African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730 EISSN: 2072-6589
Vol. 4, Num. 4, 1996, pp. 497-501
African Crop Science Journal,
Vol. 4. No. 4, pp. 497-501, 1996
Heterotic patterns of some intermediate maturing Maize germplasm
^1 National Maize Research Programme, Bako Research Centre, P.O. Box 3,
West Shoa, Ethiopia
(Received 24 July, 1996; accepted 18 November, 1996)
Code Number: CS96092
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A comprehensive hybrid breeding system requires two diverse populations.
The source germplasm of the parents of the intermediate maturing hybrids of
Ethiopia are genetically divergent, but they are narrow for further
improvement. This study was undertaken to synthesise a pair of intermediate
maturing broad based heterotic pools and to identify superior heterotic
combinations for direct use in the hybrid programme. Germplasm from East
Africa and CIMMYT populations were used in the study. Parents of BH-140,
i.e., Gutto LMS-5 and SC-22, were used as testers. The trial was organised
and tested in a randomised complete block design at Bako, Awassa, Jimma and
Arsi-Negele in 1994. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining
ability (SCA) effects for grain yield were calculated according to the Line
x Tester analysis. A number of crosses outyielded BH-140, and significant
differences were observed for the effects of SCA. The CIMMYT populations
had better heterosis with SC-22 than with Gutto LMS-5. Based on the cross
data the maize germplasm were grouped into a pair of heterotic pools. These
pools may serve as source germplasm for the development of intermediate
maturing maize varieties for the medium altitude areas of East Africa with
sufficient rainfall.
Key Words: Combining ability, heterotic pattern, maize, Zea mays
Une reproduction complete du systeme des hybrides exige deux diverses
populations. La source du germoplasme des parents des hybrides
intermediaires en maturite sont genetiquement divergents en Ethiopie, mais
ils sont limites aux ameliorations ulterieures. Cette etude a ete initiee
pour synthetiser une paire des especes heterotiques intemediaires et
identifier les combinaisons des heterotiques superieurs pour l'usage
immediat dans le programme des hybrides. Le germoplasme d'origine de
l'Afrique de l'Est et les populations CIMMYT etaient utilises dans la
recherche. Les parents du BH-140, comme Gutto LMS5 et SC-22, etaient
utilizes comme agents testeurs. L'essai etait organise et teste au hasard
dans le bloc a Bako, Awasa, Jimma et Arsi-Negela en 1994. La capacite
generaie d'associer (General Combining ability: GCA) les effets des
rendements des graines etaient calcules d'apres la ligne X du Testeur
d'analyse. Un certain nombre de BH-140 ou rendement a ete enregistre, et
l'on a constate de differences remarquables quant aux effets du SCA. Les
populations du CIMMYT avaient de meilleurs heterogenes associes aux SC-22
par rapport au Gutto LMS-5. Base sur les donnees de croisement du
germoplasme du mais, on les a groupe dans une source des heterotiques. Ces
etangs ou sources peuvent servir comme source de germoplasme pour le
developpement des varietes intermediaires du mais a l'etape de maturite
pour les terrains d'une altitude moyenne en Afrique de l'Est avec une
abondance de pluie.
Mots Cles: Asocier la capacite, echantillon heterotique, le mais,
Zea mays L.
The parents of the local commercial maize hybrids from Ethiopia were
extracted from narrow based germplasm. Parents of BH-660 are based on
genetically divergent populations, KS-II and EC573. In Kenya a large amount
of heterosis was obtained with these two populations (Darrah et al.,
1978; Ristanovic, 1988; Eberhart, 1989). In Ethiopia the hybrids
developed from these populations are high yielders but they are late
maturing. Intermediate maize varieties are necessary for the medium
altitude areas of Ethiopia with sufficient rainfall, but no diverse source
germplasm are available for the breeding programme. The source of the
parents of intermediate maturing hybrid BH-140, SC-5522 of East African
origin and Gutto, which was derived from Tuxpeno- 1 C 18, are too narrow
for further improvement. BH- 140 involves an inbred line, SC-22 which was
derived from contaminated SC-5522 and a highly selected medium maturing
population, Gutto LMS-5 (Benti et al., 1993).
