Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 5, No. 1, August, 2001 pp. 20-30
Development and Traditional Support Systems in Africa: An Overview
Alfred A. Adegoke1
1Department of Guidance and Counseling, Universi!y of Ilorin,
Ilorin, Nigeria
Correspondence: DrAlfred A Adegoke, Department of Guidance and Counselling,
P.M.B. 1515, University of Illorin, Illorin, Nigeria. E-mail:
Tel 031-224214 Fax 031-224214
Code Number: rh01003
This paper
examines the issues surrounding pubertal development in Africa by discussing
the context of adolescent maturation, pubertal development and the global
implications of traditional support systems for adolescents in Africa. Adolescent
development in Africa with all its attendant risks and opportunities cannot
be adequately understood without reference to cultural context, both past
and present. Too frequently, issues surrounding human growth and development
have been examined outside their cultural context. However, there is a growing
awareness that the situational context must be taken into consideration in
order to achieve adequate dynamic models of human development. The paper
concludes by stating that the essential requirement for ensuring healthy
adolescent development can be met through the joint effort of a number of
pivotal institutions, namely, the family, traditional institutions and the
school. (Afr J Reprod Health 2001; 5[1]:20-30)
WORDS: Pubertal development, puberty rites, extended family, Africa,
This is
a bewildering and eventful time to be a teenager in Africa. While this statement
probably applies to late 20th Century adolescents everywhere in the world,
it has an especially poignant flavour in Africa. Transition from childhood
to adulthood takes place against the backdrop of major political and socio-economic
changes. The effects of these changes are multi-dimensional. Since independence,
most countries in Africa have experienced increased social and economic
changes, as many of the countries moved from a colonial, agricultural-based
dependency to independent, industrialising nations. Lately, however, declining
economic situations, civil wars, ethnic rivalries, and political instability
are examples of some of the changes taking place. In 1993, there were an
estimated six million refugees, and 35 million internally displaced people
in Africa, a high percentage of who are children and teenagers. Africa is
a continent in transition; its children are at risk from drought, famine
and civil strife.
The human
development crisis currently facing Africa has its origin in the massive
economic decline, which began to affect most African countries in the early
1980s. According to the World Bank, many African countries plummeted from
"middle income" to "low income" status during the 1980s, while the number
of least
developed countries in Africa rose from 17 to 28. In the last decade, when
much of the world took great strides forward by improving basic human conditions,
in Africa the degree of poverty actually worsened. The number of families
in sub-Sahara Africa who are unable to meet their needs doubled in the same
period as average income fell by one-third. Population grew by more than
40 per cent; swelling the ranks of the poor during the same period.2 The
implications of all of these are crucial for the welfare of the growing
child. In most countries, for example, schools are seriously run down and
a large number of migrants have left the rural areas in search of better
life in the cities, causing an overwhelming rise in the demand for public
services, especially potable water and adequate sanitation. Migration has
combined with the already high natural population increase to cause accelerated
urbanisation in sub-Sahara Africa thereby swelling its cities. The attraction
of urban services and the search for better jobs in the wage-earning economy
have motivated many people to leave their rural homelands. In scarcely a
dozen years, the proportion of people living in cities increased from 23
per cent (1980) to almost 30 per cent (1992), representing an average annual
growth rate of 5 per cent. At this rate, the urban population, as a proportion
of total population, would have increased to 40 per cent by the year 2000.
In many cities, the population is projected to double every 12 years.2
The transition
to adulthood and the continuous transformation in the society would seem
to be intimately related. Societal institutions cannot continue to exist
without socialisation, nor can human beings survive without a social context.
