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The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
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Research Article
Association of antioxidant status and inflammatory markers with metabolic syndrome in Thais
Suriyaprom, Kanjana; Kaewprasert, Sarunya; Putpadungwipon, Pumpath; Namjuntra, Pisit; Klongthalay, Suwit
Complementary feeding practices, dietary diversity, and nutrient composition of complementary foods of children 6–24 months old in Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia
Forsido, Sirawdink Fikreyesus; Kiyak, Nejat; Belachew, Tefera; Hensel, Oliver
Comparison of biochemical parameters among DPP4 inhibitor users and other oral hypoglycaemic drug users: a cross-sectional study from Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Rathish, Devarajan; Jayasumana, Channa; Agampodi, Suneth
Comparison of medication adherence between type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who pay for their medications and those who receive it free: a rural Asian experience
Rathish, Devarajan; Hemachandra, Ruvini; Premadasa, Thilini; Ramanayake, Sasini; Rasangika, Chathuri; Roshiban, Ravi; Jayasumana, Channa
Flu vaccination among older persons: study of knowledge and practices
Gazibara, Tatjana; Kovacevic, Nikolina; Kisic-Tepavcevic, Darija; Nurkovic, Selmina; Kurtagic, Ilma; Gazibara, Teodora; Pekmezovic, Tatjana
Coping strategies of families of persons with learning disability in Imo state of Nigeria
Chukwu, Ngozi E.; Okoye, Uzoma O.; Onyeneho, Nkechi G.; Okeibunor, Joseph C.
Association between environmental factors and BMI: evidence from recent immigrants from developing countries
Katare, Bhagyashree; Chakrovorty, Sanchita
Dietary patterns and associated factors of schooling Ghanaian adolescents
Abizari, Abdul-Razak; Ali, Zakari
First-time mothers’ experiences of pregnancy and birth following assisted reproductive technology treatment in Taiwan
Huang, Mei-Zen; Sun, Yi-Chin; Gau, Meei-Ling; Puthussery, Shuby; Kao, Chien-Huei
Milk handling practices and consumption behavior among Borana pastoralists in southern Ethiopia
Amenu, Kebede; Wieland, Barbara; Szonyi, Barbara; Grace, Delia
Utilization of maternal health services and its determinants: a cross-sectional study among women in rural Uttar Pradesh, India
Singh, Ranjana; Neogi, Sutapa B.; Hazra, Avishek; Irani, Laili; Ruducha, Jenny; Ahmad, Danish; Kumar, Sampath; Mann, Neelakshi; Mavalankar, Dileep
Effect of reliable electricity on health facilities, health information, and child and maternal health services utilization: evidence from rural Gujarat, India
Chen, Yvonne Jie; Chindarkar, Namrata; Xiao, Yun
Case Report
Postoperative nutritional support of the patient with gut gangrene—a case report
Imran, Samra; Tanweer, Afifa
Nutritional risk screening—a cross-sectional study in a tertiary pediatric hospital
Tuokkola, J.; Hilpi, J.; Kolho, K-L; Orell, H.; Merras-Salmio, L.
Use and completion of partograph during labour is associated with a reduced incidence of birth asphyxia: a retrospective study at a peri-urban setting in Ghana
Anokye, Reindolf; Acheampong, Enoch; Anokye, Judith; Budu-Ainooson, Amy; Amekudzie, Evelyn; Owusu, Isaac; Gyamfi, Naomi; Akwasi, Agyei Gyimah; Mprah, Wisdom Kwadwo
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