A comprehensive hybrid breeding system requires the development of two
diverse breeding populations (Eberhart, 1989). The experience of the CIMMYT
hybrid maize programme also shows the importance of developing two diverse
populations for hybrid maize programme (Vassal et al., 1992a, b).
Benti et al. (1990) made a diallel cross among eight locally adapted
maize composites of Ethiopia and found that heterosis of the crosses was
too low to justify the formation of heterotic group.
In the National Maize Research Programme of Ethiopia, diverse populations
with identified heterotic patterns are necessary for further progress. Thus
the objectives of this study were to synthesise a pair of intermediate
maturing heterotic pools and identify superior heterotic combinations for
direct use in the hybrid programme.
Fourteen inbred lines developed from different sources and seven non-inbred
populations were used for this study. The non-inbred germplasm include the
locally adapted populations and some CIMMYT populations. The early
populations, Katumani and Alamura white, were also included in this study.
Parents of BH-140, i.e.,Gutto LMS5 and SC-22, were used as testers. BH-140
and an open pollinated variety, Beletech, were included as checks for yield
The crosses were made in 1993 at Bako Research Centre. The trial was
organised and tested at four locations in 1994. The test locations were
Bako (1650 masl), Jimma (1700 masl), Awassa (1700 masl) and Arsi-negele (
1800 masl). The trial was planted with three replications in a randomised
complete block design. The plot consisted of two 3m long rows spaced 75 cm
apart. The spacing within the row was 30 cm. Data were recorded for grain
yield and other agronomic traits.
In order to group the maize germplasm (MG) into two heterotic pools, grain
yield data were used for the analysis of variance. Analysis of variance for
each location and combined analysis were computed, but the checks were not
included in the analyses. General combining ability (GCA) and specific
combining ability (SCA) effects for grain yield were calculated according
to the Line x Tester analysis (Singh and Chaudhary, 1979). Based on the
cross data, the germplasm was grouped into two heterotic groups. Selected
progenies were used in a diallel cross in 1996.
Combined analysis of variance across locations for grain yield is presented
in Table 1. The effect of maize germplasm and the difference between the
testers were significant (P<0.01). Significant SCA effects were also
observed for the crosses.
TABLE 1. Combined analysis of variance for grain yield for some
intermediate maturing maize germplasm
Source of variation df MS
Location (Loc.) 3 20990.680**
Rep/Loc. 8 469.889
Maize germplasm (MG) 20 851.199**
Testers 1 1973.203**
MG x Tester 20 158.447**
MG x Loc. 60 406.980**
Tester x Loc. 3 520.837**
MG x Tester x Loc. 60 55.249
Pooled error 328 116.435
CV % 14.5
** Significant at 0.01 level of probability.
The mean grain yield across locations ranged from 59.9 quintals (q) ha^-1
to 102.5 q ha^-1. A number of crosses outyielded the checks. The best cross
outyielded BH-140 by 25.3% and Beletech by 51.9%. Eleven germplasm had
positive GCA effects and six germplasm had significant positive GCA effects
(Table 2).
