African Health Sciences
Makerere University Medical School
ISSN: 1680-6905 EISSN: 1729-0503
Vol. 11, Num. 2, 2011, pp. 211 - 218
African Health Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 2, April-June, 2011, pp. 211 - 218
Sexual, reproductive health needs and rights of young people
with perinatally Acquired HIV in Uganda
*Baryamutuma R1, Baingana
1Makerere University School of Public Health, SPH-CDC HIV/AIDS Fellowship Program, Kampala
2Wellcome Trust Research Fellow, LSE/MUSPH, Kampala, Uganda
*Correspondence author
Rose Baryamutuma
Makerere University School of Public Health
SPH-CDC HIV/AIDS Fellowship Program
P. O Box 7062
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: + 256 71 2 440430
E-mail:kabacwezi@yahoo.com, rbaryamutuma@musph.ac.ug
Code Number: hs11033
Background: Numbers of young people with perinatally acquired HIV is growing significantly. With antiretroviral
drugs, children who get infected at birth with HIV have an opportunity to graduate into adolescence and adulthood.
This achievement notwithstanding, new challenges have emerged in their care and support needs. The most dynamic being,
their sexual and reproductive health needs and rights (SRHR).
Objectives: This paper aimed at establishing the gaps at policy, program and health systems level as far as addressing
sexual and reproductive health needs of young people who have lived with HIV since infancy is concerned.
Methods: This paper is based on a desk review of existing literature on sexual and reproductive health needs and rights
of young positives.
Results: The results indicate young positives are sexually active and are engaging in risky sexual encounters. Yet,
existing policies, programs and services are inadequate in responding to their sexual and reproductive health needs and rights.
Conclusion: Against these findings, it is important, that policies specifically targeting this subgroup are formulated and
to make sure that such policies result in programs and services that are youth friendly. It is also important that integration
of Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and HIV services is prioritized.
Key words: HIV and AIDS, perinatally infected children, sexual and reproductive health needs, sexual and
reproductive rights, Young people living with HIV/AIDS, Adolescents living with HIV, HIV Programming, HIV policies in Uganda
Almost three decades into the HIV pandemic,
the outlook of HIV/AIDS has evolved significantly from an automatic death sentence following
a positive diagnosis with the HIV virus, to a
chronically manageable disease that can be lived with for a
long time1. This transformation has been possible
because of antiretroviral drugs which allow those
infected to live longer and enjoy healthier
lives2,3 . Nowhere has the impact of antiretroviral therapies been
so remarkable like in the lives of children
perinatally infected with the HIV virus4. Hitherto, those who contracted the HIV virus vertically would barely
live for two years characterized by
ill-health5. It was,
therefore, not anticipated that children with perinatally acquired HIV would live long enough
to experience the conventional challenges of adolescence and adulthood such as sexuality
and childbearing decisions6.
In Uganda as is the case elsewhere in
the world, the first cohort of children born HIV
positive has defied all odds to reach adolescence and
early adulthood6,7. Like all young people growing up, they have reached a stage characterized by many
physical and emotional changes. It is at this stage in the
human cycle that young people begin to explore
their sexuality putting themselves at the risk of
unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases
(STIs). For Young People with perinataly acquired HIV,
the conventional challenges of adolescence are
even more complex considering the intricate
relationship between sexual activity and HIV
transmission. Despite their HIV positive status, Young
People Living with HIV (YPLHIV) have sexual and reproductive health needs and
rights8. They desire to love and to be loved and have plans to
produce children. Besides, they have the freedom of choice
regarding sexual matters, reproduction, marriage
and the fundamental right to access sexual health information and comprehensive sexual
health services8,9.
Given the dynamics of sexual
and reproductive needs and choices of people living
with HIV (PLHIV)10, addressing sexual and
reproductive health needs of Young people with
perinataly acquired HIV introduces a complex chapter in
the fight against HIV and AIDS. This is because of
the intricate relationship between sexuality and the
main modes of HIV transmission. In Uganda for example, 80% of HIV infections are through
heterosexual intercourse while mother to child
transmission accounts for 22-25% of all HIV infections in
the country6. It should also be noted that the
complexity of dealing with sexuality matters among
adolescents are even more challenging when dealing
with YPLHIV. As many children with perinataly
acquired HIV graduate into adolescence and adulthood, it
is imperative that their sexual and reproductive
health needs and rights are critically examined in relation
to existing HIV programs, policy environment and health systems, to identify the gaps and opportunities.
