African Journal of Reproductive Health
Women's Health and Action Research Centre
ISSN: 1118-4841
Vol. 7, Num. 2, 2003, pp. 106-108
African Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 7, No. 2, Aug, 2003 pp. 106-108
Case Report
Bilateral Total Loss of
Vision Following Eclampsia - A Case Report
MJM Waziri-Erameh1,
AE Omoti2 and OT Edema2
1Department of Ophthalmology, College
of Medical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. 2Department
of Ophthalmology, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.
Correspondence: Dr Momodu Joseph Waziri-Erameh, Department of Ophthalmology,
College of Medical Sciences, University of
Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.
Code Number: rh03028
Visual loss following eclampsia is usually
reported to be a result of retinopathy, exudative retinal detachment or cortical
blindness. This paper reports the case of a 31-year-old para 5 + 0 housewife
who developed bilateral visual loss following eclampsia and presented to
the ophthalmologist four weeks later with a vision of light perception in
both eyes. Examination showed evidence of hypertensive retinopathy. Convinced
that the ocular findings were not responsible for such marked visual loss,
she was commenced on systemic, topical and sub-conjunctival injection of
steroids, acetazolamide and multivitamins. Her vision improved progressively
to 6/6 right eye and 6/9 left eye after three weeks. Obstetricians are advised
to refer cases of visual loss following eclampsia promptly to the ophthalmologist
who should in turn manage aggressively with systemic, topical and sub-conjunctival
steroids. (Afr J Reprod Health 2003; 7[2]: 106-108)
Perte totale bilatérale de la vue suite à l'éclampsie:
un compute rendu. La perte visuelle suite à l'éclampsie est souvent
signalée comme étant une conséquence de la rétinopathie, du décollement
de la rétine exsudative ou de la cécité corticale. Cet article présente
le cas d'une femme au foyer âgée de 31 ans, une cinquième pare + 0, qui
a commencé à souffrir de la perte visuelle bilatérale suite à l'éclampsie
et qui s'est présentée chez l'ophtalmologue quatre semaines plus tard avec
une vision de la perception de la lumière dans les deux yeux. L'examen
a montré une évidence de la rétinopathie hypertendue. Ayant été convaincu
que les trouvailles oculaires n'ont pas été responsables d'une telle grave
perte visuelle, on a commencé de la traiter avec la piqure de stéroïdes
systémiques, locaux et sous-conjonctivaux, l'acétazolamide et des multivitamines. Sa
vision s'est progressivement améliorée jusqu'à 6/6 pour l'oeil droit et
6/9 pour l'oeil gauche au bout de trois semaines. Nous conseillons aux
obstétriciens de confier sans délai les cas de perte de la vue suite à l'éclampsie à l'ophtalmologue
qui, à son tour, devrait traiter agressivement avec des stéroïdes systémiques,
locaux et sous-conjonctivaux. (Rev Afr Santé Reprod 2003; 7[2]:
KEY WORDS: Eclampsia,
bilateral total loss of vision, steroid medication
The toxaemia syndrome (eclampsia) includes
hypertension, proteinuria, oedema, consumptive coagulopathy, sodium retention,
hyper-reflexia and convulsions.1 The ocular response is that of
fulminant hypertensive retinopathy with abundant retinal oedema and exudates2, retinal
haemorrhages, papilloedema and exudative retinal detachment.3 In
eclampsia, the renal element causes the retinal vessels to respond at lower
diastolic pressure than in non-toxaemic hypertension.2 Visual
loss from the retinopathy is usually that of altered acuity and is severe
when there is exudative retinal detachment.3 There are few reported
cases of central loss of vision presenting as amaurosis or cortical blindness.
In these isolated cases, the encephalopathy following the eclampsia causes
headache, vomiting, confusion, seizures and cortical blindness, which may
become reversible with treatment of the hypertension if the subcortical oedema
causing the neurological deficits is not complicated by infarction4;
and other visual abnormality like amaurosis.5,6
This report presents a case of bilateral total loss
of vision in a Nigerian woman following eclampsia, which responded well to
steroid and other supportive medications.
