African Journal of Reproductive Health
Women's Health and Action Research Centre
ISSN: 1118-4841
Vol. 8, Num. 3, 2004, pp. 6-10
African Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 8, No. 3, Dec, 2004 pp. 6-10
Generating Political
Priority for Safe Motherhood
Jeremy Shiffman*
* This paper was presented by Jeremy Shiffman on November 18, 2004 at the
38 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology
and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. Jeremy
Shiffman, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Public Administration at the Maxwell
School of Syracuse University in the United States.
Code number: rh04038
In 1987 a conference on safe motherhood in Nairobi, Kenya, drew international
attention to alarmingly high levels of maternal death in childbirth in developing
countries. Global levels are estimated to be between 500,000 and 600,000 per
year, with approximately one-tenth of these deaths occurring in Nigeria alone. The
conference ended with a call for a reduction in maternal mortality by half
by the year 2000.
In the decade following the conference, advocates made considerable
progress in understanding the medical and technical dimensions of maternal
mortality. They determined its primary biomedical causes, developed indicators
to measure safe motherhood outcomes, identified interventions to avoid maternal
death in childbirth, and considered ways to surmount socioeconomic obstacles
to obstetric care for women.
They made little progress, however, in institutionalizing political
priority for the cause of maternal mortality reduction in Nigeria and other
countries. This shortcoming in part explains why, as the year 2000 passed,
the world was nowhere near to achieving the 50 % reduction goal.
The national-level political dimensions of safe motherhood deserve
as much attention as its medical and technical dimensions. Attention to generating
political priority will be particularly critical as safe motherhood advocates
pursue the Millennium Development Goals that call for a reduction in the maternal
mortality ratios of 1990 by three-quarters by the year 2015.
Generating such priority can be approached systematically. Political
scientists and public policy scholars have identified factors that increase
the likelihood that an issue will receive meaningful attention by national
political elites. In this presentation I would like to highlight four such
factors, and illustrate how they interacted in two countries where safe motherhood
became a political priority in the 1990s: Indonesia and Honduras. The four
factors are:
- The existence of an indicator to mark the severity
of the problem
- The presence of effective national political entrepreneurs to
push the cause
- The organization of attention-generating focusing events that
promote widespread concern for the issue.
- The availability of policy alternatives that enable national
leaders to understand that the problem is surmountable
These factors do not constitute a prescription for generating political priority
for safe motherhood at the national level. Rather, they are a partial explanation
for how safe motherhood emerged on the national agendas of these two countries. I
present the factors to highlight two points:
- There are systematic features to policy
- Institutionalizing political priority for safe motherhood can
be accomplished. To do so national and international safe motherhood
advocates must negotiate political landscapes strategically, taking into
account each countrys unique socioeconomic and political
Factors that have Shaped Political Priority for Safe Motherhood
The existence of an indicator
Scholars studying policy agenda setting have shown that among the factors
that shape whether an issue rises to the attention of policy - makers is the
presence of a clear indicator to mark that issue.
Why should indicators make such a difference? After all, they are
in many ways trivial items, often unreliable and inaccurate, and unable to
portray the complexity of difficult social problems. All too frequently they
over-simplify matters that deserve far more nuanced treatment. On the other
hand, they have a uniquely powerful effect of giving visibility to that which
has remained hidden. For instance, in the population field, studies that
have highlighted high total fertility rates and population growth rates have
served to bring
to light population problems, and contributed to the mobilisation of national
states and international agencies for population control. Prior to the existence
of such reports, many national political figures were unaware that any problem
existed at all, making it difficult to generate action. The deeper significance
of indicators as agenda setting factors is that they serve not only monitoring purposes,
the way they are traditionally understood. They also function as catalysts
for action.