Researchers have become increasingly aware of the complex interplay of biological,
psychological and social factors during adolescence.34 A
well acclaimed volume, Girls at Puberty,5 a review
and empirical papers in a special issue of child development devoted to
early adolescents, signal the emergence of a focus upon the interaction
of biological,
psychological and social influences during adolescence6,7 The
conception of biology acting in an independent, isolated manner distinct
from variables from other levels of analysis has been replaced by ideas
that stress bidirectional, reciprocal or dynamic interactional relations
among biological, psychological, and social processes.8
It is
important to note that the demographic profile of population in Africa is
changing drastically. The number of youth in most countries in Africa is
growing at a rate faster than the overall population of the continent. Africa
is projected to register the fastest growth in population. The age group
15-24 years is the fastest growing segment of the population, and is expected
to almost double in size by the year 2000.9 Female adolescents
numerically constitute an important component of Africas population. In
1950 there were 21 million female adolescents aged 15-24 years. According
to the UN medium variant projections, this number rose to 45 million in 1980,
and then increased further to 52 million in 1985. This number is expected
to increase to 84 million by the year 2000, thus emphasising the numerical
importance of adolescents in Africa. The quadrupling of the female adolescent
population in Africa has the potential of leading to greater incidence of
premarital fertility. In contemporary African society, strong normative
pressures to become a parent co-exist with conflicting pressures to attain
a high
level of education.10 This results in mixed messages to
adolescents: that women must start bearing children at a young age and are
expected to
do so within marriage, but that they should stay in school, which requires
postponing marriage and childbearing. As the years in school increases, the
period between menarche and marriage is lengthened, extending the period
of premarital exposure to the risk of conception.
At the
same time, traditional controls of adolescent sexual behaviour continue
to weaken. There is also the additional emphasis upon monogamy; men want
assurance that their future wife will be able to have children. Consequently,
proof of pregnancy is becoming a prerequisite for lasting relationships with
potential partners.11 This development is leading to a
situation, presently, in which premarital virginity is no longer thought
to be desirable.
A recent survey in Kenya found that 60 per cent of respondents do not believe
that traditional norms restricting premarital and extramarital sexual relations
are applicable in contemporary society and in Nigeria premarital virginity
is no longer considered important particularly in urban areas.2-3
demographic and health survey data14,15 indicate that more than
a quarter of Nigerian adolescents aged 15-19 years are pregnant or have
had children and that 43 per cent of the pregnancies are unintended. The
fertility rate among 15-19 year-olds in Kenya rose from 141 births per 1,000
women an early 1960s to 168 in the late 1970s. By 20 years of age, the majority
of Kenyan women have had at least one child.9 Several reports
also indicate that adolescents are more likely to resort to unsafe abortion
and, therefore, likely to suffer abortion-related morbidity and mortality.16
As the
pace and magnitude of the socio-economic and cultural changes continue to
increase, and the youth component of illicit abortion, maternal mortality,
AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases becomes more and more visible
on the continent; Africa cannot afford to ignore the younger segment of its
population. One option open to the continent is to look inwards with the
sole purpose of rediscovering the strengths that exist within the traditional
African society as it relates to meeting the basic developmental needs of
youth in Africa. Changes in adolescent behaviour particularly in relation
to pre-marital pregnancy correspond closely with social change, including
the elimination of some traditional practices. There is evidence in literature
to show that the effects of the timing of maturation may be mediated by
social context, cultural beliefs and individual beliefs about the importance
of behaviours associated with maturation.3
are cultural, philosophical and religious systems that constitute a base
for the values and beliefs relevant towards assisting a child through the
transition to adulthood. Most African societies have a set of child-rearing
beliefs and practices that are derived from traditional culture and based
on consensus within the culture about what is natural, normal and necessary
in raising the child to adulthood.7 Sub-Saharan Africa
has long been classified as being at the traditional end of the modernisation
continum.18 However;
the invasions of modem-style concepts and changes in the economic conditions,
social organisations and family structure are reshaping; and in some instances
even replacing the traditional child-rearing beliefs and practices. The result
is that school dropout, unemployment, violence and drug abuse are emerging
among the young people of Africa as elsewhere. It is also true that most
of the prescriptions available in literature on how to deal with the problems
of adolescent development are Western in origin, non-African and, therefore,
may be inappropriate for many African countries with third world characteristics.
This paper is an attempt to examine pubertal development in some selected
African countries, and to highlight the global implications of some traditional
support systems for adolescents in Africa.
