight hours at 120 C. Eighty asbestos pots (35 x 35 x 36 cm) were each filled with 40 l of soil, 40 pots for each soil type. One seed was planted per pot. Based on soil nutrient analyses fertilities of both soils were supplemented by addition of 2.63 g N; 2.775 g P; 3.405 g K; 3.445 g Ca and 2.36 g Mg per pot. A top dressing of 5.60 g N per pot was applied to both soils six weeks after plant emergence. Pots were watered weekly till flowering by means of calibrated drip irrigation, and increased to twice a week at the commencement of ear formation to prevent wilting of plants.

The trial consisted of four treatments for each soil type. These were pasteurised soil; pasteurised soil + aldicarb; unpasteurised soil, and unpasteurised soil + aldicarb. Ten pots were used per treatment. Treatments with pasteurised soil (estimated total nematode control) were included as a second upper control as no yield reactions were expected  unless caused by aldicarb. Aldicarb, 150 g kg^-1 a.i. granular, manufactured by Rhone-Poulenc, was applied at a rate of 0.33 g product (is 0.05 g a.i.) per pot, equivalent to the field recommendation for maize of 1 g product (is 0.15 g a.i.) per linear metre row length.

Total plant length (from stem base to the tip of the last extended leaf) was measured seven times during the growing season, namely 55, 62, 69, 76, 84, 92 and 139 days after planting. At harvest the number of internodes, length (cm) of internodes 1 to 5, circumference (cm) of the fourth internode and yield (g) per plant were determined. Nematodes within the roots were extracted at harvest by means of the sugar centrifugal flotation method (De Waele et al., 1987) and the adapted NaOCl method for root-knot nematode extraction (Riekert, 1995). The trial layout was a randomised complete block. Nematode numbers were log(x + 1) transformed, and data were subjected to analyses of variance.


Aldicarb application to soil B did not result in significant differences in either plant growth, yield or nematode numbers (data not presented). This can be attributed to low natural nematode infestation and lack of growth enhancement by aldicarb. Soil B therefore sufficed as an upper control to evaluate possible growth enhancement by aldicarb.

No significant differences in plant length were recorded in soil A (Table 1). Similarly, no significant differences in number of internodes, length of internodes 1 - 5 or the circumferences of internode 4 were recorded (Table 2). Aldicarb treatment, therefore, did not result in significant growth enhancement in this greenhouse study.

TABLE 1. Average plant length (cm) of maize in soil A*

Time      Pasteurised   Pasteurised soil  Unpasteurised   Unpasteurised
(days)       soil          +aldicarb          soil       soil + aldicarb
 55         124.5           112.5             96.4            120.0 
 62         152.7           151.5            143.2            153.7
 69         202.0           198.2            197.8            204.5
 76         218.9           217.2            224.0            225.9
 84         273.5           266.9            274.3            278.7
 92         305.6           296.5            327.3            295.3
139         311.4           298.5            328.5            298.9

* No significant differences between means were observed at P < 0.05 (LSD).

TABLE 2. Average circumference (cm). length of internode 1-5 (cm) and number of internodes for soil A*

Internode data      Pasteurised  Pasteurlsed   Unpasteurised  Unpasteurised
                         soil   soil+aldicarb      soil       soil+aldicarb
Circumference            7.58       7.75           7.39          7.61 
Length internode 1-5    69.5        67.5          69.6          77.2 
Total no. of internode  17.4        17.3          16.8          17.0

* No significant differences between means were observed at P < 0.05 (LSD).

Yield differed significantly (P = 0.038) between treatments in soil A (Table 3). The yield response in soil A can be attributed to reduction of nematode numbers due to aldicarb treatment. The difference of 50.72 g in yield (Table 3) between unpasteurised soil and the same soil treated with aldicarb is ascribed to the effect of nematodes on yield (Table 3).

TABLE 3. Nematode numbers log(x+ 1) transformed (P=0.0071) and average yield in g/plant (P=0.0379) for soil A

Treatments                   Nematode numbers                     Yield 
             ------------------------------------------------- (g plant^-1)
             Pratylenchus  Meloidogyne  Meloidogyne  Meloidogyne
                               eggs       larvae        total
Pasteurlsed soil    0.794 e*  0.428 a    0.497 a       0.815 b    219,26 a 
Pasteurised soil 
      + aldicarb    0.277 a   0.139 a    0.069 a       0.179 a    237.06 ab

Unpasteurised soil  8.419 c   2.396 b    2.691 b       3.417 c    221.25 a
Unpasteurised soil 
     + aldicarb     6.608 b   0.069 a    0.179 a       0.248 ab.  271.97 b
* Means within columns followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at P= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pratylenchus spp. and Meloidogyne spp. numbers (the only important plant-parasitic nematodes in sufficient numbers to analyse statistically) were significantly reduced (P= 0.0001) in soil A treated with aldicarb. However, factorial analyses indicated no significant interaction between yield and nematode numbers. This could be explained by the continuous damage of nematodes to the root systems.