The patient was a 31-year-old para-5
housewife who was referred to the eye clinic by a peripheral mission hospital
some distance away because of bilateral total loss of vision of four weeks
duration. She was treated successfully for eclampsia during pregnancy with
antihypertensive (hydrallazine) and sedative (diazepam). She developed loss
of vision during the episode, which progressively became worse over time.
She was referred for ophthalmological consultation four weeks after.
On examination, vital statistics of temperature,
pulse and respiration were normal. The blood pressure was 130/90mmHg.
On ocular examination, visual acuity right eye (RE)
was good light perception, and left eye (LE) poor light perception. Eye pressures
were 19mmHg and 20mmHg in the RE and LE respectively. Pupillary reactions
were sluggish but present. The significant ocular fundus findings were extensive
retinal haemorrhages, retinal and disc oedemas, and exudates in both eyes.
Convinced that the ocular findings were not responsible for such marked loss
of bilateral vision, she was immediately commenced on medication comprising
1ml each of sub-conjunctival depomedrol (methyl prednisolone acetate 40mg/ml)
and dexamethasone (sodium phosphate 4mg/ml), tabs prednisolone 10mg tid,
tabs diamox (acetazolamide) 250mg tid, caps maxivision ocular (multivitamin
leuten preparation) tid, dexamethasone phosphate solution 0.1% qid.
Two days later, her vision improved to 6/60 RE and
count fingers at 1m LE and intraocular pressures were 12mmHg and 13mmHg RE
and LE respectively, while her blood pressure was about the same. Seven
days later the vision improved to 6/24 RE and 3/60 LE, but there was no marked
change in the ocular fundus findings. Two weeks later her vision improved
satisfactorily to 6/9 RE and 6/24 LE and the pupillary reactions were now
more brisk. The final refracted vision after three weeks was 6/6 RE and 6/9
LE and a corrected reading vision of N5 in both eyes. She was discharged
from the clinic and has since been lost to follow-up.
Eclampsia has a maternal mortality
rate of 0-14% and it can cause neurological
problems through intracerebral haemorrhage.7 The ocular findings
in eclampsia are fairly common and they are those of hypertensive retinopathy.2 However,
the cerebral complications are not as common, and less common is reversible
cortical blindness following eclampsia. Hinchey J et al4, between
1988 and 1994, found only three cases that had reversible cortical blindness
following eclampsia. They also pointed out that neuro-imaging showed the
findings to be consistent with those of subcortical oedema without
infarction, and the cortical blindness reversed in two weeks following anti-hypertensive
In this report the patient had a post-eclampsia
blood pressure of 130/90, which is close to 140/90 and is traditionally defined
as hypertension in pregnancy.8-10 This shows that she may have
had an underlying hypertension during the pregnancy that led to the eclampsia.
The post-pregnancy blood pressure of 130/90mmHg is higher than what obtains
in Nigerian women with traditionally low blood pressure in the pregnant and
non-pregnant states.11,12
Bocey J5 reported two cases of amaurosis
during pre-eclampsia in pregnancy, and vision returned to normal three to
four days after caesarean section. The above finding is also similar to those
of Skenderovic and Pastelek6, who found two cases of amaurosis
(one case each) in eclampsia and pre-eclampsia, and that vision in both patients
responded satisfactorily after caesarean section.
Moderately high dose systemic steroid given to this
patient was aimed at assisting resolution of cortical oedema, while the sub-conjunctival
injections of dexamethasone and depomedrol were aimed at assisting the resolution
of ocular effects of the eclampsia. The satisfactory restoration of vision
within few weeks of the steroid and supportive medications is similar to
the findings of others that had reversion of cortical blindness in two weeks
of anti-hypertensive therapy4 and amaurosis after caesarean section.5,6 Obstetricians
are advised to refer cases of loss of vision in pregnancy, eclampsia and
pre-eclampsia promptly to ophthalmologists who should in turn manage the
cases actively including use of systemic, sub-conjunctival and topical steroids
and anti-hypertensive if necessary.
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Copyright 2003 - Women's Health and Action Research Centre