Development in Selected African Countries
development signals the beginning of adolescence. It is characterised by
rapid physical growth, large increases in hormone levels, and the appearances
of secondary sexual characteristics.4 The onset of adolescence
is considered a crucial developmental transition, due to the confluence of
changes across this level of development.19,20 Adolescence
is one of the most fascinating and complex transitions in human life span;
a time of accelerated growth and change, second only to infancy. It is also
a time of expanding horizons, self-discovery and emerging independence,
and of metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood. In most societies of
the world, the onset of adolescence is closely synchronised with the biological
changes of puberty. Entry into adolescence is marked by the physical changes
of puberty, social changes in the family peer group and school environment,
and concomitant individual changes in cognitive and socio-emotional functioning.
In these often tumultuous years, a young person experiences much growth
and joy, as well as doubt and confusion. Relationships with peer and family
take on a new meaning. These changes create feelings of ambivalence and
vagueness as to what the future holds as they embark on a prolonged search
for the pathways to promising adulthood. This period represents a crucial
turning point in lifes trajectory and, therefore, creates an excellent opportunity
for intervention to prevent destructive behaviour and promote positive and
healthy behaviour.
has been defined from a medical point of view as the period of physical growth
leading to the attainment of reproductive capability.2 To
be able to determine the age of puberty, one must have reasonably accurate
to indicate the transformations that take place during adolescence. Of the
single indicators of development among girls, menarche (first menstruation)
has been used extensively in research.22,23 Among girls,
menarche, or first menstruation, is a unique and concrete event that has
been used
for centuries as the best single criterion of sexual maturity. Although not
an outwardly visible sign of maturity, it has often been considered the most
salient indicator of pubertal development for girls, from the perspective
of reproductive maturity and psychological significance.23 Adult
women and adolescent girls are accurate and relatively uninhibited in remembering
their age of menarche. Scientific studies have shown that menarche comes
neither at the beginning nor at the end of the period of the physical changes
taking place at puberty.24 Unfortunately, no comparable
events have been defined for boys. Some researchers have suggested that first
emission may be a comparable event to menarche in terms of the reproductive
capacity and psychological significance for boys.25,26,27
research on puberty and its correlates has existed for the past decades,
interest in this topic has accelerated over the most recent decade. Hamburg20 and
Lipsitz28, whose work identified early adolescence as a critical
transition phase, as with all other phenomena of early adolescence, particularly
stimulated interest in puberty. The two authors identified several specific
difficulties of early adolescence such as changes in relationships with parents
and peers, changes in self-image, and changes in cognitive capacity. Several
of these changes can be linked to direct biological effects of pubertal hormones
or to effects resulting from the stimulus of the transformation of children
into more adult-like shapes and sizes.29 Although bone
growth, particularly the closure of the epiphytes, is no longer assessed
with X-rays
(because of potentially carcinogenic effects), pubertal changes in secondary
sex characteristics can be assessed to obtain objective ratings of growth
in puberty.30, 31
In a study of the secondary sexual characteristics
and normal puberty in Nigerian and Zimbabwean adolescents,32 it
was noted that while the Nigerian sample had an average menarcheal age onset
of 13.53 years, the Zimbabwean menarcheal age onset was 14.24 years. On the
issue of nocturnal emission in boys, the average age of onset of the Nigerian
sample was 14.2 years, with only slight variations from states within Nigeria.
The Zimbabwean sample indicated an average age of 13.80 years. Breast enlargement
in Nigerian girls started at an average age of 13.18 years, and 13.86 years
in the Zimbabwean sample. There was no statistically significant variation
across the states of Nigeria. Breast bud development in boys was observed
to be at an average age of 13.74 years in the Nigerian sample and at 12.14
years in the Zimbabwean. Armpit and pubic hair growth began in Nigerian boys
and girls at a mean age of 13.69 years and 13.77 years respectively, and
13.74 years and 13.34 years, respectively, in the Zimbabweans. The pattern
in both African countries was essentially the same. Bottom enlargement occurred
at 14.35 years in the Nigerians and 14.25 years in the Zimbabweans. These
parallels were observed in both African cultures for other secondary sexual
characteristics such as voice break, general physical changes, and heightened
sex drive. A more recent study with a Nigerian sample33 also reported
the menarcheal age onset of girls from high socio-economic status (SES) to
be 12.5 years, while those from low SES reported a menarcheal age onset of
13.5 years. The age at which the first wet dream was experienced for high
SES boys was reported to be 13.3 years, while those from the low SES male
group was reported to be 14.1 years.
