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Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
ISSN: 1119-8362
Vol. 14, Num. 2, 2010, pp. 103-106

Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, June, 2010, pp. 103-106

Proximate and Phytochemical Profile of Sansevieria liberica Gérôme and Labroy

Ikewuchi, C C; *Ikewuchi, C J; Ayalogu, O E; Onyeike, N E

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323, Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria

Code Number: ja10036


The proximate and phytochemical composition of Sansevieria liberica Gérôme and Labroy leaves was investigated. The proximate composition includes moisture (56.10%), crude fibre (5.88% wet weight and 13.39% dry weight), total carbohydrate (4.09% wet weight and 9.32% dry weight), crude protein (21.88% wet weight and 49.84% dry weight), total ash (2.95% wet weight and 6.72% dry weight), crude lipid (0.10% wet weight and 0.23% dry weight) and caloric value (104.78% wet weight and 238.68% dry weight). The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, carotenoids, flavonoids (catechins and flavones), phytates, saponins and tannins; with 0.72% wet weight and 1.64% dry weight carotenoids, 2.20% wet weight and 5.01% dry weight phytates, 0.40% wet weight and 0.91% dry weight saponins, and 0.01% wet weight and 0.02% dry weight tannins. This result support the medicinal use of the plant, and in addition, unveils the possibility of its acting as a potential source of food nutrients and nutraceuticals. @ JASEM

Sansevieria liberica (family Agavaceae, Ruscaceae or Dracaenaceae), is one of the bowstring hemp species (Evans, 2005), with concave, short petioled leaves that are in part transversely banded with light and dark green, also linearly striated with whitish to light green and dark green striations (Reed, 1978). The leaves contain over 2% fiber. This plant has long rhizomes with long fibrous roots and a rapid rate of growth. A number of species of bowstring hemp, such as Sansevieria cylindrica, Sansevieria ehrenbergii, Sansevieria guineesis, Sansevieria longiflora, Sansevieria roxburghiana, Sansevieria trifasciata and Sansevieria zeylanica are grown as ornamental plants (USDA, 2008). They are widely distributed throughout the tropics. In Nigeria, the leaves and roots of Sansevieria liberica are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of asthma, abdominal pains, colic, diarrhea, eczema, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, hypertension, monorrhagia, piles, sexual weakness, snake bites and wounds of the foot (Gill, 1992; Osabohien and Egboh, 2008; Adeyemi et al., 2009). The sedative and anticonvulsivant activities of the roots have been studied by Adeyemi et al. (2007). In this study, we investigated the proximate and phytochemical composition of Sansevieria liberica, with a view to unveiling the possible nutritional and nutraceutical potentials of the plant.


Collection of plant samples: Samples of fresh S. liberica plants were bought from a horticulturist by Air Force Gate, Aba Road, Port Harcourt, Nigeria and from within Alikor Estate, Choba, Nigeria. After due identification at the University of Port Harcourt Herbarium, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, they were rid of dirt and stored for subsequent use in the analysis.

Proximate analysis: A portion was used immediately for proximate analysis. Proximate analysis to determine the moisture, crude protein, fat, ash, fiber and total carbohydrate contents of the samples were carried out in triplicates according to standard methods (AOAC, 2006). The energy value was calculated using the Atwater factors 4, 9 and 4 for protein, fat and carbohydrate respectively (FAO/WHO/UNU, 1991).

Determination of the phytochemical profile: The phytochemical screening of the sample was carried out as described by Harbone (1973), and Sofowora (1980). The sample was screened for alkaloids, flavonoids (catechin and flavone), phytates, saponins and tannins. Quantitative determination of carotenoids, phytates, saponins and tannins were carried out in triplicates, using the method of AOAC (2006).


Table 1 shows the proximate composition of S. liberica. Its moisture content is less than those of Amarantus hybridus, Talinum triangulare, Telferia occidentalis (Oguntona, 1998), Pennisetum purpureum (Okaraonye and Ikewuchi, 2009), Tridax procumbens (Ikewuchi et al., 2009), but greater than that of Chromolaena odorata (Igboh et al., 2009). The moisture content of any food is an index of its water activity (Olutiola et al., 1991), and is used as a measure of stability and the susceptibility to microbial contamination (Uraih and Izuagbe, 1990). This implies that S. liberica may have a relatively longer shelf-life than these other plants. Dehydration would increase the relative concentrations of the other food nutrients (Table 1) and improve the shelflife/durability/keep-ability of S. liberica.