This paper draws on emerging
literature around the globe on sexual and reproductive
health needs and rights for young people with
perinatally acquired HIV, to assess the implications
this phenomenon might have for HIV Programming in Uganda. It gives some recommendations for
policy formulation/review and program
design/evaluation to make specific reference to sexual and
reproductive health needs and rights of this population.
This paper is based on a desk review of
literature on the sexual and reproductive health needs
and rights of YPLHIV. A number of relevant
materials and documents on this subject were searched
using both the Bio medical and Social science data
bases. These included Google Scholar, Pubmed,
Medline, Popline and HINARI. Other publications
and reports that had relevant materials on this
subject matter were also reviewed. Abstracts/papers
and documents were considered for review if they
had information that was in line with the search
objectives and published from 2000 onwards.
Overview on adolescents perinatally
infected with HIV
From available literature, it is evident that sexual
and reproductive health needs of adolescents with perinataly acquired HIV are not so different
from those of their counterparts who are HIV
negative10. They are experimenting with sex, are sexually
active, some have multiple sexual partners, do not consistently use protection in sexual encounters
and some have initiated
childbearing5,10. However, YPLHIV have special needs dictated by
both biological and social factors that are pertinent to
being HIV positive11. For example, they need skills to
deal with issues of disclosure to their partners to
prevent the spread of the HIV virus and making
informed decisions about reproductive health issues
like childbearing12.
Although exact numbers of YPLHIV are
hard to determine because HIV data is normally disaggregated between adults and
children13,14 it is evident that their population is steadily growing across the globe. In Uganda for example, TASO
a non governmental organization dealing with HIV positive people had by 2006 registered 4,692
young people aged 10-19 years who have lived with
HIV since infancy6. Other service centers such as
the Pediatric Infectious Disease Centre (PIDC) and Mildmay Uganda have equally registered
substantive numbers of this subgroup at 600 and
700 respectively2,6.
In the United States which has a long
history of antiretroviral therapies, some children
with perinataly acquired HIV have entered the
third decade3,15 and there are indications that many
more will join them. In the US which has a long
history with antiretroviral drugs, the number of teenagers
with perinatally acquired HIV was about 2400 in 1999 based on the analysis of data from the
Pediatric Spectrum of HIV Project and CDC HIV/AIDS surveillance
databases4,16. The researchers projected that many more will be 13 years and above in
2005. The NISDI pediatric study carried out in
Brazil, Argentina and Mexico with an objective of determining the mode of HIV transmission
among 109 adolescents aged 12-19 revealed that most
of them (61%) had lived with HIV since
infancy17 this underlines the fact that significant numbers of
young positives will reach adolescence and adulthood
with access to antiretroviral drugs.
As the population of perinatally
infected adolescents/adults grows, policy makers, HIVAIDS
programmers, service providers and all
stakeholders in the fight against HIV/AIDS need information
to effectively respond to their evolving needs for effective treatment and psychosocial support
and most importantly responding to their sexual
and reproductive health needs and rights18.
Sexual behaviors of young people
with perinatally acquired HIV.
In Uganda, young people initiate sexual activities
very early in life. According to the 2004/05 National
HIV/AIDS Sero-Behavioural Survey, age at first sex
was estimated at 16.7 years for girls and 18.8 years
for boys14. Despite some evidence that long term
survival with HIV/AIDS impacts on normal growth
and might delay transition to puberty leading to
delayed sexual initiation21, it is evident that age at first
sex among these young people does not differ significantly from that of the general population.
By late adolescence and early adulthood majority
are already sexually active and some will have
produced children2,6.
As far as sexual behaviours are
concerned, young people who have lived with HIV since
infancy YPLHIV rarely use protection at first sex nor
are condoms used consistently in subsequent sexual encounters. It is evident from the literature that
sexual behaviours of these young people are as risky
as those of their counterparts who were born HIV negative. A study in Uganda a study involving
732 adolescents aged 15-19 years with perinatally
acquired HIV revealed that 61% of the sexually
experienced did not use condoms at first sexual
intercourse6. Similarly, a cross sectional retrospective study in
the US21 among older children, adolescents and young adults who had lived with HIV since infancy
reported inconsistent condom usage among the
sexually active22.