Results obtained from nematicide application trials in several studies were of inconsistent nature. McDonald and De Waele (1987) reported on several studies with the same tendency as well as studies where significant correlations were obtained. Nematode numbers in a single sampling could therefore not be an indication of possible yield loss. This tendency was not evident in soil B due to low nematode infestation and also explained the absence of yield reduction.

Although expected, the unpasteurised soil treatment did not result in the lowest yield per plant but was in the same order as that of pasteurised soil (Table 3). This tendency could be ascribed to plant compensation to nematode infestation. Wallace (1973) reported that low population levels of Meloidogyne appear to stimulate growth. McDonald and Van den Berg (1993) observed improved growth of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in response to P. brachyurus and Van Rensburg and Van den Berg (1992) reported a similar tendency for stem borer infestation of sorghum.


More research needs to be done to clarify the question regarding maize growth enhancement by aldicarb treatment. Results obtained in soil B did support the theory that observed yield increases were the result of nematode control and not direct growth enhancement, but is disputable since pasteurisation of soil as second upper control lacked effectivity in soil A. Nematodes did survive the pasteurisation and thus resulted in low remaining infestation levels which, although not significant, resulted also in some levels of nematode control with aldicarb in those pots (Table 3). This resulted in possible, but not distinguishable, plant compensation to nematode infestation as mentioned. Data obtained in this study can therefore not clearly distinguish between plant compensation and growth enhancement.

The importance of yield losses attributable to nematode infestation in maize was clearly indicated. A 50 g yield loss per plant, as recorded in this study, could be of significant value to producers. Nematode damage is therefore an important, yet often an unnoticed, limiting factor in South African maize production. The development of economically viable nematode control methods on low cash crops like maize is therefore essential.


Barker, K.R., Koenning, S.R., Bostian, A.L. and Ayers, A.R. 1988. Growth and yield responses of soybean to aldicarb. Journal of Nematology 20:421-431.

Barker, K.R. and Powell, N.T. 1988. Influence of aldicarb on the growth and yield of tobacco. Journal of Nematology 20:432- 438.

De Waele, E., De Waele, D. and Wilken, R. 1987. Effect of root mass on the efficacy of methods for extracting root-lesion nematodes from maize root samples. Phytophylactica 19: 473474.

McDonald, A.H. and De Waele, D. 1987. Control strategies against nematode pests on maize. Proceedings of the 7th South African Maize Breeding Symposium 1986. Technical Communication, Department of Agriculture and Water Supply. R.S .A. No.212, pp. 55-60.

McDonald, A.H. and Van den Berg, E.H. 1993. Effect of watering regime on injury to corn and grain sorghum by Pratylenchus species. Journal of Nematology 25:654-658.

McEwen, J., Cockbain, A.J., Fletcher, K.E., Salt, G .A. Wall, C., Whitehead, A.G. and Yeoman, D.P. 1979. The effects of aldicarb, traizophos and benomyl plus zineb on the incidence of pests and pathogens and on the yields and nitrogen uptakes of leafless peas (Pisum sativum L.). Journal of Agricultural Science 93:687- 692.

Norton, D.C., Tollefson, J., Hinz, P. and Thomas, S.H. 1978. Corn yield increases relative to non-fumigant chemical control of nematodes. Journal of Nematology 1 O: 160- 166.

Riekert, H.F. 1995. An adapted method for extraction of root-knot nematode eggs from maize root samples. African Plant Protection 1:41-43.

Scholte, K. and s'Jacob, J.J. 1983. The influence of continuous cropping and free-living root lesion nematodes on yield of fodder maize. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 89:127-141.

Sekar, T. and Balasubramanian, A. 1979. Influence of a carbamate pesticide on growth, respiration (14C)-carbon metabolism and symbiosis of a Rhizobium sp. Plant and Soil 51:355-361.

Van Rensburg, J.B.J. and Van den Berg, J. 1992. Stem borders in grain sorghum: II. Yield loss compensation in relation to borer attack. Plant and Soil 9:81-86.

Wallace, H.R. 1973. Nematode Ecology and Plant Disease. 1st edn., Edward Arnold Ltd., London. 228pp.

Copyright 1996 The African Crop Science Society

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