TABLE 2. Mean grain yield (q ha-1), general combining ability (GCA) and
specific combining ability (SCA) for intermediate maturing maize germplasm
(MG) x Tester crosses tested at four locations of Ethiopia
Maize Yield GCA Gutto LMS-5 SC-22 Source Status
progeny ------------ ------------
Yield SCA Yield SCA
1. A-7025 69.7 -2.392* 67.7 0.470 71.7 -0.476 East Africa Inbred
2. A-7016 83.7 2.279* 85.0 1.571 82.4 -1.569 East Africa Inbred
3. A-7032 77.4 0.179 78.1 1.374 76.7 -1.373 East Africa Inbred
4. A-7033 77.1 0.094 76.1 0.799 78.1 -0.798 East Africa Inbred
5. F-7215 73.1 -1.242 67.0 -0.881 79.2 0.881 East Africa Inbred
6. A-7024 82.7 1.925 69.5 -3.241* 95.8 3.243* East Africa Inbred
7. F-7237 63.9 -4.312* 62.7 0.733 65.1 -0.731 East Africa Inbred
8. D-7690 67.0 -3.266* 63.0 -0.188 71.0 0.188 East Africa Inbred
9. NSCM41
1924(75) 66.6 -3.409* 71.1 2.654 62.1 -2.653 East Africa Inbred
1873(24) 78.3 0.490 75.2 0.121 81.4 -0.120 East Africa Inbred
11.D-7625 83.8 2.323* 80.5 0.048 87.1 -0.047 East Africa Inbred
12.143-5-i 92.1 5.070* 86.8 -0.621 97.3 0.622 East Africa Inbred
13.A-511 72.2 -1.563 71.6 0.955 72.7 -0.953 East Africa Populn
14.121-a 87.5 3.568* 85.2 0.380 89.8 -0.379 East Africa Inbred
15.POP-29 84.3 2.477* 71.4 -3.145* 97.1 3.145* CIMMYT Population
16.Pozanca 73.3 -1.196 69.8 -0.014 76.7 0.015 CIMMYT Population
17.AW-8047 70.0 -2.269* 66.1 -0.158 73.9 0.159 East Africa Populn
18.PO P-43 83.3 2.124 72.0 -2.606 94.5 2.607 CIMMYT Population
19.Katumani 60.9 -5.320** 59.9 0.805 61.9 -0.805 East Africa Populn
20.136-d 102.2 8.441**101.9 1.044 102.5 -1.042 East Africa Inbred
white 64.8 -4.008* 61.1 0.091 68.5 0.091 East Africa Populn
MEAN 76.9 73.4 80.3
BH-140 81.8
Beletech 67.5
Inbred = Inbred Line
Popln = Population
*, ** Significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of probability, respectively.
Significant positive SCA effect was recorded from the crosses of both
non-inbred maize germplasm and inbred lines (Table 2). The non-inbred
germplasm, Pop-29 had significant positive SCA effect when crossed with
SC-22. Significant positive SCA effect was also recorded from the inbred
cross, A-7024 X SC-22. The CIMMYT populations, Pop-29, Pop-43 and Pozarica
had better heterosis with SC-22 than with Gutto LMS-5. Crosses of Katumani
and Alamura white with both testers were low yielders.
The result obtained in this study provided information on the heterotic
patterns of some intermediate maturing maize germplasm available at Bako
Research Centre. Six selected maize germplasm which had positive SCA effect
with SC-22 and negative SCA effect with Gutto LMS5 were grouped with Gutto
LMS-5 whereas seven selected maize germplasm which had positive SCA effect
with Gutto LMS-5 and negative SCA effect with SC-22 were grouped with S&22.
Each group was recombined through diallel cross in 1996. Germplasm A-7033,
A-7024, F-7237, D-7625, 143-5-i, 136-d, Katumani and Alamura white were not
included in the formation of the pools. Crosses of A-7024 143-5-i and 136-d
had high yield potential. However, A-7024 was susceptible to leaf disease
while 143 - 5-i and 136-d were susceptible to root lodging (data not
The preliminary information obtained is useful for maize research, and the
source germplasm from which the parents of BH-140 were derived can be made
more diversified by introgressing the selected maize materials used in this
study into them. These heterotic pools may also serve as source germplasm
for the development of intermediate maturing maize varieties for the medium
altitude areas of East Africa with sufficient rainfall. But recurrent
selection should be practised for each of the pools to increase the cross
performance. The recurrent selection in KS-II and EC-573 in Kenya improved
the cross performance of the two populations (Ochieng et al., 1989).
In this study only combining ability for grain yield was considered for
grouping the maize germplasm. In future, seed texture should also be
considered. Although both inbred and non-inbred progenitors could be used
to form new heterotic groups, germplasm developed from inbred progenitors
will probably show a higher level of tolerance to inbreeding depression and
would result in a higher frequency of superior inbred lines (Vassal et
al., 1992). Thus other heterotic pools could also be formed from lines
developed from these pools and other germplasm.
The authors wish to thank the late Dr. Joginder Singh and National Maize
Research Improvement staff for assisting in designing, organising and
conducting the trial.
Benti Tolessa, Kebede Mulatu, Legesse Wolde and Gezahegne Bogale. 1990.
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Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Science 12:1-8.
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Ethiopia: A Review. In: Proceedings of the First National Maize Workshop
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Vassal, S.K., Sirnivan, G., Pandey, S., Cordova, H.S., Han, G.C. and
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Copyright 1996 The African Crop Science Society