is evidence in literature to show that the trend towards earlier puberty
among adolescents is fast becoming a worldwide phenomenon. In a survey using
2,200 adolescents in selected Nigerian schools and institutions,34 the
average age of menarche was found to be 13.95 years among girls. In
a separate study,35 13.85 years was obtained as the mean
age at puberty among adolescents. In yet another cross-sectional study of
size and body composition,36 the results revealed that
the mean age at menarche among participants was 13.6 years. In a study conducted
Benin City, results revealed that urban girls showed evidence of early maturation
as against rural girls.37 These results indicate that the
average age at puberty among adolescents in Africa falls within the general
pattern of various populations of the world.38 This is contrary
to other findings that reveal that these manifestations in central African
could come as late as 15 or 17 years due to nutritional deficiencies.39
The occurrence
of early menarche among girls and early wet dreams among boys in Africa has
very serious implications. There is evidence in literature that suggests
that pubertal development is related to cognitive abilities. Using data from
the National Health Examination Survey, Duke et al,40 found that
late maturing males between ages of 13 and 17 years ranked lower than on
time and early
matures on IQ standard achievement tests, educational expectations and aspiration.
Early maturing boys were ranked highest on educational measures. Other studies
have examined gender and grade effects for school achievement on specific
courses and cognitive abilities.41,42 Grades
in school are higher for girls than for boys and they show a decline over
early adolescence,41 continuing
through high school.43 In contrast, cognitive abilities
increase over early adolescence, and when gender differences are found, they
boys on spatial tasks and girls on clerical ability.42
The timing
of menarche and wet dream is a probable indicator of early intercourse and
early child bearing.44 As a result of the combined effect of the
continual fall in the age of menarche, decline in adolescent sub-fecundity,
and the tremendous growth in the size of adolescent populations in Africa,
the incidence of adolescent pregnancy is likely to continue to increase and
will probably lead to concomitant increase in abortions. Because of
the general ignorance about the aetiology of sexually transmitted diseases,
the sexual permissiveness that gave rise to them and the general unsatisfactory
management and treatment of diseases, the incidence and reoccurrence of infections
and early and late complications of gonorrhea and AIDS are common in sub-Saharan
The occurrence
of AIDS in Africa represents an epidemic with serious economic, social and
demographic consequences. The disease spread quickly, beginning in Eastern
Africa. In 1993, an estimated 15 per cent of Ugandas adult population (1.3
million of almost 117 million people) is infected with the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV), the causative agent for AIDS.45 African countries
have realised all too quickly that AIDS is not solely a health issue and
be dealt with as such. Rather, the epidemic will have far-reaching impacts
on the economic and social fabric of African society.
and foremost, human resource development is threatened. As the virus affects
the health status of adults and children, important gains in quality of life
indices (such as life expectancy and infant mortality) are being reversed.
Scarce resources available in the health sector are diverted from preventable
and curable ailments to treat AIDS patients. This might result in the massive
resurgence of other preventable and curable ailment such as tuberculosis.
Secondly, the AIDS epidemic will have adverse economic
implication on the nations of Africa, not merely because of its magnitude,
but because it selectively affects adults in their most sexually active
ages, which coincide with their prime productive years. Because AIDS has
a long latent period (up to ten years) the serious long-term macro-economic
implication will be gradually revealed.
Thirdly, although not easily measured, the social consequences such as
large-scale disruption on family and social structure, stigmatisation, mourning
and grieving also constitute significant social costs. One of the most visible
and immediate impacts of AIDS is the rapidly growing number of orphans.
In 1993 alone an estimated three-quarters of a million children in Uganda
have become orphans.45 In a study examining AIDS related
knowledge and behaviour among adolescents in Nigeria,46 it
was reported, surprisingly, that the knowledge of AIDS transmission is on
increase, similar to that reported in a Ugandan study,47 although
there are misconceptions in the knowledge about AIDS reported among samples
from both countries, which needed to be addressed. Vernier, Akande and Ross
suggest that HIV intervention programs for adolescents in Anglophone African
countries should be designed with common elements that reflect the factors
structure of the AIDS social assertiveness scale (ASAS): condom interaction
and sexual negotiation, refusal of risk behaviours, disclosure and help-seeking,
and confiding in significant others.48 These areas were found
to be common factors of AIDS anxieties as measured on the ASAS in Nigeria,
Kenya and Zimbabwe. It has been suggested that intervention programs should
focus on the five areas that make students anxious.
studies have attempted to examine the impact of puberty on teenagers in Africa.