The crude protein content observed here, for S. liberica, is higher than those reported for A. hybridus, T. triangulare, T. occidentalis (Oguntona, 1998), C. odorata (Apori et al., 2000; Igboh et al., 2009), P. purpureum (Okaraonye and Ikewuchi, 2009) and T. procumbens (Ikewuchi et al., 2009). A 100g serving of S. liberica can provide about 43-99% of the recommended dietary allowance (Table 1). This high protein content implies that this plant can contribute significantly to the daily human protein requirements, usually about 23-56g. The crude lipid content of S. liberica is less than those of A. hybridu , T. triangulare, T. occidentalis (Oguntona, 1998), P. purpureum (Okaraonye and Ikewuchi, 2009) and T. procumbens (Ikewuchi et al., 2009), and comparable to that of C. odorata (Igboh et al., 2009). Its total carbohydrate content is less than those of A. hybridus, T. triangulare (Oguntona, 1998), C. odorata (Igboh et al., 2009) and T. procumbens (Ikewuchi et al., 2009), but greater than that of P. purpureum (Okaraonye and Ikewuchi, 2009). The Crude fibre content recorded in this study, for S. liberica, is greater than those of A. hybridus, T. triangulare, T occidentalis (Oguntona, 1998), P. purpureum, (Okaraonye and Ikewuchi, 2009) and T. procumbens (Ikewuchi et al., 2009) but less than that of C. odorata (Igboh et al., 2009). A 100g serving of S. liberica can provide about 23-53% of the recommended dietary allowance (Table 1). Evidences from epidemiological studies suggest that increased fiber consumption may contribute to a reduction in the incidence of certain diseases like diabetes, coronary heart disease, colon cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, and various digestive disorders (FAO, 1990; SACN, 2008). Dietary fibers alter the colonic environment in such a way as to protect against colorectal diseases. It provides protection by increasing fecal bulk, which dilutes the increased colonic bile acid concentrations that occur with a high-fat diet (Dillard and German, 2000). So, herein lays a likely benefit derivable from the consumption of this plant. Its ash content is less than that of T. occidentalis, but greater than those of A. hybridus and T. triangulare (Oguntona, 1998), C. odorata (Igboh et al., 2009), P. purpureum (Okaraonye and Ikewuchi, 2009) and T. procumbens (Ikewuchi et al., 2009). The caloric value of S. liberica is greater than those of A. hybridus, T. triangulare (Oguntona, 1998), P. purpureum (Okaraonye and Ikewuchi, 2009), and T. procumbens (Ikewuchi et al., 2009) but less than that of C. odorata (Igboh et al., 2009).

The phytochemical screening revealed that S. liberica is highly rich in phytates, moderately rich in carotenoids, flavonoids (catechins and flavones) and saponins, with little content of alkaloids and tannins (Table 2). All these have potential health promoting effects, at least under some circumstances (Basu et al., 2007). Table 3 shows the result of the quantification of some of the phytochemicals present in S. liberica. S. liberica has higher carotenoid content than Vernonia amygdalina (Ejoh et al., 2007). Carotenoids provide many brilliant animal colors, as in the flamingo, starfish, lobster and sea urchin (Harbone, 1973; Best, 2006). They are antioxidants, protect against cancer, cataract and radiation damage, boost the immune system (Best, 2006; Basu et al., 2007), and are precursors of vitamin A (Chaney, 2006). β-Carotene is used as a food colorant. The phytate content in S. liberica (Table 3), is greater than those reported for P. purpureum (Okaraonye and Ikewuchi, 2009), Piper guineense, T. triangulare, T. occidentalis (Oguntona, 1998), Trichosanthes anguina fruits (Ojiako and Igwe, 2008) and Vigna unguiculata (Osagie, 1998) and comparable to that of C. odorata (Igboh et al., 2009). Phytic acid binds calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals, thereby reducing their availability in the body (FAO, 1990). It also inhibits protein digestion by forming complexes with them (Singh and Krikorian, 1982). However, phytate content can be lowered by various processing methods (FAO, 1990). Finally, our results revealed that S. liberica is a potentially rich source of plant protein and nutraceuticals.


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