African Journal of Health Sciences
The Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)
ISSN: 1022-9272
Vol. 14, Num. 3-4, 2007, pp. 160-163
African Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 3-4, Jul-Dec, 2007, pp. 160-163
Visual damage following direct sighting of solar eclipse in Ghana
Seth Lartey and Geoffrey K. Amedofu*
Department of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, School of Medical
Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KUMASI, GHANA,
*Author for
Correspondence. E-mail: amedofugk@yahoo.com
Code Number: jh07024
A study
was carried out at the department of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology at
the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital/School of Medical Sciences, at Kumasi Ghana from March 29th to May 29th 2006 to study visual acuity
changes in patients suspected of solar eclipse retinopathy after they viewed an
eclipse of the sun on 29th March 2006. In all, seven patients with
eye complaints were seen. Examination included assessment of Visual Acuity
(VA), Slit Lamp examination, Fundoscopy, Amsle Test, Intra-ocular pressure
evaluation and Goldmans Tonometre Test. Six patients had normal visual acuity
while only one had VA of 6/24 in both eyes, which was corrected. All patients
had normal colour vision and normal Amlser grid. None of them had any evidence
of Maculopathy. 3 patients had superficial punctuate Keratitis. The absence
of solar burns of the macular observed in the region is indicative of the
effectiveness of mass public education concerning the damaging effects of the
solar eclipse. Advanced techniques, such as scanning laser Ophthalmoscopy and
the multifocal electroretinography (ERG) offer the possibility of detailed
examination of small retina lesions in Ghana after an eclipse of the sun.
damage following direct sighting of the solar eclipse is a well-established
clinical entity of macular damage. Accounts of solar damage to the eye existed
for centuries. After observing burns of the retina caused by watching an
eclipse, Socrates warned against the danger of viewing the sun during an
eclipse and suggested instead viewing its reflection in water [1]. Galileo
reportedly was injured by using a telescope for solar eclipse observation [2].
In many societies where there are sun worshippers, eye injury is a
well-documented phenomenon recognised after ritual sun observation [3]. The
term eclipse retinopathy is frequently employed when the condition is sustained
as a result of view a solar eclipse. The vast majority of solar retina
injuries occur as a result of viewing a solar eclipse without adequate
protection. The extent of structural retinal damage and associated visual
impairment is dependent upon the intensity and duration of solar exposure. The
exact mechanisms, which operate to produce solar retinal compromise, are not
completely known, but are believed to involve a thermally enhanced
photochemical process [4].
The spectrum of the light source is an important factor in retinal injury and
the wavelengths in the near-Ultra-Violet- UV (320 to 400nm) and short
wavelength (400 to 500nm) light ranges are primarily
responsible for the phototoxic lesion [4,5]. Clinically, the lesion usually is
not detected until
24 to 48 hours after the initial exposure and this includes central scotoma,
metamorphopsia and photokeratitis. Severe loss occurs after 1 2 days and
visual acuity may be reduced to 6/60 but has been noted to return to 6/12 or
better within 4 to 6 months. Since a natural phenomenon such as solar eclipse
is predictable, public education is the only preventive measure [6].
On 29th March 2006, an eclipse of the sun by the moon occurred in
parts of Ghana. In Ashanti region in central Ghana with a population of 3
million people the eclipse of the sun was experienced. The city of Kumasi in
the Ashanti region and the surrounding areas fall within the penumbra zone, and
in this zone it is dangerous to view the eclipse throughout the eclipse
phenomenon. In the days prior to the eclipse of the sun, an extensive public
education was done on the television and on the local radio stations on the
appropriate method of observing the eclipse of the sun and where to go for help
in case of eye injury after viewing the eclipse. The incident itself was
broadcast live on major television stations in the country showing eclipse
watchers wearing their protective glasses. There is enough data on solar
retinopathy in developed and few developing countries [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. An
eclipse of the sun has occurred in Ghana in early 1930s, but there is no data
currently available on the effects of the phenomenon on the visual acuity of
Ghanaians. There was need to conduct such an investigation to determine the
magnitude of solar burns in patients reporting at the Komfo Anokye Teaching
Hospital following the solar eclipse. Another rationale for the study was to
determine the impact of mass public education programme on protecting the
public from solar eclipse burns of the retina.