One of such studies examined initial pubertal problems experienced by adolescents
in Nigeria.49 Findings indicated that the pubertal experience
could be anxiety-provoking and could bring disappointment and depression
in its wake to both boys and girls and for adolescents from different socio-economic
backgrounds. A different study also examined the psychological experience
of first ejaculation among a sample of boys in relation to their emotional
experience, feelings of preparedness prior to the experience, pre-experience
source of information, etc. More than half of the adolescent boys in the
study (60%) responded that they were not prepared in any form for their
first ejaculation experience. The level of preparedness of the subjects
also did not show any influence on their emotional responses.50
Support Systems for Pubertal Adolescents in Africa
Puberty Rites in Africa
anthropologists have identified rites of passage as a functional group process
designed to structure and bring meaning to the various transitional stages
of human life. There have been a number of studies on puberty rites, their
meaning and function. They serve to ritualise and clearly demarcate changes
in the status of individuals within the culture, provide cultural definitions
for individuals that represent ongoing irreversible changes in their lives,
and also define cultural expectations for individuals.51 Others
considered them a cultural means of resolving sex identity conflicts induced
in early childhood.52 There are indicators in literature
that these rites tend to occur in middle-level societies.53
is perhaps no universally accepted definition of adolescence. In most societies
of the world the onset of adolescence is closely synchronised with the biological
changes of puberty But the time when adolescence ends and adult status begins
is usually socially constructed and, therefore, differs widely among cultures.
Most African societies traditionally have their own social institutions
that recognise the period of adolescence. These institutions train, prepare
and initiate male and female adolescents into adulthood. Every member of
the indigenous African community takes the responsibility of socialising
its young ones. In like manner, all others share a problem affecting any
member of the community. Thus, the concept of being ones brothers keeper
is built into each community, and all members of the community see themselves
as one people with one culture, one identity and one destiny. As a result,
many African communities have ceremonial rites that are arranged to support
the adolescent in their transition to adulthood.
In a study
of the Kikuyu community in Kenya,54 the enormous educational,
social, moral and religious value of the initiation rites among the Kikuyu
people was pointed out. The Kikuyu youth were not only initiated into the
adult status of womanhood, but also into an age set of maidens and bachelors.
By means of a sacred ceremony called Ngweko, the parental generation
transferred to the youths the responsibility of regulating premarital sex
and initiating the process of making selection, with peers as a major source
of mutual support and regulation in this process. The Ngweko has
been described as a viable solution to the problem of premarital sex and
selection in middle level societies, especially those who have been maidens
and bachelors for a long time. Similar practices have been reported for other
societies in Africa, particularly in East and South Africa.54
example of puberty rites in Africa is the Ovia-Osese festival
of the Ogori people in Nigeria. Ogori is a small town in Kogi State of Nigeria.
Kogi State is located in the transition zone between the southern rain forest
and the northern Savannah, and also a confluence of cultures of northern
and southern regions of Nigeria. The festival has, in recent years, become
a crowd-pulling event and a tourist attraction. Ovia-Osese is
a maiden festival aimed at initiating maidens into womanhood preparatory
marriage (Ovia means
bride). The origin, growth and development of the festival are long and
windy. Many scholars believe that the festival is as old as the Ogori people
themselves.55,56 Ovia-Osese is the climax of several
activities such as fattening, traditional education, and training. Traditionally, Ovia-Osese evolved
from a simple rite of passage that is meant to be an initiation ceremony
of young teenagers to adulthood into a formal training school that lasted
one to three years for both sexes, the boys had theirs known as Igifofi festival.57
As a result
of social and economic changes and the influence of western civilisation,
many of these institutions are breaking down across Africa. The Ovia-Osese festival,
for example, has undergone a lot of changes from what it used to be. It is
now virtually a three-day affair, rather than the three long years that it
used to cover. Similarly, the Ngweko, following the advent
of western type of schooling, has effectively replaced the age-set system
as the institutional
framework for mate selection by providing social contacts and defining marriageabiity
(by quantifying performance and qualification, and structuring access to
socio-economic opportunity). In the traditional Kikuyu society, a fecund
girl had close contact with young men other than her brothers only at the Ngweko dance,
which were highly supervised by peers. A contemporary girl in her late teens
who is still attending school has close contact with her male classmates
with no explicit instructions as to how to behave toward them.54
The Ijaw
language in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria specifies a number of life stages,
none of which, however, corresponds directly to the English usage of the
word adolescence. However, with the introduction of western-style schooling,
and an expected delay in the age of marriage, the possibility of
a prolonged period between puberty and marriage is now being defined as the
period of adolescence in the life stages of the new generation of Ijaw people.