The above studies not withstanding, risky sexual encounters are also manifest in the
increasing number of pregnancies occurring in this
subgroup and also those who present with sexually
transmitted diseases at treatment
centers21. In Uganda, TASO has registered over 184 pregnancies among
this subgroup5 while PIDC has recorded 6 pregnancies among their born positives. Some studies from
the United States indicate that young women with perinataly acquired HIV have presented with
second time pregnancies. All these are indications that
sexual and reproductive health needs of young people
who have lived with HIV since infancy are not different
from their counterparts who acquired HIV behaviorally or were born HIV negative.
Concerning the choice of sexual
partners, some studies have revealed that many young
people with perinatally acquired HIV prefer HIV
negative partners2,6. Some of the reasons advanced for
this preference include avoiding re-infection and the
need for begetting HIV negative children6. Although not much literature exists on this subject, it is a
significant revelation that many policy makers and
programmers in HIV/AIDS need to critically analyze given
its implications. This is important because
YPLHIV have serious challenges when it comes to
disclosure of their HIV status fearing rejection from
potential sexual partners6.
Pregnancy and childbearing by YPLHIV
Fertility intentions and choices are central to
every human being and young people with perinataly acquired HIV are not any different. As many
graduate into adolescence and adulthood, it is anticipated
that a significant number will initiate childbearing. In
fact literature reveals that not only are they planning
to produce children, some have already initiated
childbearing2,5,22. Although there isn't much
evidence in the literature as to whether these pregnancies
are planned or not, some studies indicate that many
are unintended.
In summary, evidence from the
literature indicates that young people who have lived with
HIV since infancy are not any different from their counterparts who were born HIV negative as
far SRH needs are concerned. They are in
relationships, some are sexually active, engaging in risky
sexual encounters and initiating childbearing.
Sexual and reproductive health rights
Sexual and reproductive rights (SRR) are
enshrined in many international conventions, agreements,
laws and declarations. The right to sexual and
reproductive health provides that people are able to enjoy
a mutually satisfying and safe relationship free
from coercion or violence23. These rights provide a
frame work within which sexual and reproductive
well-being can be achieved.
Like many other declarations made
at international gatherings, commitments undertaken
to protect and guarantee SRR for PLHIV have not translated into policies and programs in
member countries Uganda inclusive. This is because
member states lack either the commitment, resources or
will to implement them. Also, the international community lacks the mechanism and mandate to enforce implementation of such declarations.
Existing policies and Sexual and
reproductive health needs and rights of
In Uganda some policies that relate to adolescence health are
in place though most of them lack specific
reference to adolescents with perinataly acquired
HIV. However, if reflected upon in program design
and service provision, these policies would provide
a supportive and conducive environment for addressing sexual and reproductive health needs
of YPLHIV. Some of the policies include the
National policy Guidelines and Service Standards for
Sexual and Reproductive Health rights by the Ministry
of health (2006), National Health Policy, National adolescent Health policy and the sexual
and reproductive health minimum package for Uganda.
Despite having clauses that clearly
pertain to adolescent sexual and reproductive health,
these policies rarely inform programs or services that
are aimed at addressing the needs of young people
in general more so those living with HIV24. The divide between policies and programs is mainly
attributed to bureaucracies that hinder swift dissemination
of these policy guidelines to all stakeholders.
HIV/AIDS programs and SRHR of
young people with perinatally acquired HIV in Uganda
In many developing countries Uganda
inclusive, HIV/AIDS programs and services are
designed around pediatric and adult care6. In either setting, the needs of YPLHIV can not be
adequately addressed more so their sexual and
reproductive health needs. This is for the basic reason that
YPLHIV differ from children and adults infected with
HIV. Whereas children living with HIV are treated
as innocent, YPLHIV are often discriminated
against on prejudices of immorality commonly
associated with the HIV epidemic23,24. Likewise, sexual
and reproductive health needs of YPLHIV are not
the same like those of older PLHIV23. For example, older people are much more likely to have initiated
sex, are most likely to have long term sexual
partners and may have children of their own.