Materials and Methods
is a 2-month active observational, non-comparative prospective case
ascertainment study and it was carried out from March 29th 2006 to
29th May 2006 following the eclipse of the sun by the moon on March
29th 2006. The study was carried out at the eye clinic at the Komfo
Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi in Central Ghana.
The study population includes patients reporting to the eye clinic at Komfo
Anokye Teaching Hospital and who complained of eye pains and tearing sensation
of one or both eyes one week after the eclipse. Exclusion criteria include
known previous ocular pathology condition in the affected eye and any ocular
condition found at the time of evaluation, known to present with an acute or
sub-acute loss of vision. Ethical clearance was sought from the ethical
committee of the school of medical sciences and the hospital. Patient
consent was sought by means of written consent. In the case of illiterate
patients a volunteer or a relative translated the consent form to them and they
gave their consent by thumb printing.
were made on five leading radio stations in Kumasi, the capital city of Ashanti
prior to the eclipse that a special desk would be set up at the Eye Clinic at
KATH to cater for all those who had eye problems related to watching the
eclipse. In the clinic, patients were searched for by means of announcement at
point of issuing the out-patient (OPD) cards and at the point of initial
screening by an ophthalmic nurse. A total of only seven patients (3 males, 4
females) met the criteria of inclusion in the study. Their ages ranged between
13 and 50 years. The demographic and clinical features were evaluated. A detailed
case history was taken including name, age, address, and a questionnaire
enquiring about where the eclipse was viewed, whether protective glasses was
used, the type used and how and where the patient heard about the eclipse etc.
All patients had general ophthalmic examination with emphasis on visual acuity,
visual field, Ishihara test, Amsler test, pen torch examination, tonometre and
Funduscopy and slit lamp examination
was found that out of the seven patients seen, one heard about the eclipse in
school, another one on television, two on radio and the remaining three on both
radio and television (Table 1).
A cursory look at the table showed that all the patients viewed the eclipse
at Kumasi, six of them used solar glasses while one used a piece of cloth. Table 2 displays the status of the eyes of the patients. As can be seen, the
visual acuity test indicates that 3 of the patients had a visual acuity of 6/5
bilaterally, another 3 had a vision of 6/6 in both eyes and one patient had a
visual acuity of 6/24 (refractive error) in both eyes. This was corrected. It
was not due to the eclipse of the sun. We also see that all the patients had
normal colour vision with the Ishinara Chart. Amlser grid was normal for all
patients and there was no Maculopathy for all patients. Table 3 depicts the status of the Cornea, Intra-ocular pressure and visual
fields. It can be observed that 3 of the patients had superficial punctuate
Keratitis. All patients had normal Intra-ocular pressure and normal visual fields.
Table 4 shows the major complaints of the
patients. We do note that one outpatient had pain in the left eye, 4 had pain
in both eyes, one had tearing in both eyes and another one had tearing and
pain in both eyes. Observe that these complaints in all lasted for a week or
Table 1: Age, sex, how eclipse was heard,
where and how viewed.
1 |
31 |
M |
TV/Radio |
Solar Glasses |
2 |
50 |
M |
TV/Radio |
Solar Glasses |
3 |
13 |
F |
School |
Solar Glasses |
4 |
30 |
F |
TV |
Solar Glasses |
5 |
32 |
F |
Radio |
Used Cloth |
6 |
28 |
F |
Radio |
Solar Glasses |
7 |
44 |
M |
TV/Radio |
Solar Glasses |
Table 2: Status of the eye of patients.