In the past, among the Ijaw, one was either a child or an adult. To be an
adult was determined by the attainment of adult roles associated with marriage.
For females, adulthood could arrive as soon as they were capable of bearing
children, because at approximately the same period they had already learned
the necessary skills for maintaining a household. Males married latter because
they required more time to acquire the physical maturity to perform their
occupations and to earn sufficient money to support a household.
the stage of "kalapeso/ereso" was considered to be of "young
adulthood". For boys, participating in communal rituals and supplying the
manpower at
communal works signified attaining this stage. Males at this stage, for example,
are called upon to dig graves, and females to cook for visitors during
funerals. At other times when a boy successfully cuts down his first bunch
of palm fruit, this is an indication that he has attained "young adulthood".
Although this stage, unlike other tribes in Africa, did not take place in
special schools or initiation camps, nor was the entrance or exit from it
marked by serious rituals, it was, nevertheless, a period of training, learning,
apprenticeship and preparation for future roles and responsibilities.
For most
women, entry into "young adulthood" coincides fairly closely with the
onset of menarche and with marriage. The beginning of menstruation is not
with ritual but most girls get married either before or immediately after
its onset. Data on mothers of current generation of adolescents among the
Ijaws in Anajiri indicate that the average age at marriage in the 1920s,
1930s and 1940s was 15 years, approximately the same as the age for the onset
of menses or slightly earlier. The average age at the birth of their first
child was 16.5 years in the 1920s and 17.5 years in the 1930s and 1940s.58 To
ensure an appropriate match, marriage was arranged by the parents or by
senior members of the couples lineage, often long before the girl reached
From these examples, it is very clear that traditional
adolescent rites-of-passage in Africa are designed to provide a cultural
framework for dictating roles and responsibilities of adulthood that will
benefit the individual and the sponsoring community. They also serve
as effective ways of instilling in adolescents not only knowledge and skill
but also the values and motivation needed to foster healthy adult roles.
It should also be seen as one of the strengths of the traditional African
societies that should be revived and reformed in places where they have existed
as part of the ways to support transition to adulthood.
Extended Family Systems
formal education was widespread in various parts of Africa, there existed
traditional ways of child rearing and patterns of interaction between parents
and their children, which were well known to all the community. Clear-cut
roles, obligations, rights, expectations and sanctions were prescribed. Whatever
the merits or demerits of such child rearing practices, the parents and
their children were in no doubt of the "correct forms". The traditional system
of child rearing and family life promotes strong bonds of loyalty between
family members, and the child grows into adulthood with a strong feeling
of security. Co-operation and mutual help are inculcated from infancy and
extended family members are confident that help, support and protection
will always be forthcoming from other members of the family whenever it is
needed. The child thus develops an apparently healthy and secure personality
that is protected from the rough and tumble of deprivation and want.59
With the advent of formal education and the influence of western cultures,
the traditional parent-child relationships and child rearing practices in
Africa have been subtly overthrown. The context of childcare has been, until
recently, rather stable with adequate resources to support the traditional
way of life. However, the invasion of modem-style concepts and changes in
the economic conditions, social organisation and family structure are reshaping,
and in some instances even replacing, the traditional child rearing beliefs
and practices.18,2 The delocalisation of rural communities,
a process whereby old village-based economies have become incorporated into
and made dependent upon modern national and international economies is now
common place. The increasing vulnerability of women and children in this
process is well documented.60 This process is made worse by current
issues like the structural adjustment programs, AIDS/HIV and other issues
surrounding poverty in Africa.