In Honduras, for instance, the appearance in 1990 of a credible study
revealing a maternal mortality ratio nearly four times the previously accepted
figure shocked health officials and moved them to action on safe motherhood. In
Indonesia, a 1994 survey reported a maternal mortality ratio of 390 deaths
per 100,000 births, making it appear that despite six years of attention, maternal
deaths were almost as common as they had been a decade earlier. The study
contributed to renewed safe motherhood attention on the part of national political
The presence of political entrepreneurs
A second factor that researchers have identified is political entrepreneurship. Whether
an issue rises to the attention of policymakers is not simply a matter of the
flow of broad structural forces that stand beyond the reach of human hands. Much
depends on the presence of individuals and organisations committed to the cause.
Generating Political Priority for Safe Motherhood
Not just any person can be an agenda setter, however. Research has
shown that effective political entrepreneurs possess certain distinct features. They
have a claim to a hearing; they are persistent; they are well connected and
have excellent coalition-building skills; they articulate vision amidst complexity;
they have credibility that facilitates the generation of resources; they generate
commitment by appealing to important social values; they know the critical
challenges in their environments; they infuse colleagues and subordinates with
a sense of mission; and they are strong in rhetorical skills.
In Indonesia, Abdullah Cholil, a medical doctor and assistant minister
for womens roles who over 25 years developed a reputation as one of the most
effective public servants in the social development sector, became alarmed
at the high maternal mortality levels revealed in the survey noted above. In
1996 he took the problem directly to the countrys president, convincing Suharto
to launch a new national safe motherhood campaign. In Honduras in the early
1990s, mid-level Ministry of Health doctors and donor officials of Honduran
nationality persistently cultivated national political and health leaders,
convincing them to launch a safe motherhood campaign. The campaign contributed
to a decline in maternal mortality levels of 40 % from 1990 to 1997.
The organisation of attention-generating focusing events
A third factor is the occurrence of focusing events. These are large-scale
happenings such as crises, conferences, accidents, disasters and discoveries
that attract notice from wide audiences. They function much like indicators,
bringing visibility to hidden issues. Birkland has demonstrated that disasters,
including hurricanes, earthquakes, oil spills and nuclear power plant accidents
lead to heavy media coverage,
interest group mobilisation, policy community interest and policy-maker attention,
causing shifts in national issue agendas.
The Nairobi conference was the first of such focusing events for safe
motherhood. Immediately after this international conference a series of safe
motherhood seminars commenced in Indonesia and continued throughout the 1990s. The
watershed event was Indonesias first national seminar on safe motherhood,
held in 1988. President Suharto delivered the keynote address. Seventeen
major organisations participated in this initial seminar, including a number
of international agencies involved in safe motherhood, and pledged to reduce
the countrys maternal mortality rate. That this was more than an idle commitment
was reflected in the fact that for the first time in the countrys history,
the national development plan included official maternal mortality reduction
targets. Similarly, in Honduras, after the completion of the 1990 study showing
shockingly high levels of maternal death in childbirth, mid-level health officials
and donor representatives of Honduran nationality organised major seminars
to publicise the results, inviting senior political officials to ensure they
would notice and take action.
The availability of policy alternatives
A fourth factor is the presence of feasible policy alternatives to address
the issue at 4hand. Political leaders prefer to focus on issues that they perceive
to be resolvable.
African Journal of Reproductive Health
This perception is shaped by the existence of clear proposals for action. Unfortunately,
safe motherhood advocates presently are confusing policymakers with multiple
and competing proposals, conveyed in unclear and complex medical terminology. Policymakers
have hundreds of issues to consider at any given time, and will ignore issues
where policy communities behave and communicate in this way. Proposals that
convey a simple message to policymakers concerning cost-effective means of
making obstetric care accessible to pregnant women will be critical mechanisms
for generating political attention and workable solutions.