It should also be noted that
HIV programming in Uganda is focused around prevention activities such as HIV counseling
and testing and increasingly HIV/AIDS treatment
care and support24. In the early days of the
epidemic, high levels of morbity and mortality among
those infected with HIV blinded programmers to
other services needs especially sexual and reproductive
health needs. The failure to integrate SRHR
services into HIV/AIDS care for YPLHIV further undermines the ability of HIV programs
to effectively address SRH needs of YPLHIV25. It is a known fact that young people prefer "one
stop shopping" which literally means accessing all
services from one place and preferably by the same
provider26. In case of referral, there is
documented evidence that very few clients make it to the
referred point27.
There is increased outcry among
young people living with HIV about limited
financial support for youth friendly programs and
services8. Their sentiments have been aired at
many international conferences and most recently at
the landmark global consultation on sexual and reproductive health needs and rights of PLHIV
that took place in Amsterdam the Netherlands. At
this conference, YPLHIV lamented of the failure by
the international community and individual states
to commit enough money for youth friendly
services8. This is believed to hinder efforts of
ensuring universal access to care and support28.
Lastly, many HIV programs rarely involve
young people living with HIV in planning,
designing, implementation and evaluation of programs
meant to benefit them8,28. Moreover, the right
of involvement is enshrined in the United Nations General Assembly document
(UNGASS)10. This undermines the effectiveness of these
programs because there is evidence that young people
prefer services by their peers or those that reflect
their ideologies26,29.
Health systems and sexual and
reproductive health needs and rights of YPLHIV
Health systems and a skilled workforce are
the backbone of all efforts to combat HIV/AIDS. In many developing countries, however, health
systems are badly undermined by limited budget
allocation and inadequate investments in health
infrastructure12. This has been exacerbated by the heavy burden
of HIV/AIDS because funds are withdrawn from other sectors to finance HIV/AIDS care,
treatment and support activities28.
In many developing countries,
health facilities are understaffed hindering
comprehensive service delivery including sexual and
reproductive health services especially for PLHIV. As a
result, services are characterised by long hours of
waiting and overcrowding8. These factors are a stumbling
block when it comes to addressing sexual and reproductive health needs of YPLHIV.
More so, poor health workers' attitude
has been cited as a major problem when it comes to addressing sexual and reproductive health needs
of People living with HIV/AIDS. Literature
indicates that most health workers still hold the view
that PLHIV should be asexual in total disregard of
their needs, aspirations and rights5. This, however,
is delaying the inevitable because young people
with HIV are not any different from those who are
HIV negative31,32.
Another factor that undermines
health systems abilities to adequately address sexual
and reproductive health needs and rights of young people in general and those living with
HIV particular, is limited skills among health
workers30. Many health workers are not trained to work
with young people more so those who have lived
with HIV since infancy. They are, therefore not in
position to provide appropriate, effective and non
judgmental information to YPLHIV to help them balance
rights and responsibilities.
Lastly, the evolution of
HIV/AIDS programs vertically from traditional health
systems has resulted in unequal access to quality health
services between those who access care from
traditional health systems vis-à-vis those in vertical
HIIV programs33. Although proponents of the
vertical HIV/AIDS programs argue that this has not undermined services in the general healthcare
system, it is evident that HIV/AIDS programs which
have emerged vertically from traditional health
systems have drained specialized personnel from
the traditional system because they tend to pay
better. Moreover, these programs are also concentrated
in urban areas, a bais consistent with all health systems.
Meeting sexual and reproductive health needs
and rights of young people perinatally infected with
HIV is a challenging and dynamic chapter in the
fight against HIV and AIDS. This is largely due to
the intricate relationship between the main modes
of HIV transmission and most aspects of sexual and reproductive
health34. As a result, many HIV/AIDS programs and policies especially in
developing countries like Uganda lack specific components
and strategies targeting this group which can result
in serious consequences.
It is evident from the data that these
young people are engaging in risky sexual encounters which
has implications for prevention strategies. In a
study by Birungi et al, 2008 among 732 (15-19 year
olds) who contracted HIV vertically and were drawn
from different HIV programs in Uganda, 33% had initiated sex and only 1/3 used condoms at first
sex. Inconsistent condom usage in subsequent
sexual encounters has also been reported in this population.