It would
be premature, however, to predict the demise of the extended family system.
It is a coping mechanism of infinite versatility, the organic and integral
response of the ordinary African people. It is a socio-cultural phenomenon
that finds expression in mutual solicitousness about the welfare of one
another, a quasi-communal approach to the supervision and the correction
of younger ones, and a kind of social insurance that works. Perhaps nowhere
in the world is the family as cohesive as it is in Africa.61 African
nations must find ways of engaging the extended family systems in providing
psychological support and life skills training, in promoting healthy adolescent
adjustment for adolescents as they negotiate the crucial turning point to
the apparent onslaught on the extended family systems demonstrated in the
rapid industrialisation and urbanisation of major towns in most parts of
Africa, there is evidence emerging from the continent that the extended family
system remains the most dependable unit for most people to fall back upon
in times of adversity.61 The extended family and kinship systems
represent the essence of everyday social fabric of poor Africans. The very
strength of extended family systems and other indigenous institutions in
places like Ethiopia, Somalia, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Nigeria,
and other countries under one form of acute stress or the other, clearly
show that the basic organic unit of African society continues to be vibrant.
This represents a formidable platform for the well being of African youths.
All over the continent, vigorous examples of resilient traditional and cultural
institutions still abound. Research has shown that young adolescents flourish
when they have a family life that is characterised by warmth, support and
sustained interest in their lives. Such family atmosphere can provide powerful
protection against the risk of a young persons engaging in unhealthy or
antisocial practices or becoming depressed and alienated.62
In addition, a fundamental transformation of
the education of young adolescents is urgently required on the African
continent. One of the major instruments of development and change is perceived
to be education. Most African leaders have accepted the axiom that education
is the basic component in nation building and, thus, the foundation from
which the economic progress of Africa will spring. Most of them have in
the past made genuine efforts in this direction. However, political instability,
poor management of scarce resources by many leaders on the continent, resulting
in dwindling resources, has constituted a great hindrance in providing sound
education for the majority of the people. As a result, most African nations
are unable to pay adequate attention to the education of their youth. Most
public school teachers are poorly remunerated, resulting in low motivation
for quality job performance. Most of the teacher education programs available
do not incorporate courses on adolescent development, designed to treat the
adolescent transition as a ditinct phase requiring special understanding
of the changes that adolescents undergo that have a bearing on the learning
process in school.
In conclusion, educational institutions, and all those involved in policy
making in Africa, have the awesome responsibility of ensuring, among other
things, that traditional institutions that serve as coping mechanisms particularly
for the younger generation are not allowed to die. This is particularly
important as we face the challenges of the new millennium. Clearly, it must
be understood by all that the younger generation is the great strength of
any nation or people, its most important asset and the representatives of
its future. While it is true that the schools cannot completely fill in where
the families fail to provide the necessary atmosphere that provide protection
against the risk of a young person engaging in unhealthy or antisocial practices,
efforts must be geared towards creating a more conducive school atmosphere
for Africas children. This can be done by integrating the spirit of the
traditional support systems highlighted in this paper into formal schooling.
The school should be a place where close, trusting relationships with adults
and peers create a climate for students personal growth and intellectual
development. Opportunities for teachers to develop sustained personal relationships
with students, essential to teaching them well, must be provided in schools.
The pressing
issues surrounding adolescence, which include school leaving unemployment,
unintended pregnancies, violence and drug abuse, are emerging forcefully
among young people in Africa as elsewhere. A successful approach to these
problems will require a multi-disciplinary approach. Adolescence, with all
its dramatic social, cognitive, and psychological changes, the need to identify
with a sense of peoplehood, and to enjoy a shared social identity can be
satisfied through the traditional support systems suggested in this paper.
The essential requirement for ensuring healthy adolescent development can
be met through the joint effort of a number of pivotal institutions, namely,
the family, the traditional institutions and the school. These can shape
adolescent experiences in Africa and the world over in the positive direction.
It is hoped that some of the issues raised in this paper will provoke further
research on the pubertal status and well being of adolescents in Africa,
a subject that has been sorely neglected.