6/5 6/5
6/6 6/6
6/6 6/6
6/5 6/5
6/6 6/6
6/24 6/24
6/5 6/5
6/6 6/6
Table 3: Status of the cornea, intra-ocular pressure and visual
IOP mm Hg
14 14
12 12
14 16
15 14
14 16
20 18
18 18
Table 4: Major complains of patients
Pains left eye
1 week
Tearing both eyes
4 days
Pains both eyes
1 day
Pains, tearing both eyes
4 days
Pains both eyes
3 days
Pains both eyes
1 week
Pains both eyes
1 week
study was done to determine the magnitude of solar burns in patients reporting
to Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital following the solar eclipse and also to
ascertain the impact of mass public education programme on people who viewed
the eclipse of the sun without protection. Our data has shown that there were
no confirmed cases of solar burns reporting and observed, two months after the
occurrence of the solar eclipse of the sun in Ashanti region of Ghana with an
estimated population of over 3 million people. This was in spite of the
tremendous efforts in looking for these cases and the extensive public
announcements that those who had solar related eye complaint should report to
the eye clinic for check up. This finding of no recorded cases of permanent
visual loss corroborates the previous evidence that visual morbidity following
solar eclipse is likely to be temporary [6]. Indeed, during the solar eclipse
in the United Kingdom in 1999, only 14 cases of retinopathy were recorded one
week after the eclipse and no confirmed cases were reported in any of the
specialist clinics serving Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is known
that most of the known cases in this report watched the sun without protecting
the eyes.
This finding of minimum occurrence of retinopathy following the eclipse is
however at variance with other reports [12, 13]. Kallmar and Ygge [12] followed
15 patients all of whom viewed the solar eclipse in Sweden for one year and
reported that Photo induced foveae injury gave rise to subjective visual
disturbances, reduced VA and morphological changes in the fovea. Central
Scotomas could still be seen in all patients one year after their foveal injury
when scanning laser ophthalmoscopy was used. Similar finding was reported in
the Strasbourg study when the multifocal electroretinogram (ERG) was used on 4
patients after the 11th August 1999 eclipse of the sun. The use of
scanning ophthalmoscopy and multifocal electroretinogram offer the best
possibility of detailed examination of small retinal lesions and foveolar
deficit [12, 13] which can sometimes be difficult to localise with
ophthalmoscopy. Additionally, Mack and Flament [13] assert that the multifocal
ERG has yet to be equalled by any test for analysis of macular lesion. We did
not use these techniques in our evaluation of patients, because we do not have
the facility. Only 3 cases of superficial punctuate Keratopathy were recorded.
This may either be related to the solar eclipse or coincidental since on
average 5 - 10 cases of superficial punctuate Keratitis are seen daily in the
eye clinic through out.
The limited number of patients reporting for check up after the solar eclipse
and the absence of solar burns of the macular observed in the region is
suggestive of the importance of radio and television in educating the public on
the effects of solar eclipse. Thus it would appear that the media is a good
tool of informing the public about health matters.
retinopathy is a well-recognised clinical entity of macular damage by viewing
the sun. In Ghana considerable public excitement was raised in anticipation of
the eclipse of the sun on 29th March 2006. Cases of solar retinitis,
which can even lead to permanent loss of vision, have been reported in the
international literature. To forestall any eye problem which could result from
viewing the eclipse of the sun without proper protection, the eye unit at Komfo
Anokye Teaching Hospital undertook an extensive mass public education on the
proper way to view the phenomena.
After the eclipse, only seven people reported to the hospital with symptoms
they attributed to the eclipse, and out of this no solar Maculopathy was
observed. There were only three cases of superficial punctuate keratopathy
which may or may not be due to the eclipse. It would appear that cases of
retinopathy might be observed if current techniques such as multifocal ERG and
scanning laser ophthalmoscopy were used. Deducing from the low turn out of
people to the clinic after the incidence, we could assert that the mass public
education was most effective in reducing visual morbidity.
Lasting visual damage can follow a solar retinal burn with little or no form of
viewing devices. While it is reasonable to surmise that some patients may
ignore their visual complaints and not report to the hospital, we can conclude
that prevention remains the best treatment and there is a need to educate the
public in this regard not only against the damages of retinopathy but also
other negative health hazards such as uptake cataract, surgical services and
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