For instance, the flurry of Indonesian safe motherhood activity following
the national conference noted above was due in large part to political entrepreneurship
and feasible policy alternatives coming from officials in the Ministry of Health. A
village midwife program, begun in 1989, was the first and most significant
intervention. Reflecting a concern that women in rural Indonesia had poor
access to skilled medical care during their pregnancies, the ministry managed
to gather the resources to place one midwife in most of Indonesias 68,000
villages to ensure that pregnant women could get delivery assistance. The
village midwife program was a clear, cost-effective, sensible policy alternative
that convinced political leaders that something could be done about the countrys
high levels of maternal death in childbirth.
Concluding Thoughts and Considerations for Nigeria
Scholars working in the agenda setting field have identified clear patterns
concerning the ascendance of issues to national prominence.
An issue is more likely to appear on a national policy agenda if it is marked
by a salient indicator, if it is backed by effective political entrepreneurs,
if it is given attention through a focusing event and if policy communities
develop clearly communicated and feasible proposals to address the problems.
In light of the findings of this body of research and the Indonesian
and Honduran experiences, Nigerian safe motherhood promoters may want to consider
the following questions:
- To what extent have indicators from the many studies in Nigeria
documenting the scope of the maternal mortality crisis been used not simply
as measures
of the extent of the problem, but as tools for political mobilisation?
- There have been many safe motherhood seminars in Nigeria, but
how well have these been used as attention-generating focusing
events to generate political priority for the cause?
- To what extent do Nigerian safe motherhood professionals
move beyond their traditional roles as technical experts to engage in
political entrepreneurship, proactively and persistently cultivating political
elites who have control over resources and who shape policy priorities?
- How clearly are policy alternatives explained to
these political elites? Are Nigerian obstetricians and gynaecologists confusing
political leaders with competing
maternal mortality reduction proposals conveyed in complex
medical terminology?
- How can the network of professional associations, NGOs, donors and
state organisations concerned with safe motherhood
in the country be tightened to become a unified national political force
and surmount the fragmentation that may presently exist?
To conclude, there is no uniform strategy for generating national-level
political priority for safe motherhood. The four factors I have discussed do
not represent a prescription, but rather a partial explanation for the rise of
safe motherhood on to the Indonesian and Honduran national
agendas, and a starting point for thinking about the issue in other settings. A
critical need in Nigeria and other countries is the development and implementation
of strategic plans not just for the provision of safe motherhood services,
but also for the cultivation of political priority for the cause. By doing
so we may have reason to hope that the maternal mortality objectives of the
Millennium Development Goals will be achieved by the target year of 2015.
1. WHO and UNICEF, 1996, Revised 1990 Estimates of Maternal Mortality,
2. H. Roberts, 2003, Reproductive Health Struggles in Nigeria, The
Lancet 361, 1966.
3. In the passages that follow I draw heavily from two published articles:
J. Shiffman, 2003, Generating Political Will for Safe Motherhood in Indonesia, Social Science & Medicine
56(6), 1197-1207; and J. Shiffman, C. Stanton and A.P. Salazar,
2004, The Emergence of Political Priority for Safe Motherhood in Honduras,
Health Policy and Planning 19(6), 380-390.
4. Numerous scholars of agenda-setting have commented on one or more
of these four factors. I draw from the works of J.L. Walker, 1974,
Performance Gaps, Policy Research, and Political Entrepreneurs: Toward a
Theory of Agenda Setting, Policy Studies Journal 3(1), 112-116; J.W. Doig
and E.C. Hargrove (eds.), 1987, Leadershipand Innovation:
A Biographical Perspective on Entrepreneurs in Government, Baltimore and
London: The Johns Hopkins University Press; J.W. Kingdon, 1984, Agendas,
Alternatives and Public Policies, Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown
and Company; M. Schneider and P. Teske, 1992, Toward a Theory of the Political Entrepreneur:
Evidence from Local Government, American Political Science Review 86(3),
737-747; S.A. Waddock and J.E. Post, 1991, Social Entrepreneurs and Catalytic
Change, Public Administration Review 51(5), 393-401; and T.A.
Birkland, 1997, After Disaster: Agenda Setting, Public Policy, and Focusing
Events, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University
©Women's Health and Action Research Centre 2004