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Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
ISSN: 1119-8362
Vol. 9, Num. 3, 2005, pp. 31-36

Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Management, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2005, pp. 31-36

Controllability and Null Controllability of Linear Systems


1Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, P.M.B 5080, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Email: davsdone@
2Department of Mathematics, Rivers State College of Education, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Email: Mobile Phone: +234-803-673-0979

*Corresponding author: Email: davsdone@

Code Number: ja05055


This paper establishes sufficient conditions for the controllability and null controllability of linear systems. The aim is to use the variation of constant formula to deduce our controllability grammiam, by exploiting the properties of the grammiam and the asymptotic stability of the free system, we achieved our results. @JASEM

Differential equations, in general, are an important tool for harnessing into single system and analyzing the inter-relationship between different components which otherwise may continue to remain independent on each other. It is known in Sebakhy and Bayoumi (1973) that, in the study of economics, biology and physiological systems as well as electromagnetic systems composed of such subsystems interconnected by hydraulic, mechanical and various other linkages, one encounters phenomena which cannot be readily modeled unless relations involving time delays are admitted. Models for such systems can be controlled. A delayed control on such systems will affect the evolution of the system in an indirect manner (Artstein and Tadmore, 1982), where the decisions in the control function are shifted, twisted or combined before affecting the evolution. Models for systems with delay in the control occur in the study of gas-pressures bipropellant rocket systems, in population models and in some complex economic systems etc.

The controllability of systems with delays in the control has been studied by several authors see (Balachandran, 1987; Balachandran and Dauer, 1996; Chukwu, 1979; Onwuatu, 1989). In particular Manitius and Olbrot (1972) studied the system

and gave sufficient conditions for the relative controllability of (1). Our interest, is to integrate the concept of null controllability into a generalized system with delay in state and control given by

We shall give sufficient conditions for the null controllability with constraint of (2) when relative controllability is assumed. Our results complement and extend known results.


Let n and m be positive integers, E the real line (-∞, ∞). We denote by En the space of real n- tupples with the Euclidean norm denoted by | · |. If J is any interval of E the usual Lebesgue space of square integrable (equivalent class of) functions from J to En will be denoted by L2(J, En). L1([t0 ,t1], En).denotes the space of integrable functions from [t0 ,t1] to En . Let h > 0 be given, for functions x:[t0 - h ,t1]→ En, t ε [t0 ,t1], we use xt to denote the functions on [-h,0] defined by xt(s) = x(t + s) for s ε [-h,0]

Consider the system

Embed (3)


EMBED      (4) 

satisfied almost everywhere on [t0 ,t1]. The integral is in the Lebesgue- Stieltjes sense with respect to s. L .(t,Ø) is continuous in t, linear in Ø. η (t.s)  is an n x n  matrix function measurable in t and of  bounded variation in Ø on [-h, 0]  for each t ε [t0, t1]. C(t)  is an n x m  matrix assumed to be bounded and measurable on [t0, t1]. The control function , is assumed to be measurable and bounded on every finite interval. Throughout the sequel, the controls of interest are, a closed and bounded subset of B with zero in the interior relative to B.

If X and Y are linear spaces is a mapping, we shall use the symbols D(T), R(T) and N(T) to denote the domain, range and null spaces of T respectively.

Definition 1 - The complete state of system (3) at time t is given by z(t)= {x (t), xt, ut}

Definition 2 - System (3) is relatively controllable on [t0, t1] , if for every z (t0) and every vectorχ1ε En , there exist a control u εB, such that the corresponding trajectory of system (3) satisfies χ(t)= χ1.  If system (3) is relatively controllable on each interval [t0, t1] , t1 > t0, , we say, system (3) is relatively controllable.

Definition 3 - System (3) is said to be null controllable at t= t1, if for any initial state 0, χ to, uto} on [to-h, to], there exists an admissible control u (t) ε B  defined on [to-h, to] such that the response is brought to the origin of En at t= t1, using the control effort

see Sebakhy and Bayoumi (1973). It is null controllable with constraints at t= t1, if for any initial state 0, χto, uto} on [to - h, t0] , there exists an admissible control u (t) ε U , defined on [to - h, t0]  such that the response χ (t) of system (3) satisfies χ (t) = 0 , using the control effort


Definition 4 - The domain D of null controllability of system (3) is the set of all initial points χ0ε Εn  for which the solution χ (t) of system (3) with χ (t0) = χ0 satisfies χ (t1) = 0 ε En at some t1 using u ε U  

Definition 5 - An operator T : X → Y, where X and Y are linear spaces, is said to be closed if for any sequence unε D(T)  such that un→ u and Tun→ v, u belongs to D(T)  and Tu= v .