A comparative study between perinatally and behaviourally infected young people with HIV
in the US37, reported that both sets of adolescents
were engaging in risky sexual encounters. Of the
49 adolescents who reported risky sexual
behaviours, 12 had lived with HIV since infancy. This evidence
is a clear indication that sexual and reproductive
health needs and rights of young people with
perinatally acquired HIV should be prioritised in programs
and policies. This is crucial given the unique
relationship between most aspects of reproductive health
and the main modes of HIV transmission.
At program level, the diversity of sexual
and reproductive health needs of YPLHIV makes it
hard to design suitably tailored sexual and
reproductive health programs that can accommodate the
needs of all YPLHIV. This is because sexual and reproductive health needs of YPLHIV are as
diverse as the epidemic itself35. They differ according
to gender, age and social economic status. Yet,
unlike their counterparts who are HIV negative, any
lapses at programming level can have serious
consequences for the prevention strategies. This, therefore, calls
for a lot of innovation on the part of program
designers to put in place programs that can adequately
address sexual and reproductive health needs of YPLHIV.
In many resource constrained countries
like Uganda, programs with services for this
subgroup are still limited in terms of scope and
coverage25. Most of them have emerged as separate
entities from existing health systems which are easily
accessible by many. It is also important to note that most
HIV/AIDS programs that deal with perinatally
infected adolescents are located in urban areas and are
almost non existent in rural areas33. The fact that most HIV interventions operate as programs/projects,
there are issues of sustainability since these initiatives
have not been integrated in the traditional health systems.
Another challenge is the failure to
involve YPLHIV in the planning, designing,
implementation and evaluation of programs aimed at meeting
their needs including sexual and reproductive
health28. Research shows that young people prefer
services that are offered by their peers and also those
that revolve around their ideologies.
The HIV prevention strategies aside, social attitudes and biases which are echoed in policies
that target people living with HIV make it harder
to address sexual and reproductive health needs of people living with HIV including the
young positives37 The negative attitudes have come to
light in the attempts to criminalize the spread of HIV
in some countries irrespective of the 2001
commitment by 189 world leaders at the United Nations
(UN) General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS to ensuring that "people living with HIV and
AIDS experience "the full enjoyment of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms38"
As far as access to sexual and
reproductive health services are concerned, most
HIV/AIDS programs in developing countries Uganda
inclusive, are designed around pediatric or adult
care38. In either setting, sexual and reproductive health needs
and rights of YPLHIV can not be adequately
addressed because young positives are neither children
nor adults. More so, literature indicates that the
quality of services is compromised by the unskilled
health workers who are not trained to deal with adolescents. It also emerges that sexuality of these young
people is as complex as that of any other
adolescents33. Many are reluctant to discuss their sexuality with either
the parents/guardians or service providers. This
creates an information gap on how to adequately
address their sexual and reproductive health needs.
Regarding programs, it is very important
that integration of reproductive health services and
HIV/AIDS services is prioritised to increase uptake
of such services and avoid missed opportunities.
Such programs should be youth friendly and tailored
to meet the diverse needs of different groups
according to age, gender and social backgrounds. There is
need for creativity in designing programs and services
for YPLHIV because of the complexity this matter presents. All innovations in this area should
be informed by the latest findings in science.
Similarly, deliberate efforts should be
taken to ensure that IEC strategies address sexual
and reproductive heatlth issues for young positives
in general and those with perinatally acquired HIV
in particular. This is important because SRH information is part and partial of the
comprehensive SRHS package for these adolescents. Given
that successes in HIV medical management have not
been matched by successes in behavioral interventions, new
developments should have a dissemination strategy with a clear monitoring and evaluation plan.
Lastly, there is need for more research
to explore reproductive health needs of young
people according to different determinants such as
age, gender, school status orphan hood status and
school status. Such findings are very important if
programs designed are to be suitably tailored and have
the desired impact.
In view of the issues emerging in the literature
about sexual and reproductive health needs and rights
of YPLHIV, it is prudent that policies are
formulated that address key issues about the sexuality
of YPLHIV. For example, the fact that these young people are initiating childbearing, it is critical
that policy issues regarding contraceptives are
handled so that YPLHIV are protected against
unwanted pregnancies and for those planning
reproduction mechanisms should be put in place to provide
them with adequate information regarding PMTCT, breastfeeding and safe days to help them
make informed decisions for their lives and the
children. These policies should be disseminated widely
to inform programs other than shelving them as is
the norm in many countries.
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Copyright 2011 - African Health Sciences