The variation of parameter of system (3) for t>to + h  imply the existence of a unique absolutely continuous solution χ(t)  of system (3), with initial complete state z(t0) of the form

where X(t,s) satisfies the equation

almost everywhere

X (t, s)  is called the fundamental matrix solution of the system

χ(t) = L(t, χt)     (6)

We now obtain a more convenient form of the solution (3) by expressing (5) as

The solution χ(t)  of system (3) at t = t1 (Klamka, 1980) becomes

We now define the n x n  controllability matrix of system (3), given by

Where T denotes transpose

Definition 6 - The reachable set of system (3) at time t1 using L2 controls is the subset of En given by

and the constraint reachable set of system (3) is given by

The constraint reachable set with unspecified end time is given by

Definition 7 - System (3) is said to be proper in En 0n [t0, t1]  if

Ct [X(t1, s + h) C (s + h)] = 0

almost everywhere t ε [t0, t1], c ε En implies c = 0. If system (3) is proper on [to, to, + δ] for each δ. 0, we say system (3) is proper at time t0. If system (3) is proper on each interval [t0, t1], t1> t0 > 0, we say the system is proper in En


Lemma 1 - The following are equivalent

(i)                   W(t0, t1)  is non singular for each t

(ii)                 System (3) is proper in En for each interval [t0, t1]

(iii)                System (3) is relatively controllable on each interval [t0, t1]

Proof - W(t0, t1)  is non singular implies W(t0, t1)  is positive definite, that is

Ct[X(t1, s + h)C(s+h)]= 0

almost everywhere on [t0, t1]  implies c = 0  . Therefore, (i) implies (ii).

To prove the equivalence of (ii) and (iii) let c ε En, and assume that

Ct[X(t1, s + h)C(s+h)]= 0

almost everywhere tε[t0, t1] for each t1, then

for u ε L2. It follows from this that c is orthogononal to the set P(t1, t0) . We assume that system (3) is relatively controllable, then P(t1, t0) = En, so that c = 0 , meaning that (iii) implies (ii). Conversely, assume that system (3) is not controllable, so that , for t1> t0. Then, there exists , c ε En, such that ct P(t1, t0) = 0 .

It follows that for all admissible control u ε L2 

To show that (i) implies (ii)

We define the operator K :L2 ([t0, t1], En) → En by

If we assume that W(t0, t1)  is singular. Then the symmetric operator KKT =W(t0, t1)  is positive definite. But this holds, if and only if rank W(t0, t1) = n.

Theorem 1 - System (3) is proper on [t0, t1]  if and only if 0 εint R(t1, t0).

Proof - If R(t1, t0) is a closed and convex subset of En (Klamka, 1976), then a point y1 on the boundary of R(t1, t0) implies that, there is a support plane  of R(t1, t0) through y1, that is ct (y - y1)≤ 0  for each y ε R(t1, t0) where  is an outward normal to . If u1 is the control corresponding to y1, we have


for each u ε U . Since U is a unit sphere, this last inequality holds for each u ε U , if and only if


and u1 (t) = sgn cT (X (t1, s + h) C(c+h)) as y1 is on the boundary. Since we always have 0 ε R(t1, t0) . If 0 were not in the interior of R(t1, t0) then 0 is on the boundary, hence, from the foregoing, this implies so that

cT (X (t1, s + h) C(c+h))  almost everywhere t ε [t0, t1] . This by our definition implies that the system is not proper since . This completes the proof.

Theorem 2 - System (3) is relatively controllable if and only if 0 ε int R(t1, t0) for each t1 > t0

Proof - By lemma 1, system (3) is relatively controllable on [t1, t0], t1 > t0 if and only if, it is proper on [t0, t1] . Therefore, by theorem 1, system (3) is relatively controllable if and only if 0 ε int R(t1, t0).

Theorem 3 - If system (3) is relatively controllable on [t0, t1]  for each t1 > t0, then the domain null controllability of system (3) contains zero in its interior

Proof - Assume that system (3) is relatively controllable on [t0, t1] , t1 > t0 then by theorem 2, 0 ε int R(t1, t0), for each t1 > t0. Since x = 0  is a solution of system (3) with u =0 , we have 0 ε D. Hence, If , then there exists a sequence  such that xm as m→ ∞ and no xm is in D, that is xm ≠ 0 . From (5), we have


for any t1 > t0 and any u ε U. Hence, for u= 0 , ,

is not in R (t0, t1) for any t1 > t0. Therefore the sequence  is such that , but zm as m→ ∞. Therefore,  a contradiction. Hence, 0 ε int D.

Theorem 4 - Assumes

(i)                   System (3) is relatively controllable on [t0, t1]  for each t1 > t0

(ii)                  The zero solution of system (6) is uniformly asymptotically stable, so that the solution of (6) satisfies  are constants. Then    system (3) is null controllable with constraints.

Proof - By (i) and theorem 3, the domain D of null controllability of system (3) contains zero in its interior. Therefore there exists a ball B1 such that . By (ii), every solution of system (3) (with u = 0 ) satisfies x(t) →0  as t → ∞ . Hence at some t1< ∞  (with u = 0 ) , for t1 > t0. Therefore, using t1 and x1 = x(t1)  and t1 at u = o as initial data there exists a u ε U and some t2 > t1 such that the solution x(t) of system (3) satisfies x(t2). Thus  proving the theorem.

Lemma 2

System (3) is relatively controllable on [t0, t1]  if and only if rank W(t0, t1)= n .

The proof is quite standard and simple, for similar proof see Klamka (1976 ).

Theorem 5 - System (3) is null controllable with constraints if

(i)                   Rank W(t0, t1)= n , for t1 > t0

(ii)                  The zero solution of (6) is uniformly asymptotically stable

Proof - Immediately from theorem 4 and lemma 1

Theorem 6 - The system (6) is null controllable with constraints if

(i)                   Rank W(t0, t1)= n , for t1 > t0,

(ii)                 If all the characteristics roots have negative real part

Proof : Immediately.

Conclusion: In this paper we have developed and proved sufficient conditions for the controllability and null controllability of liner systems with delay in the state and control. That is, if the uncontrolled system is asymptotically stable and the controlled system is relatively controllable then, the system is null controllable with constraints.


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